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Thread: Multiple enemy bonus...

  1. #61

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    ok fyakkis have a large vulnerability to spirit but thats about the majority of what we can fight around/above our levls area they shouldent be touched and as an Fyi not everyone has been mega ubber PLing yesturday i typed /played and found out i had been playing my saris for 50 IN game days and im not level 100 i try though i really wanna get up there now adding any of proposed nerfs would hurt/destroy any and all of my chances to get for weaknesses against spirit thats nofing ive seen mages camp mobs through there thousands of stuns now spirit classes really dont get stuns (i think my bloodmage will get a stun at 80 stop blood sounds like a stun) that and you make fyakki tough to spirit they would be a hige waste of server space becuase noone would be able to use em for exp...btw i usually dont bother useing etherial parox lol it doesnt give me enough hps back... punish all for a few powerlevelers....bad idea
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
    Ssafire-lvl 100 Cleric, 100 Bloodmage, 100 Mage, 100 Druid, 90 Monk, Saris
    Safiretalon-lvl 66 dragon adventurer, lvl 32 dragon crafter, lvl 14 dragon lairshaper.
    Guild: Dark Defenders
    Horizons player since: December 21st 2003

  2. #62

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    Just hand everyone 20 levels per day on a platter and be done with it.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    ROFL hand everyone 20 levels the bonus aint that good...then again 20 levels how does that work with multiclassers?
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
    Ssafire-lvl 100 Cleric, 100 Bloodmage, 100 Mage, 100 Druid, 90 Monk, Saris
    Safiretalon-lvl 66 dragon adventurer, lvl 32 dragon crafter, lvl 14 dragon lairshaper.
    Guild: Dark Defenders
    Horizons player since: December 21st 2003

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    Just 20 levels a day? Today I saw a dude taking 14 levels in 15 minutes!

    So I think they would soon complain they are limited in their "fair" options.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    i dont think that would work to well...unless he was craftingthen id easaly belive it but its just hard to belive it is possible in 14lvls in 15minutes and if it is possible peeps thatlow level wouldent be healped by multi bonus cuz the raw exp would cover that alone
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
    Ssafire-lvl 100 Cleric, 100 Bloodmage, 100 Mage, 100 Druid, 90 Monk, Saris
    Safiretalon-lvl 66 dragon adventurer, lvl 32 dragon crafter, lvl 14 dragon lairshaper.
    Guild: Dark Defenders
    Horizons player since: December 21st 2003

  6. #66

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    Its more than possible. I myself witnessed a dragon be powerlvlled from lvl 2 to lvl 17 in LESS than 15 minutes yesterday. That, a grief-killing and other issues linked to ingame attitudes now are what caused me to quit.

    How can *anyone* have pride in their dragon - which after all, is supposed to be a race filled with grace, beauty and above all PRIDE - when they do this. Yet it seems being high lvl, and oh FLYING, is all some care about. That and having a "cute pet"


  7. #67

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    ok good point there specially about the cute pet part...
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
    Ssafire-lvl 100 Cleric, 100 Bloodmage, 100 Mage, 100 Druid, 90 Monk, Saris
    Safiretalon-lvl 66 dragon adventurer, lvl 32 dragon crafter, lvl 14 dragon lairshaper.
    Guild: Dark Defenders
    Horizons player since: December 21st 2003

  8. #68

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    I really hope that the following line will be found in the next patch notes (or something like that):

    - Multiple enemy bonus has been removed untill at better solotion is found!

    I have been reading through the posts in this thread and there is some good solutions, but I think most of them will take to long to implement. I havne´t seen the code, nor do I know how long a simple xp cap on MEB will require, but I do know that the problem is massive right now and need to be resolved very quickly! As someone else mentioned there is other issues in Horizons that need fixing and I do agree on that and thats why I think removing MEB probaly will be the best/fastest solution for now!

    Removing/nerfing specific skills wont help, there is lots of ways to kill a huge group of mobs. I agree that Etheral Paroxysm is one way of achiving this, but there is lots of other ways to do it also, soo do you really want a massive, huge nerf and very time consuming operaton that it would be to adjust these skill/spells/racial ablilities?

    Uping the difficulty of the mobs wont help either, because there is even ways to kill lots of mobs without even being hit (depends on how good you are playing youre character) and maybe the most important part, it will hugely impact soloplay. Adding Vex´ers or other badies to the spawn area will also hurt the soloplayer more than it will slow the massive xp gains from MEB. So it takes me back to the question from before, do you really want a remake of your abilities ?

    The problem is not just in some areas of the game it´s spreading like a disease and atleast on Unity becoming so big an issue that people has left the game in disgust and I know that you will ask me why I care about it, it isnt hurting me, there is no agroo between players, etc. Well it is hurting me when I´m playing along and some butthead comes in the area taking all the mobs on him, not even caring about me or other players/groups in that area, just because they want to powerlevel like a mad (in my book thats very close to grief play?). For sure I can just move to another area and probaly would do so, but why should I be forced too, just because some players dont know how to behave ? It´s also hurting me when good friends/players leaves the game like it has happened in the last few days on Unity! Another thing that is hurting me is the noob players that has been power-leveled and dont know any other thing than standing in the most popular powerleveling spots, spamming/being rude/leech/ you name it. I havent had so many players on ignore in any online game ever and it just seems to be worse with every day that passes by!

    All these issues and for sure more that I havent mentioned could in my opinion be more or less resolved by removing MEB or hugely caping it. I´m not hating MEB, I really think it´s an good idea, but the time it has been ingame has shown that, in it´s current form it isnt working.

    To those of you that are afraid of this "nerf", that it will make it impossible to level anymore. Well, lots of players managed to get multiple clases to level 100 in a time where there was only lvl80 mobs and a repeating lvl60 quest, soo I really think you will be perfectly cabable to level even without MEB, even in a relativly fast pace if thats what you want. Another thing to consider, how many of the old players are here today? Not many and why is that? Because they got bored after reaching a high-rating, soo please tell me how long or how many of these powerleveled players you think will stay in game after they have blasted a few schools to lvl100?

    I do know that nerf are one of the most common reason that players leave a game, but another reason is boredom like I think lots of the new power-leveled chars will reach very soon. I don´t even consider this a nerf, but rather a bug-fix. I´m trying not to get personal here, but some of you in this thread don´t even know how bad this thing is.

    So like I said in the beginning, please do something about MEB very fast, it´s ruining your great game at the moment!

  9. #69

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    multiple 100's in 2 mounths? w/o PLers and multi bonus? now that i dought...the highest active payer that i know of was a level 80 war before the bonus hit in...
    and if its possible maybe you should count the people who sleep, dont use macros, dont ahve multiple people playing the char.
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
    Ssafire-lvl 100 Cleric, 100 Bloodmage, 100 Mage, 100 Druid, 90 Monk, Saris
    Safiretalon-lvl 66 dragon adventurer, lvl 32 dragon crafter, lvl 14 dragon lairshaper.
    Guild: Dark Defenders
    Horizons player since: December 21st 2003

  10. #70

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    Well.. maybe.. okay.

    I wouldn't cry if the multiple bonus was nerfed or modified. Since I have to fight 1-1 most of the times when I hunt at my level.

    What I also do not like (and happened to experience once or twice) were guys running to the Shadow Spiders (WDL) for example and pulling ALL the mobs (same for Ice Isle) and runnning around leaving no mobs for the other players.

    This is bad behaviour. Really.
    -- || knoccest of the tailors. period.
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  11. #71

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    i too hunt on the ice island and its not nice when your stood around waiting for a mob to spawn, which is what happens, it makes the process lengthy and slow, i could however go to trandalar golems and use the meb up there for silly xp, but as a first time 100 player (still not go there) its not a viable thing

    personally i wouldnt mind the meb being removed totally but thats just my thought

    either way soem mobs are far too easy for example i get nice xp from from 3x lvl 77 lava blights i get around 6k per kill and about a further 1k or so for the meb but i should not be able to take on 3x mobs at lvl 78(which is what i was) pally or not

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Earth/Europe now Unity

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    The problem is .. if they change the MEB they will nerv players .. and as we are atm at the age of whining .. ppl will quit because of nervs.

    Its not the bonus itself but easy mobs that allow to pull so large amounts of mobs that the bonus goes up to the sky.
    Icy dires got a patch that did help (a little) as they do more damage now .. same for shadow spiders .. something like this for grey necroflys purp. tarantulas and fyakky has to be done too.
    And a cap for the MEB at max ...maybe 300% of the baseexp of the mob should be no problem to implement too.

    Looking for all types of Tier 4/5 techs!

  13. #73

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    The only people who would be hurt by limiting the MEB to only 10 mobs would be the mass-slaughterers.

  14. #74

    Default Re: Multiple enemy bonus...

    [img]/Web/Themes/Generic/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]Fhrain wrote: So non of you see anything wrong in getting 42k xpfor a single mobat rating 164? Well then its my bad i guess... Oh yah..then again I think that it is wrong for arateing 164 to even get xp from a lv80-100 mob. I know at rateing 100 I sure as heck didnt get xp from a lv36 mob and not much from a lv50... but that's a whole other issue.

    To those that feel there is nothing wrong with the bonus as is...multi-attacker is intended to be a difficulty bonus and if you can wipe out 10-20+ at a time then those mobs are way to easy for you and you don't deserve any kind of difficulty bonus for slaughtering themin mass.

    The bonus has 2 major flaws as I see it:

    1) It doesn't count how many people are attacking it or in the group shareing xp. It seems pretty dumb that a multi-attacker bonus only counts the # of enemies and doesn't consider the inverse [ # of players ]. As I recall when soloing I would generally get about 2x XP from 5 enemies at once [ though w/o AoE so the bonus varied a lot upon in what order andhow fast I killed each ]. Useing that as a base... a group of 10 players should need to fight 50 enemies at once to get 2x XP. If the # of players in group counted it would be a major improvement, but wouldn't prevent the insane xp as there are those who can do it by themselves [ it would probably greatly reduce leeching though ].

    2 ) There is no limit to the bonus. This has resulted in the abuse of poor dim witted beasts that have no ranged attack and are stupid enough to chase a player around in circles[ such as those mentioned by the poster ]. Gathering a group of mobs that would wipe out the party if they were smart enough to attack rather than chase 1 player isn't skill, it's working the system. A cap on the multi-attacker bonus equal to the xp gained for the kill. This would grant up to 2x XP which would keep it as a good incentive to take on groups vs 1 ata time, but would eliminate the ridiculous "round-up and multi-cast" abuse or the even sillier "round-up and run in circles while the team picks 1 at a time off".

    If both of these "fixes" were applied I think that multi-attacker xp would work as intended without being wide openabuse as is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kumu Honua
    The multiple enemy bonus should simply be removed. It was horrible when it was introduced.

    The reasoning behind it was not to encourage grouping, that's what the "Group Bonus" is for. The reason for it was to encourage people to fight those "Grouped" monsters instead of all the single enemies.

    Then again, what do I know, I think difficulty in the game would be good. Trophys should go as well, but that's another thread.
    I would rather see it removed than remain as is though I prefer it to be limited as listed above.

    **off topic
    Removal of trophies? I think it would cooler to have techs:
    1) not require trophies
    2) extremely rare to find t4+ [ so rare that no-one has complete sets ]
    3) added after creation so you may use multiple crafters to get all the techs you desire
    4) in place of trophies, require area specific resources like dahibian silver or requirements such as "bring to wizards tower and bathe the armor in the lava of it's moat", etc..

    just a thought
    er...umm...did you mean xp/coin trophies? As they are in exchange for the loss of Imperial task and don't grant substantially more xp/coin over time spent killing[ but area hell of a lot more convenient ]; the only issue I see is with them being tradeable. Make them untradeable [ except to trophy hunter or pawn broker, both of whom would remove trophy from game not put up for sale ] or tradeable but can only be turned in for xp by the player who looted it.

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