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Thread: Elven Sovereignty in Tazoon ? formerly known as Feladan-in-Exile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
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    Default Elven Sovereignty in Tazoon ? formerly known as Feladan-in-Exile

    All conversations take place to a Dragon and after both the Sobering the troops quest and the Pass to Feladan in Exile quest. If you arenot a dragonor have not done the two quests please take screen shots of any conversations that are different then supplied here and email them too me.

    Protector Fesnick ? Fesnick tells you, ?Welcome to the compound of the Elven Sovereignty of Istaria, once known as Feladan-in-exile. I am a Protector, one who?s sacred duty is to defend our leaders and our people against the Withered Aegis.?

    Protector Honalan
    ? Honolan tells you, ?Hello, friend. Inside this compound is the ruling body of the Elven people. Formerly known as Feladan-in-Exile, it remains our home in spite of the fact that we have reclaimed our city. Over the years many of us grew to like the faster pace of Tazoon, and of the myriad of races here in this great city. If you have business with our leaders, then welcome.?

    Combat Instructor Brilthor
    ? after the Sobering the Troops quest ? Instructor tells you, ?You?ve put a little steel in their spines; I appreciate it. With luck, we might actually survive the next wave with some sober, solemn troops. Silliness has its place, and the battlefield isn?t it.?

    Recruit Traya
    ? after the Sobering the Troops quest ? Traya tells you, ?Shh. Brilthor?s showing me how to defend myself.?

    Recruit Gelrick
    ? after the Sobering the Troops quest ? Gelrick tells you, ?Hi again. Could you please come speak with me some other time? I want to listen to Brilthor.?

    Sparco Ehl?kor
    ? 2/05 ? Ah, hello there! It is a most glorious day, indeed? We have reclaimed our homeland! The elves are returning to Feladan, the forest is regrowing, the Blight is receding. A most glorious time!

    pre-freeing Feladan
    ? Sparco tells you, ?Greetings, my industrious friend! Have you yet heard of our latest project? We, the once-proud Elves, are taking back what is rightfully ours!?

    Sparco tells you, ?Yes, Feladan, the city that was once the shining jewel of southern Aradoth, will at last be cleansed of the Blight?but only if kind souls like yourself do you level best to aid!?

    Sparco tells you, ?Through innovations made by Hepsepa and her team regarding the cleansing of blighted resources, we have discovered a means to filter the Blight from the land ? siphon it, if you will. We plan to do so through use of these machines.?

    Sparco tells you, ?This is, of course, where we need your help. Our forces, while formidable, are scattered, working on a variety of tasks for the Empire. Should you come across one of the machines, please help finish it; Feladan being free will be a boon to us all, not only Elvenkind.

    Protector Tian
    ? after Pass to Feladan-in-Exile quest ? Tian tells you, ?So you have a pass? That?s good. Things are so uptight here, you know? "do you have permission" this and "that?s above our clearance" that. They say it?s all for the best, though, and I believe it. With the training we go through, the Elves are the finest troops you?ll find in Istaria! We?ll withstand the Withered Aegis this time, I?m sure of it!?

    Tian tells you, ?Well, we lost our city once, but we won?t let it happen again? The Withered Aegis can?t come through our defenses all the way here! ?can they??

    Protector Maika ? Maika tells you, ?They say it?s darkest before the dawn; I?m not sure "they" took into account the possibility of eternal night. Oh, I try not worry Tian ? he?s young, green, and incredibly naive ? but I?m not so sure we?re going to come out of this one all right. Have you seen the state of the Frontier??

    Maika tells you, ?I don?t know much, myself; all I hear around here are murmurs of undead hordes ambushing wayward explorers. I tried to be stationed out there, but they claimed I was a liability due to my stiff left leg. So here I stand, guarding the rest of the Elves while they hide like frightened rabbits in their warren. I should be out on the front lines, ******** it all??

    Seneschal Allambe Sulean ? after the Feladan-in-Exile pass quest ? Allambe tells you, ?Does it look like I?m wasting time watching the dust motes dance? I?m busy! The Elven people are in a difficult situation right now. With our homeland recently reclaimed, our ranks are vastly reduced, there?s little else we can do right now but attempt to rebuild the best we can here in Tazoon and back in Feladan. We don?t plan on making the same mistake twice.?

    Protector Leandres
    ? Leandres tells you, ?All day long, I list to Olkeyr go on and on about the fall of Feladan. Doddering fool. He thinks we?re going to be wiped out. But he fails to realize that we have reclaimed our home ? after so many years of exile. If he could only open his rheumy eyes and see the elite force that the Elven Army, and the Gifted, have become, he?d have no cause to worry. The Withered Aegis will fall like grain before the scythe when we attack. Mark my words, my friend.?

    Veteran Olkeyr
    ? Olkeyr tells you, ?You! Who are you? A fresh face around here, eh? Be careful how you step around here, and out there in the world. There is a dread force on the horizon, awaiting to pounce and cover the land in its twisted malignancy. You would do well to listen to me? for I, I was there at the fall of Feladan. Not this hovel, but the true Feladan, a city that was once the jewel of Feladan Forest. Her walls were bright and her people content. Those were the good times, before the Withered Aegis attacked. Sure, we have reclaimed our city and forests, but its not the same? It will never be the same again.?

    Olkeyr tells you, ?Like an unending sea of risen flesh and bone they came, surging through the woods. We were no fools, even back then, and our watch caught sight of them. We were not so strict, then, but we still had a splendid army who were passionate about defending their land! Together we formed up and marched out to meet the dread foe, and we crashed against them in shrieks of pain and steel. Fighting against evil is through of as a righteous cause, my friend, and the tales of it are normally quite idealistic ? the reality is far, far worse??

    Olkeyr tells you, ?It was a massacre. We fought fiercely with the aid of the Humans ? oh, they paid dearly for every spot of ground they gained. But gain they did, slowly, inexorably, until we found ourselves badly outnumbered. The city was being torn apart before our eyes. It slowly sank in ? we had lost our precious jewel. The retreat sounded over the cacophony, and we, the few Elves left, fled northwest through the forest. Our weary feet trudged over land already sickening with the Withered Aegis? touch. We lived, yes, but at terrible cost? and Feladan, our precious Feladan, was lost to us for many years.?

    Olkeyr tells you, ?Listen to me. Do no underestimate this foul foe. They are mighty, and grow stronger every day. Once, losing our Feladan was unthinkable ? and then it happened. There are some here who believe the same could never happen to Tazoon, but they, too, would benefit from a history lesson. ?Go now, please. Protect yourself and those you care fore, and always keep an eye on the malevolence lying in wait to the East.??

    Gliding Frost
    Dark Defenders
    Adult May 16, 2004
    Ancient October 2005

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Search for hoard, must find hoard!

    Default Re: Elven Sovereignty in Tazoon ? formerly known as Feladan-in-Exile

    updated Sparco conversation
    Gliding Frost
    Dark Defenders
    Adult May 16, 2004
    Ancient October 2005

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