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Thread: Monk Ability Ideas

  1. #1

    Default Monk Ability Ideas

    I had some idea's for abilities I thought i would sahre, Maybe AE can adopt them or a variation of them as questable and class abilities (during the fabled rebalance)

    Tiger Claw
    Recycle: 10seconds
    Duration: Until Death or debuffed
    Effect: Converts Damage to slash
    Description: The user changes their fighing style to use sweeping tiger like strikes on their opponent.

    Increase to unarmed skill per tier
    Effect: Passive boost to unarmedper tier
    Description: Increases unarmed skill

    Rapid attack
    Effect: one extra attack
    Description: You learn how to use more than one limb

    Any one else have other ideas?
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  2. #2

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    sacrifice (one shot)
    Recycle: 10 min
    Duration: one hit
    Effect: Converts monk health to damage
    Description: The user uses its internal life to inflict damage
    sacrifice I (lvl 25) : -500 life, +750 damage
    sacrifice II (lvl 50) : -1000 life, +1500 damage
    sacrifice III (lvl 75) : -1500 life, +2250 damage
    sacrifice IV (lvl 100) : -2000 life, +3000 damage

  3. #3

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    Sounds good except -2000 life would kill a monk without tps/buffs/health jewel.
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  4. #4

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    yes, I agree.

    but 3000 damage may save the group

    sacrifice [;)]

    But sure this idea should be heavely tuned before being send on live servers.

    sprd 89, shaman 76, healer 21, monk 9, warrior 2
    alchy 53, blk 55, fitter 40

  5. #5

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    Indeed it would be nifty
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  6. #6

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    >Remove Iron body and turn it into a line and make it passive
    >Bronze, Iron, Steel, Cobalt, Mithril, Adamantium
    >Effect: Increases armour by each tier perhaps adds some resists
    >Description: Due to constant training of body your skin has become harder akin to..

    I especially like this idea. Would be same as the druid-line.

    What i have in mind since i choosed to follow the path of the monk:

    Ability: Di-Mak (The deadly blow), gained at lvl (somewhere from 80 to 100)
    Effect: Does direct damage with surpassing all evasion or armor of the opponent.
    Has a certain chance of instantly killing the opponent with this one strike.
    (Percentage maybe depending on how much the levels differ. Same level -
    25% Chance, every2 levels above or lower ->1%higher/lower chance.)
    Description: As the monk has learned to use the power of his bare hands, he also has
    become expert in knowing_where_ to hit his opponent.
    Timer: 20 or 30 minutes

  7. #7

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    Recycle: 5 min
    Duration: 1 min
    Effect: hitting every monters in range with normal damage
    Description: The monk transforms in a hurricane hitting several time per round. Each mob in range is hit one time per round. Dodge improved by 20%, UA reduced by 20 %
    gained at lvl 102

    Nota : I am not sure if melee flurry should be stackable (need to to be tuned).

    "Hey I saw a blue tornado last night !" : a spirit disciple in spirit form, with etheral paroxysm activ, turning on himself as a Dervish. When he hit Melee flurry all mobs surrounding him where expulsed form the circle ...

    "Hey I saw a red tornado last night !" : a flame disciple ...

    "Hey I saw a white tornado last night !" : a ice disciple ...

    "Hey I saw a green tornado last night !" : a storm disciple ...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    Hurricane sounds good.

    Disciple self buff to convert their damage to their magic type for a period

    Flame -> Firey Fists
    Ice -> Ice fists
    Storm -> Nature fists
    Spirit -> Etheral Fists

    Self buff only
    20 sec recycle
    Active until death or removed by player

    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  9. #9

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    I just want firestorm to work like a finished spell ((IE: Having ACTUAL animations, does decent damage, not like that of a f*dwda tier I spell, etc...))

  10. #10

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    Hardened Body
    Description: Due to their intense training the users body has become inherintly more resiliant to physical attack
    Hardened body -10% damage reduction on all Melee attacks
    Improved Hardened body - 20% damage reduction on all Melee attacks
    Master Hardened body - 30% damage reduction on all Melee attacks
    Not masterable

    Strong Will
    Description: Due to their intense training of their mind as well as their body monks and disciples gain resistance to attacks on the mind
    Effect: Immunity to mind spells
    Not masterable

    Counter attack
    Description: You have learnt the ability to counter all attacks from your current opponent
    Duration: Until death
    Recycle: 5 sec
    Effect: Every time you are hit by the engaged opponent you return a hit outside your normal attacks (basically a single opponent damage shield for melee damage)

    Just some more ideas
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  11. #11

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    double and tripple attack .. passive

  12. #12

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    These are really cool, I like the ideas.

    There might be a while line of styles. For instance, Tiger claw for slash, and maybe Snake Fist (or name it something not real like Fang Style) for pierce.

    As for the ability to conver damage types for Disciples that's great, one suggestion, Spirit Disciples should be Spirit Fists, the word 'Ethereal' refers usually to that special type of damage though there seems to be some confusion even in the spells and such in game.

    Also to add some more flavour with our current system , perhaps have our attacks do different damages based on stance or style. For example maybe have some of the Chains do more damage in Blue stance vs red, vs green. So far only Crit and Smash seem to care.

    It would help give us a very 'active' play style. No longer just sitting there on auto attack or, hitting the 'chain' button.


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  13. #13

    Default Re: Monk Ability Ideas

    I like the idea of different stances affecting different chains that would definately lead to more active play.

    What about different chains being altered if tiger claw or "Snake Fist" (maybe viper strike) is active?

    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

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