Amon, the timeline in the strategy guide does not say when Draak fell to the WA. It also doesn't say when the age of lamentations started - it's somewhere between 300 years ago and 30 years ago, that's a big chunk of time.

For those who don't have that mostly worthless.... *cough* er.... book, here's the timeline:

Age of the Gods: Approx 2000+ years ago
Founding of Jarl
War of the Gods
Destruction of Jarl
Exile of Istaria's dieties from the prime

Age of the Dragon: Approx 1000 years ago
Founding of Dralk
Founding of Tazoon

Age of the Warrior-King: Approx 600 years ago
Ashlander Vandus unifies the humans
The Great Schism
Founding of Dalimond

Age of the Sorcerer: Approx 300 years ago
Rise of Torrin Macalir
Human CMI War
Birth of the Fiends; Founding of Kirasanct
Torrin Macalir's exile; Creation of the WA

Age of Lamentations:
WA begins the Lament
Tazoon independence
Fall of Rachival - 30 years ago
Fall of Feladan - 25 years ago
The Ritual of Life Everlasting completed
Siege of Aughundell
Battle of Tazoon - 10 years ago

Age of Adventure: Present day
Peace accords
Founding of Spirit Isle
Fiends uncover a Portal of Might

Cobal, the book says a little about the peace accords:
"This document, signed in Tazoon by the leaders of every Living Race, is essentially a non-aggression treaty between the races. It also officially makes the Vandus March surrounding Tazoon, as well as the city itself, a demilitarized zone for all races. While Tazoon has been for many years a free city outside the scope of any race (including the city's founding humans), this document formalizes Tazoon's independance from any existing race or government."

So there you are, although I don't know if we can consider the lore in the strat guide as official. So much of the info in that book is wrong or out of date. :P