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Thread: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

  1. #81
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    I had 2 favs.

    On the OLD Atari console: Adventure. Before I took the chalice into the castle, I'd always go around collecting things in the castle. The bridge, the keys, the weapon, the dead dragons (YES, the dead dragons! Grab the bat and keep taking it back and forth across the corpse until it picked up and make sure you had something in your vault the bat would grab. At some point, the bat will let go of the corpse). If I remember, you can even lock the poor bat IN the room.

    On the Commodore 64/128, Temple of Apshai Trilogy. I liked the one region where you had to face the basilisk (or get around it without dying) and you picked up the most profitable treasure. It was 10,250 in price. When you got back and sold it, the music was much different than you had before (I do wish there was a way to hack the sound from it). Of course, if you died, your character fell to pieces in a pile.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  2. #82

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    I enjoyed Adventure on the Atari 2600 also. The "Superman" game was good also, as was Activision's RiverRaid, and missle command andasteroids. The 2600 console was a lot of fun.

    Probably my all time favorite computer game was Bradley's Wizardry series that started on the Apple II platform. I played ProvingGround of the Mad Overlord more hours than I care to try to recall. The original Castle Wolfenstein on the Apple was a blast, literally, also.The King's Quest series was very good and I always enjoyed Zork. Myst is a great game also. Ahhh...the memories.

    On another note, Horizons has kept me off of my PS2 for quite a while now. [:)]
    Drasdil Redin
    100 Paladin
    Order Shard

  3. #83
    Zideon Locke

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    You know I know this isnt that old of a game but I still play Lords of the Realm 2 like every friday night. Too bad they screwed it up so badly on the third version.

  4. #84
    Join Date
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    In a skylair, high above the clouds

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    Altair/Pertec days: Star Trek
    Apple ][ days: Loderunner
    Vic 20 /C64 days: Telengard
    Early PC days: HHGTTG, Adventure (plugh!)
    Early PC graphics days: Starflight I & II, Wing Commander series
    Recent PC days: Deus Ex, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, Septerra Core, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, Serious Sam 1 & 2, quite a few others.
    Atari: Adventure (2600), Starbase Hyperion (400/800/1200)
    Amiga: The Faery Tale Adventure, Legend (Path?) of the Beast

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  5. #85

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    The real oldie I loved and miss is something I had for C64 on tape still, was called Ricochet. Some soap like shape you moved 2D around with a ball that never was allowed to hit the ground and bricks above to hit and destroy by it.
    No idea how many joysticks I broke on that one. :P

    Horizons Empire

  6. #86

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae

    *giggles* ugg..text adventures...

    I remember playing a few, and then getting really fed up with the games because I would get to a point where I'd either be 1-hopelessly lost or 2-hopelessly trapped.

    "You are in a dark room, there is a chest on the floor and a door to your west"

    >open chest

    "you are not at the chest"

    >Walk to chest

    "that is not a command"

    >Forward, Forward

    "you are at the chest"

    >Open Chest

    "The chest is locked"

    >unlock chest

    "that is not a command"

    >Use Key

    "use key on what?"

    >Use key on chest

    "you cannot use that here"

    >Use sword on chest

    "You cannot use that here"

    >KICK THE #*#&@(#*&@ CHEST

    "You cannot kick that here"


    "That is not a command"

    ...that also happened when I stood in front of doors...

    "Open door"

    "You cannot open the door"

    "Use Key on Door"

    "You cannot use that here"


    "That is not a command"...
    I had one of those too, I hated it, spend so much time but it was so illogical and so few key words, no idea how often I died in that stupid cave before I cut that 5 1/4" disk in pieces ... :P

    Horizons Empire

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In a skylair, high above the clouds

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    Blah.. half the fun of text adventures was learning the UI dialogue.

    Usually, it was pretty tame and consistent. However, Infocom's HHGTTG was maddening, as it capitalized on horrible UI inconsistencies.

    Anyone remember "Hold tea and no tea."? [:P]

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  8. #88

    Default Re: All-Time Favorite Oldie Game?

    Archon II - C64
    Impossible Mission - C64
    Star Control II - PC/3D0
    Legend of Zelda -SNES

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