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Thread: Death to the Vielo! (and why it should happen.)

  1. #81

    Default Re: Death to the Vielo! (and why it should happen.)

    Ok the uncalled for posts have been removed, let's keep attacks out of this, it doesn't matter if the attack is aimed at an individual or an entire guild, these forums aren't the place for it.

    Now back to your original viewing... [:)]

  2. #82

    Default Re: Death to the Vielo! (and why it should happen.)

    Thank you for not deleting the entire thread, Entilzah. [:D]
    Much appreciated.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  3. #83

    Default Re: Death to the Vielo! (and why it should happen.)

    There seem to be some faulty assumptions. In reality, the Vielo have two influences on the economy:

    1. Vielo keep prices DOWN. Yes down. Because anyone who prices something above what the Vielo charge will find his customers going to the Vielo. Because Vielo prices are so high they don't keep prices very far down, but their only effect on prices is to act as a maximum price. As long as people are smart shoppers, no one will pay more for an item at the consigner then they would have to pay for the same item from the Vielo. People may be lazy and not want to CHECK all the consigners, but then we have to ask why that is. If it's because of the memory leak (you can't visit nearly all the main consigners before you have to log) then that indicates another problem and possibly another solution such as a central place in-game to see what's on all the consigners.

    2. They give players a way of obtaining items which are hardor IMPOSSIBLE to get. As long as there areitems which are hard or impossible to get (and it doesn't matter if they're hard to get because they don't drop, or they drop off of a mob which many people cannot kill)thenwe need the Vielo.

    I just bought forms for expert gemworking, metal bars, and stone bricks simply because, after searching for a day, I could find none on any consigner. Vielo were my absolute last choice, but at least they were there when I couldn't get those formulas any other way.

    Yes some people may price something just a shade under what the Vielo charge, but, if the economy is healthy, someone else will just come along and price it a bit lower still. As the price is driven down, more and more people will be willing to buy the item, until an equilibrium is reached between supply and demand.

    If you want to pay exorbatant prices from the Vielo when you might be able to get a much better price on the consigner, that's your business, but you're paying (and possibly paying a lot) for the convenience of one stop shopping.

    If they want to make this more effecient, then provide an in-game way of seeing what's on all the consigners. This is particularly important since the memory leak makes it VERY hard to actually visit all the consigners. By the time you have, you need to relog. It appears that has a listing of what's on the consigners, the main shortcoming is it isn't available in-game.

  4. #84

    Default Re: Death to the Vielo! (and why it should happen.)

    Actually, ( to return to the thread topic ) as it stands today, with so many forms and techs showing up on consigners, or being dumped on pawn, the saturation points looks like its being reached.

    Soon, the Vielo will only be used for fast access to comps. When the comp drop rate is increased, and players again start selling the excess, the need for the Vielo will naturally end.

    I'm looking forwad to that day. ;)
    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  5. #85

    Default Re: Death to the Vielo! (and why it should happen.)

    I'm looking forward to that day also, but I do think the Vielo need to stay simply because they provide an effective price control on forms & comps. I also like the 'added convenience for added cost' option for those times when you absolutly, positivly have to have a comp ***NOW***.

    So, I don't want them to be gone. I want them to be unnecessary.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  6. #86

    Default Re: Death to the Vielo! (and why it should happen.)

    The Vielo are thieves! 927s for Expert Alchemist Dye?

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