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Thread: Dragon Riding

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    just using that as an example Jazzi
    Playing since release.
    4th to complete RoP.
    Purely Lunus.
    Dragor Firestrike - (Nobody to play with.)

  2. #22

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Ok now that you are all done bickering about it....I will put in my 1 copper on this dragon riding concept. My dragon has these very sharp scales all up and down her spine (including the neck) That protrude at an angle that would make a biped very sorry for jumping up on my back or neck to begin with /smirk All you need is to look at my pic here to see what I mean.

    Having stated the obvious already. I too agree that the carry in the claw would be a good idea as well as the dragons choice to initiate.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Another thing to think about that most bipeds are of an ok size, excluding dryads and gnomes/dwarves. It would be pretty hard for an adult dragon to lift something that size, if you want to be picky and technical, which the ridge thing is too.

    I think it would make sense if only ancient dragons could carry bipeds, and in their claws.

    "I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it. "Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

  4. #24

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    [:P] Bipeds riding around in a dragon's mouth like puppies sounds like a trip!
    This would be an awesome feature. Hope they seriously consider it.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    I would have no problem carrying a biped.... in my stomach. I hear they are very good with a sauce they invented called BBQ. [:P]

  6. #26

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    The problem would be the initiation of the ride. (in my opinion anyway).
    The most probable would be the dragon asks for someone to ride them/vice versa. But who chooses when the biped dismounts?
    If its up to the biped, he can just stay on the dragons back for as long as he wants, and just piss off the dragon.
    If its up to the dragon, i expect to see more people ending up in lava pools or remote locations.
    If the option to dismount had to be agreed to by both, then either of the above could happen.
    I suppose if it could be used by either - bipeds would be kicked off before they could annoy, and if a dragon started flying way in the wrong direction - then the biped could sorta leap off. How bipeds survive long long long falls without breaking something is beyond me =)
    Oh...there you go i answered my own question ;)
    Tchyrizel; Adult Dragon
    Follower of the Lunus path
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    52 adv / 35 cra

  7. #27

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Mounting must be initiated by one of the team and approved by the other.
    Easy enough [:)]
    Dismounting only can happen when standing on ground, and both may decide to part without approval.
    If the biped wants to leave but the dragon does not want to land recalling is an option.
    I don't know if dragons can recall while flying, but it should be ok not to recall when taking a fellow for a ride.


  8. #28

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    I do hope though that if mounting is put it game, the rider automatically get all of their abilities disabled for the duration of the flight.
    Dragon Lairs: Istaria's ghetto

  9. #29

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Bite, THEN think...

    Quote Originally Posted by GreenEyedDragoness
    [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img] Bipeds riding around in a dragon's mouth like puppies sounds like a trip!
    This would be an awesome feature. Hope they seriously consider it.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Quote Originally Posted by Rainspider
    The problem that i see with this, is that we as dragons would always be asked to be a taxi for everyone, yes i think it would be nice sometimes too instead of waiting for your guid members to run there, just be able to carry them. I can just see it now "hey can you take me here?" Would get old really fast for the dragons.
    Once the newness wears off I don't think this would be a huge problem. Dragons can't fly any faster then a biped can run and, as others have pointed out, there are very few places reachable by dragons but not bipeds. It was a problem in EQ1 for druids and wizards because they could move you MUCH faster then any other mode of transport. That isn't the case here. In HZ if you want to get somewhere fast you don't ask for a ride, you head for the nearest portal. Dragon riding isn't going to change that.

    In response to some other comments made in this thread I for one do not find it degrading. Read the Pern novels by Ann McCaffry. Do those dragons seem degraded? Doesn't look it to me.

    If some dragons don't like it then fine. Nobody says they have to give anyone rides. Even though I'm Lunus I wouldstep out of character for this and give some bipeds I know rides if they want them. If you don't want to take part that's your loss.

    I see nothing wrong with the dragon or the biped on the dragonbeing able to use all their normal abilities while on the ground with a few exceptions where they make sense -- bipeds shouldn't be allowed to kick for example. Also, they may want to prohibit the biped from doing anything if the dragon is doing one of the more active maneuvers such as tail whip or maybe even breath of fire since it requires the dragon to rear up on his hind legs. Seems like if the dragon is doing a tail whip the biped should be concentrating on just staying on.

    In fact I think TG should encouragefighting on dragonbackbecause it promotes tight teams. When biped is mounted, treat any dragon movement as if the biped were moving. If the dragon is moving then the biped can't cast any spells he couldn't cast while moving. When in the air the biped can't do anything more then what the dragon can do in the air which means the biped can't do much. The biped can't recall either since dragons can't recall while in the air.

    Obviously the dragon would have to invite the biped to mount and the biped would have to accept. It's initiated by the dragon. They should probably be required to be grouped. Once mounted the biped can get off anytime (if he chooses to jump off over the ocean that's his business) but the dragon can't kick the biped off until he lands. Dragon decides where to go, when to take flight etc. When it comes to movement the biped has no say while mounted. If the dragon goes linkdead the biped automatically recalls. Therefore, in a dragon-dragonrider team, the dragon would definately have the dominant position. If any bipeds don't want to let themselves be taken wherever the dragon wants to go they don't have to mount.

    I think asking the devs to go to the extra effort of allowing dragons to also be able to carry bipeds in their teeth or claws just because of a perceived ego issue is going too far. If you have such an ego problem that you can't stand the idea of a biped on your backdon't invite a biped to ride. If you're carrying the biped in your mouth or claws neither one of you is going to be able to fight whereasif it's on your back you both ought to be able to fight.

    In fact, encouraging such tight two player combat teams could turn out to be one of the biggest benefits of dragon riding. They should make it so that such a team CAN fight extremely effectively, but they'll have to practice it. I don't mean more skills or schools but just plain old communication and knowing instinctively what the other is about to do or needs to do without having to type a lot of words in the middle of combat. For example,the players willhave to figure ways for the dragon to know quickly when the biped needs him to stop moving so he can cast a spell, when the dragon should take to the air, etc. Likewise, if the dragon is going to stand and fight a horde of mobs the biped may need to know that. They just need to work together a long time so they can work as a team.

  11. #31


    It's amazing how this kind of thing always manages to spark conflict.

    Frankly while I don't think there was a point to anyone getting so fired up over it, I do agree the idea of a dragon letting someone ride on its back doesn't line up with the game's lore at all. So really, all matters of ego aside, it'd be a fundemental concept-flaw.

    As for the carrying thing, I could see that, definetly.

    And on the topic of the ability being abused? Easy solved. In addition to the /grab /drop basic functions (which would seem to me the simplest method for it), add a "/throw"


  12. #32
    Carsia Wolfsong


    I think it would be a wonderful idea for Bipeds to ride dragons not because of the advantage of taking them places or using them as taxies.. But to try and help them to one destination to another.. If Dryads can't fly like dragons can then why wouldn't it be a problem to let them.. Though.. In taking control of the trip. They dragon would have the full advantage of taking that bipeds towards their destination without having the bipeds controling the ride. Dragons would have full control into themselves in to trasport someone to that spot though.... A best way to make money aswell.. Taxie for their price to pay... No money.. No service. Ferther more I beleave that everyone should beable to reach their desteny through that power of flight to help eachother.. Though with the war of Both Lunus and Helain fighting among this fact of having the bipeds ride us. The Lunus disagrees in the matter because of feeling like cattle to beable to be controled in the situation and that matters of arguments among flights.. Though if both parties work together to try and come up with a good salution to solving matters in rideing.. I beleave even though the Lunus don't in riding a dragon.. I see no harm in helping bipeds in need of destination. But... That is me.

  13. #33


    I think I may have the answer for dragon riding.

    Last edited by Mimir; May 9th, 2006 at 12:35 PM.

  14. #34


    Ah yes, thats the way to do it! *Realy big grin*

  15. #35
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Quote Originally Posted by Goriax View Post
    Once the newness wears off I don't think this would be a huge problem. Dragons can't fly any faster then a biped can run and, as others have pointed out, there are very few places reachable by dragons but not bipeds. It was a problem in EQ1 for druids and wizards because they could move you MUCH faster then any other mode of transport. That isn't the case here. In HZ if you want to get somewhere fast you don't ask for a ride, you head for the nearest portal. Dragon riding isn't going to change that.

    In response to some other comments made in this thread I for one do not find it degrading. Read the Pern novels by Ann McCaffry. Do those dragons seem degraded? Doesn't look it to me.

    If some dragons don't like it then fine. Nobody says they have to give anyone rides. Even though I'm Lunus I wouldstep out of character for this and give some bipeds I know rides if they want them. If you don't want to take part that's your loss.

    I see nothing wrong with the dragon or the biped on the dragonbeing able to use all their normal abilities while on the ground with a few exceptions where they make sense -- bipeds shouldn't be allowed to kick for example. Also, they may want to prohibit the biped from doing anything if the dragon is doing one of the more active maneuvers such as tail whip or maybe even breath of fire since it requires the dragon to rear up on his hind legs. Seems like if the dragon is doing a tail whip the biped should be concentrating on just staying on.

    In fact I think TG should encouragefighting on dragonbackbecause it promotes tight teams. When biped is mounted, treat any dragon movement as if the biped were moving. If the dragon is moving then the biped can't cast any spells he couldn't cast while moving. When in the air the biped can't do anything more then what the dragon can do in the air which means the biped can't do much. The biped can't recall either since dragons can't recall while in the air.

    Obviously the dragon would have to invite the biped to mount and the biped would have to accept. It's initiated by the dragon. They should probably be required to be grouped. Once mounted the biped can get off anytime (if he chooses to jump off over the ocean that's his business) but the dragon can't kick the biped off until he lands. Dragon decides where to go, when to take flight etc. When it comes to movement the biped has no say while mounted. If the dragon goes linkdead the biped automatically recalls. Therefore, in a dragon-dragonrider team, the dragon would definately have the dominant position. If any bipeds don't want to let themselves be taken wherever the dragon wants to go they don't have to mount.

    I think asking the devs to go to the extra effort of allowing dragons to also be able to carry bipeds in their teeth or claws just because of a perceived ego issue is going too far. If you have such an ego problem that you can't stand the idea of a biped on your backdon't invite a biped to ride. If you're carrying the biped in your mouth or claws neither one of you is going to be able to fight whereasif it's on your back you both ought to be able to fight.

    In fact, encouraging such tight two player combat teams could turn out to be one of the biggest benefits of dragon riding. They should make it so that such a team CAN fight extremely effectively, but they'll have to practice it. I don't mean more skills or schools but just plain old communication and knowing instinctively what the other is about to do or needs to do without having to type a lot of words in the middle of combat. For example,the players willhave to figure ways for the dragon to know quickly when the biped needs him to stop moving so he can cast a spell, when the dragon should take to the air, etc. Likewise, if the dragon is going to stand and fight a horde of mobs the biped may need to know that. They just need to work together a long time so they can work as a team.
    Your absolutley right this would change the lore a little as in we all know that is if Bi-peds don't understand things, they fear it, and when bi-peds fear things, they destroy it, allowing bi-peds to be carried will change their out look on dragons, almost surely for the better, maybe even preventing war with the dragons, and seriously, otherwise it would be inevitable. look on it IC there's too many and they have their technologies, it would be a massecre. inflated egos only end up in a quicker death.

    that's my 2C's

  16. #36
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    so basically you are saying that one player race is to submit to subjacation and enslavement now because it is inevideable that it will be so? as both a biped and a dragon player, i find that so insulting on so many levels that i can't articulate my thoughts. all i can say is that sort of thing is not welcome and would not be tolerated on blight, under any circumstances, while i played. what you do on your shard is, of course, your bizniz.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  17. #37
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    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    ok back out of Character. this is JUST for our Convienince if you don't want to carry a bi-ped DON'T! it's that simple.

  18. #38
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    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkman007 View Post
    ok back out of Character. this is JUST for our Convienince if you don't want to carry a bi-ped DON'T! it's that simple.
    A biped runs faster around a mountain then my ancient dragon can fly over it. And a dragon had to run 30 levels of his life before being allowed to fly only to be subjugated by a biped 5% of his size?
    Not to mention that Dralk would be highly defendable after the incoming portal pad was disabled so let the bipeds come.

    (btw this has been spoken of for soo many times and even Amon states at the start of the thread that it is not currently possible due to technical reasons and I doubt the engine has changed in the meantime. So why resurrect an ancient thread like this?)
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  19. #39

    Default Re: Dragon Riding

    Hey, if I could play my dragon character again, I wouldn't mind carrying people around! Just so long as they don't do something like, jump on my back out of no where and say "Carry me to that mountain or I'll send you back to your shrine!"
    Part of the awesomeness of a dragon is that they're so big and strong, they can carry the other species on their back. Shucks, even in RL, when we both were younger I enjoyed carrying my little sister on my back!

  20. #40

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