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Thread: Update on Blight today

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Just realised this still said Ice....oopsie

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    I'm not even going to try and comment about quests vs tasks so....

    *hugs Amon again*

    PS I like quests in HZ atm. Some more than others of course...RoP was my fav, I did that when it was first released, loads of fun and friends. Not much sleep though....[:P]
    Give Unity the support it deserves!

  2. #122

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    you guys are questioning the coding of this stuff...i don't get it.

    i understand how a quest works, or coded, you don't have to constantly swing the eternal sunshine.

    geezuz, it's about fun, excitement, trial, danger, reward, and so on. not friggin step by step of

    it isn't.

    most quests in HZ aren't exciting, rewarding or anywhere dangerous. unless you portal alot.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    Not denying that most quests in HZ aren't exciting...

    Just pointing out that it is how the framework of a quest is hung that makes it fun, not the bones. If Tulga would add more lore, interesting dialogue, dangerous fights/areas, interesting loot and randomness on the framework of "Talk to him, go to there, kill them, loot that, talk to her, recieve this" then there would be no problem...

    The problem isn't the objective of the quest...

    The problem is how the quest is presented...
    Death is the ultimate dilemma and integral to the beliefs and behavior of every culture. Life is bore on the corpses of the dead. Without death, there would be no motivation to do anything. The only emotion would be existing. Life would be pestilent and agonizing.

    Ssilmath Torshak
    Paladin of Kass, Master Armorsmith

  4. #124

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    have you ever been on a quest that takes 5 hours?

    not talking about 5 hours of running around, either.

    hours of intensity, either sneaking or fighting. a quest that at times one person in the party will say "i'll distract them, you guys go for it. good luck".

    a quest where you start with 10 and end up with 3 at the end, not knowing how long you'll last but you keep pushing, and got split up, and got back together, and move onward..

    a quest don't neccessarily require dialogue. there shouldn't have to be some guy giving a quest to you. it could be hearsay from some NPC, or patchnotes and so on. the quest, is for the players to achieve that goal, whatever it is. something is out there, now you must get to it.

    and even if, after a year, of many who have done it, they still find it challenging, and would love to do it all over again.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    Sounds like a great quest Phillip...

    Now, write it for me...sit down and come up with a long quest, that is origional, has everything you want, can be repeated by thousands of people and still be rewarding to them all (Seems pointless to have hundereds of people running around with "The sword of eternal light") is in the lore of the gameand acheivable by the game engine...Don't leave out any details whatsoever, needs coordinates, a way to let the players know about it, hints to get them there, mobs that are in the area, bosses, rewards, choices, things that will make it difficult to a group of ten normal (Let's say2 level 100 classes) players, acheivable by a group of 10 with only a single level 100 class and next toimpossible for an uber player to solo...

    When doing this, keep in mind that anybody should be able to do this quest...not just the ten people who heard about it from a one time NPC and kept the knowlege to themselves, or something in patch notes saying "Somewhere in Istaria there is a great quest, but we won't tell you where or even how to get it"...Every quest has to start with a hook that can be followed to the destination...

    So please, write this for me Phillip...and tell me how long it takes you to figure out all of these details...And of course, realize that as soon as one group finishes this quest they will tell their friends how to do the quest faster, maybe post a strategy guide...If it takes you 7 hours, cool, but that is 7 hours of work to keep people happy for a few days...I'd wager more like a few days, a few days that you could be working on things like fixing the game engine or adding low level content...

    Obviously you didn't read my post on quests, so go back and check it out...It might be enlightening, you may think it is a load of bull...but quests take time, and your epic quest isn't so epic after's just another series of tasks hung with dialogue and lore to make it seem epic...
    Death is the ultimate dilemma and integral to the beliefs and behavior of every culture. Life is bore on the corpses of the dead. Without death, there would be no motivation to do anything. The only emotion would be existing. Life would be pestilent and agonizing.

    Ssilmath Torshak
    Paladin of Kass, Master Armorsmith

  6. #126

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    "Now, write it for me...sit down and come up with a long quest, that is origional, has everything you want, can be repeated by thousands of people and still be rewarding to them all (Seems pointless to have hundereds of people running around with "The sword of eternal light") is in the lore of the gameand acheivable by the game engine...Don't leave out any details whatsoever, needs coordinates, a way to let the players know about it, hints to get them there, mobs that are in the area, bosses, rewards, choices, things that will make it difficult to a group of ten normal (Let's say2 level 100 classes) players, acheivable by a group of 10 with only a single level 100 class and next toimpossible for an uber player to solo..."

    first, why should i write this quest? i'm not a dev. second, the idea isn't one single weapon or some shiete from the quest, but rather random loot ranging from a hat to a ring. third, you don't need a way to spread information about it. sooner or later someone will stumble onto it. that is the fun part. this shouldn't be like summer camp for eternal geektards.

    "When doing this, keep in mind that anybody should be able to do this quest...not just the ten people who heard about it from a one time NPC and kept the knowlege to themselves, or something in patch notes saying "Somewhere in Istaria there is a great quest, but we won't tell you where or even how to get it"...Every quest has to start with a hook that can be followed to the destination..."

    why? i'm not uberphobic. hey yeah let's make it fair so the havenots won't biatch left and right (like they do about MMC) carebear a state of mind but that's another discussion.

    "So please, write this for me Phillip...and tell me how long it takes you to figure out all of these details...And of course, realize that as soon as one group finishes this quest they will tell their friends how to do the quest faster, maybe post a strategy guide...If it takes you 7 hours, cool, but that is 7 hours of work to keep people happy for a few days...I'd wager more like a few days, a few days that you could be working on things like fixing the game engine or adding low level content..."

    dude, i've seen/done quests such as that before in so many gamesand once again, why should i write it? i was simply stating how BORING the quests, or more like tasks, in HZ. i'm not the only one who think so. geezuz we been around for 17 months with nothing 1/10 of what is considered epic. yeah the RoP is soooo epic, just bring 10 biped. yay. the ARoP is even more epic, cuz it's suppose to have been released LAST YEAR.

    and us biped, we got scrap for quests. my thing is to point out what a QUEST should be like. and that stuff above mentioned, that's not epic, that just a quest.

    it's almost 2 years from retail people, this is not Alpha. stop expecting people to treat it as such.

    "Obviously you didn't read my post on quests, so go back and check it out...It might be enlightening, you may think it is a load of bull...but quests take time, and your epic quest isn't so epic after's just another series of tasks hung with dialogue and lore to make it seem epic..."

    this must be your first MMORPG. no offense but, no onethat played another game could make such a statement.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    I don't disagree that we need more quests, and better done...

    My point is, if you have this grand idea of how things should be done, enlighten me...if you think that you can think up a quest that breaks the mold, enlighten me...

    I guess the whole point is, why spend a lot of time writing something that has to be stumbled upon..."Alright, if someone happens to kill this mob at this place and this time, then this quest we designed can activate for that person only..."

    And I'm not lootphobic, but if everyone gets the uber sword of eternal light, then it isn't special...And even if you do get a random, stumble upon type of's still a task...

    Yes, this is my first MMO game of any type, so please enlighten me to the profound depths of knowlege that I have failed to amass...Give me examples of these quests that do not involve any tasks at all...Give me these shining beacons of genius that do not invlove go there, kill that, retrieve this and talk to them...I know HZ needs more quests of all kinds, and draped with the trappings that make it intersting...

    and us biped, we got scrap for quests. my thing is to point out what a QUEST should be like.

    You have yet to let me know what a quest should be like other than some vague "I want more epic, like the holy grail"...That's why I asked you to write this amazing quest for me, so that I know what you are talking about...or are you just talk?
    Death is the ultimate dilemma and integral to the beliefs and behavior of every culture. Life is bore on the corpses of the dead. Without death, there would be no motivation to do anything. The only emotion would be existing. Life would be pestilent and agonizing.

    Ssilmath Torshak
    Paladin of Kass, Master Armorsmith

  8. #128

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    Oh man its about time! Finally people will have to group in close to rating groups and fight their rating mobs. FINALLY

    I will say I was in many a group where we had a really high level player doing all the work and reaping the reward. But now thats fixed.

    I for one cant wait for this to land on live. Then I wont see a bunch of people asking to group with me anymore :P
    Horizons suggestions
    Dragon ideas
    Ill say it over and over until it is addressed...
    Take your suggestions here . Submit a help request and choose feedback from the list. They cannot ignore their inbox.

  9. #129

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    what exactly are you questioning, the basis of how it is done hence HZ quests are same as others or others quests are tasks too therefore HZ's tasks are quests?

    "I guess the whole point is, why spend a lot of time writing something that has to be stumbled upon."


    in this alternate world, you are suppose to know everything? yeah the quest guy got all the info...he's like an information booth at a zoo.

    but that's besides the point.

    quests, whether known or not, should possess more than just porting and talking to some guy.

    here, check out some quests:

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    My point is that wether it is Horizons, or Morrowind, or Baldurs Gate or even the Holy Grail, the quest is still a task that is done to get a reward...
    Death is the ultimate dilemma and integral to the beliefs and behavior of every culture. Life is bore on the corpses of the dead. Without death, there would be no motivation to do anything. The only emotion would be existing. Life would be pestilent and agonizing.

    Ssilmath Torshak
    Paladin of Kass, Master Armorsmith

  11. #131

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    holy sh*t dude...


  12. #132

    Default Re: Update on Blight today

    Well, after looking through that list I think the point that Phillip is trying to make (but for some reason can't come out with it) is that he wants dungeons. 90% of those quests on the list he provided were dungeons.

    Anyway, this thread has becmoe attacks rather than discussion so I'm locking it.

    - Amon
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

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