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Thread: Plot permissions changes

  1. #1

    Default Plot permissions changes

    Can someone playing on blight please clarify how the new plot permissions changes seem to affect things?

    Maybe a cool lil test matrix thing
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  2. #2
    Staff :: Developer
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quality Assurance Island

    Default Re: Plot permissions changes

    I'll tell you how it's supposed to work, and this is alsohow itappears to be functioning as well:

    The permission's set on each indivual structure are not looked at until after a check has been performed to ensure you have access to the plot itself.

    You have machines, NPCs like consigners/vaultkeepers, and storage structureson your plot.
    All your structures have their individual permissions; guild only/allow all/deny all.
    Your plot has it's own permission set; allow all, deny all/guild only/friends.
    I run up to your plot to use one of your structures, whether I have access to your individual structures doesn't matter yet, if I don't have access to your plot as a whole (by it being set to allow all, I'm in your guild and it's set to guild only, or I'm on your plot friends list)I cannot use any of your structures.

    If I do have permission to access your plot, I then must have permission for the individual structures I wish to use, as well.

    What if I'm restricted from your plot and I find a way past the red barrier? - Still acts the same, it will check my permission to your plot itself, and only if I'm allowed access does it then check the individual structure permissions and allow or restrict me based on the individual structure permissions set. It doesn't matter what side of the red wall I'm on for this to work.

    I hope this post clarifies this feature for you.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Plot permissions changes

    Remove the red barrier, remove the permissions from machines and vaultkeepers... then this new permission lock will be a good move forward in the right direction.

    I want to open some storage structures to friends that are not in my guild, but therefore i have to lock my machines and my vaultkeeper for the rest of the community. And the red barrier is only a annoying thing now (well it never was anything else, there is more then one way to get trough them). When i cant access the structure anyway, why is there still a red wall?? Almost EVERY dragons hates them... and most biped do as well.
    Cerjar de Viejalcazaba - Paladin
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Plot permissions changes

    My thoughts on plot permissions:

    Red walls are completely annoying and useless. My hope is that they go a completely new direction. Make individual structures have friend lists and the plot itself be free to just roam through - No Red Walls. I have never understood the reason behind a freind list on the whole plot or any possible use to having a plot blocked off from being able to just walk through.

    Just make the individual structures have all the choices.

  5. #5
    Staff :: Developer
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    Oct 2004
    Quality Assurance Island

    Default Re: Plot permissions changes

    The red walls were implemented when there was no individual structure permission. Some people in the beginning were quite annoyed that they spent their time and effort to build machines closer to the resources (giving up precious time to advance their primary crafting schools) and then other people who didn't help them used those machines to continue levelingpast the builders and making better items than the people who had put the effort into building the machines (cornering the market). So we implemented the red barriers... only to find out that if the machines were close enough to the perimeter they could be used anyway.

    Until recently, we didn't think there was a way to combine the two permissions systems to work together without using an unreasonable amount of time and resources. Fortunately, due to the ingenuity of team members (thanks Smeglor!), we've been able to integrate the systems to work more like how they should work.

    Nice book [:P]; the point of this is that I hope with the new changes that we can remove the red barrier system altogether. Maybe we will some time in the future.
    (ok, I'm done now [:#])

  6. #6

    Default Re: Plot permissions changes

    Way to go Smeg! And congrats on the new baby. I'll be out there soon to see her.


    PS: I want a plot on Elnath...........

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