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Thread: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

  1. #1

    Default Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    Once again I think it is time that a Bardic gathering is called! It has been far too long since one of these has been held.

    For those unknowing of the Bardic gatherings, these are times when we gather together, share songs, share stories, poems, and the like of that. Of course, many come to just listen as well!

    We will be gathering at 9pm by the Eastern bell, at the "Chiconis Zoo" as it was once called. The four crystal pillars that are down below the chiconis shrine, just north of it. (( July 18th, 9pm Eastern ))

    So I hope to see many there. Bring your poems and songs and stories to preform, or even get together with a friend or friends and prepare up an act or preformance.

    The Bardic gatherings usually last between one and two hours.

    I'll have some pieces to preform as well, and perhaps some older songs too.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    Sounds great, I will be traveling that day but if my plane lands on time and that sort of thing I will do my best to attend! Maybe I'll prepare something ahead of time and get someone to read it for me if I can't make it...
    kitty: 48 Mage 22 Healer + others
    80 MIN 65 GTH 69 TNK 70 MSN 55 SPL
    41 BLK 41 SCH 47 CRP 38 JWL + others
    dragon: 91 adv, 100 craft, 22 lair
    elf: 49 ELAR, 31 Healer, 51 Fitter + others

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    Thank you Allon! You are right, it's been far too long. I plan to be there barring disaster.

    -Levity Merrel

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis


    I won't be able to make it. :(

    But hopefully people will post their stories and songs when it's done. I would like that. :)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    With the permission of those who preform, I will probably post up all that was preformed during the evening, like I have done with some previous bardic gatherings as well.

    I believe you can find them in the Role-play Section.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis


    Needs a sticky. :)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    Any fresh gnomes being served as well? Yummy ^_^
    Xerses 100 Dragon Adventurer / 100 Dragon Crafter
    28 million hoard and counting...
    Yamir Onimar 100 Warrior / 100 Cleric / 84 Druid / 37 Mage

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    *the lithe bronze skinned woman pads up, barefoot, eyes the thread, turns edge on to it, and BUMPS it with her hip*

    I have at least one poem ready to go, plus some oldies that might bear repeating. I will also see if Trinsic wants me to recite anything on his behalf.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    This will be my first of such Gatherings, I'm quite excited to have Draxxis preform. Approximiately how long do these Gatherings last though? I may be late, or I may have to leave early.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    In the past I've seen them last about 3 hours before everyone is too tired to keep going :).

    I always try to do one new piece, and then fill in as needed if no one else has something ready. I think the most I ever did was three songs ...? Not sure. I don't want to take away someone else's moment to perform so I will always defer.

    I've been asked to do a dance with someone else -- I'll see how much I've hogged attention before I do that one *grins*


  11. #11

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    well that always depends on how many performers we have - which we never know until we show up and go "Who has something they wish to share" :).

    They have lasted for varying amounts of time, it really does depend.

    But of course if you arrive only a little late you shouldn't miss much (if you're like an hour late there is really no way to say, sorry, depends on turn out! :)).

    And if you need to leave early that is of course totally alright, we can just make sure you get to perform your piece before you neeed to go. People come and go at various moments throughout the performance, it is rather informal that way.

    Look forward to seeing all there! And due to this being a biped FRIENDLY event, gnome feeding will not be officially endorsed by the Host Guild ;). And no participants or audience members will be allowed to be eaten! *shakes her talon at some of you other dragons*

    (however we cannot possibily control any secret gnome eating by those dragons who bring their own...just plese use your descretion.)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    Reminding all you wordcrafters to pick out a few of your gems and polish them up -- the Gathering is this Monday [Y]

    -Levity Merrel

  13. #13

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    Arriving late is fine, as is being early... sometimes we start a little late, though I do try to start fairly promptly... As for time going, it averages around two hours, sometimes we have had shorter, sometimes longer.

    I should have a little new poetry to share, plus some new verses to go with "Ieo D'na Scov" As well.

    No guarantees on that, I keep tapping my snout and trying to think more, but nothing coming yet... Awp!

    Lately I've just been doing too much impromptu Poetry... If we, have free space and time, I will open the floor to a few rounds of "Poetry Improv" as well... Where the audience decides on the Subject and What is going on, and then the "victim" must tell a poetry or story, fairly quickly too, on the spot about the decided on matters.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    If I dig up some of my poetry, would someone be willing to read it for me?

    I'm really excited about this and hate to miss it, but I have VA appointments every Monday night.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    I'm sure someone could be scrounged up that would be willing to read your stuff for you...;)

  16. #16

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    If no one else will, Tokoz, PM me. I just always tend to hog the speaker's spot at these things and would rather another voice read your stuff :).

    *hopes Frith was volunteering*


  17. #17

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    I have two I'm scambling around to find. I haven't actually written much poetry since I entered the Army... I don't think that muse get's along with the military or something... :p

    One's long and one's short... Maybe I'll PM Frith with the short one and post the long one to the role-play board when I find it. (The long one is about killing a dragon, so it might not be PC at the gathering... :p)

    The short one was also made into a filk song, so I'm looking for the recording of it...

  18. #18

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    hehe I'll be happy to do the short one...

    but a IC dragon I can't do a long one about..killing dragons...that wouldn't be very kosher. [W]

    I mean hey we're allowing bipeds to not get eaten can't very well throw off the other side and talk about dragon slaying *grins* [8-|]

    But if you PM me the short one I'd be happy to recite it for you :).

  19. #19

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    AAARRRRGGGGG!!!!! I can't find any of my poetry... I used to have both memorized, and now I can't find either...

    There will be other chances, I'm sure.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Bardic Gathering, Monday July 18th, 9pm est, in Chiconis

    OKay, the Bardic Gathering, since a couple were a little confused I heard...

    Here is a map, located in Chiconis with directions. :)


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