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Thread: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

  1. #1

    Default Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    But, I won't be staying. Hi and bye, that fast. First server, normal, consentual pvp, and all the players did, in general channel, was call each other nasty nasty names.

    I go to another server, normal, and all they did , for two hours, was argue in the general channel about how bad the game was and if they had money, how much better they can do. Grr, I am not going to pay to play a game to listen to others do nothing but bicker or call each other names, if this is what they want to pay the game for, more power to them. Meanwhile, back to Horizons, best kicking arse game around, people are nicer. Sure, it has its problems, but I would rather have these problems than the ones I WAS dealing with on WoW.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    I play EQ2 here and there its sort of the oppiste for me played about 30 hours of that game and have not spoke of been spoken to by another player i see other players here and there but the world is mostly full of NPC and I feel like im paying to play a single player game not a MMORPG

  3. #3
    Kael Morbane

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    Yea peaches, many young wet behind the ears kiddies there. I had to stop listening to Death Metal while playing that game to keep from getting too hostile. I have many friends still there, I'min (although I doubt it) Knights who Say Ni on Icecrown, they'll make you feel at home. On the contrary, I did kind of liked the hostile enviroment. Not in many games do I get to kill people who irratated me, and of course there is the war to take into consideration, its an actual war, though PVP only.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    I tried a rp server, that was even worse. Go figure, the nasty names that flew around and other such stuff that I would never post here, it was so bad.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    I know what you mean. I dont usually report people as I am a live and let live type player, however the vile evil comments by a certain person one day went on for 20 minutes, so I reported him. Bliz sent me an email saying they would review the logs.

    The problems seem to be in big towns, which I do not normally visit since I am beyone that area's mobs.

    Give it another chance and see if they are any better, you paid for 30 days of time anyway, might as well check it out again. Bliz will banzor people since they have sooooo many customers they can afford to toss some.

    Food is food, just give us something to chew on that removes DP's

  6. #6
    Kael Morbane

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    LMAO man, they'd LOVE to boot the idiots, I've been a customer of Blizzard and Blizzard North Since '97 with Diablo. One thing that Blizzard is very well known for is the Happy Naziness. Blizzard has been known to ban people perminately due to verbal abuse. Of course, that was a sticky situation and ended up apoligizing because the initial reporter forgot to mention why those 2 people were verbally abusing him. Regardless, if you want a peaceful place to play a game, do NOT play a game made by Blizzard. Conflicts, Arguements, Immaturity, Political Ulterier Motives, and the deepest cesspools of human depravity can be found in Blizzard games. I'm perminately scarred from some of my experiences in Returning to the topic, since you have 30 days left to play the game...*I* suggest to make an alliancecharecter on Icecrown and look up Knights Who Say NI. Tell them an old member named Ein sent ya. They'll take you in and will take care of you. NI is a good mature group, Nepenthe and I were two opposing Guild Monarchs for awhile. Should ask her the story about who NI and Dark Scions first met. Anyway, wanna get something out of your 30 day subscription, there is my offer. >:)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    meh its a fun game and nice diversion when one needs a break (I switch out WOW every other day with Horizons...makes WoW last longer as a diversion).

    But in no way is it even close to an "end all be all great" game. It has limited play time (for me even more so as I don't really care about pvp...) and certanly not the community as a whole that HZ has that predicts I"ll be sticking around for a 1 1/2 years or so :).

    I'm already in midlevels and getting bored of the reptition - and that's just playing every other night *shrugs*. Its got some fun aspects of course don't get me wrong, but it ain't anymore perfect than Hz is - or any other MMO out there :).

    But I do think I picked a great RP server - Feathermoon. Pretty good community for WOW and we've got player run events almost every day of every week. Server Forum has a running updated weekly calender of that weeks' events - there's usually something going on somewhere. We've even got player run "Stormwind Univeristy" classes, and a Theater Brigade that puts on shows :). Both pretty cool fun.

    Check out the Feathermoon Server FOrums and see what you think.

    (that's what I did to pick out aserver, followed each of the RP server forums for a few days to gauge the mentality and attitude of the most vocal of the server, seems to have worked really well - I've really enjoyed Feathermoon).

    Anyway I've been playing I guess 2 months, everyother night with HZ, got two characters to 38 right now, meh - its a nice diversion.

    Since after about 14 months of every night Horizons was begining to really bum me out ;) and burn me out and I certainly didn't want to quit. Look at it this way, only took 2 months of WOW for me to start getting bored ;).

    I just don't get people who run off to the new game, play it 24/7 and then its going to keep them satisfied forever as if its the new "Holy grail". Don't they realize the pattern of burnout already? *shrugs*

  8. #8
    Kael Morbane

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    I think when I get my back, that I'm going to alternate between Asheron's Call: Thrones of Destiny, Horizons, and Starwar Wars Galaxies. You know, switch it up. Isn't going to stop a burnout, but it'll prolong it for a long time. I need to stick around in one or three games for longer then 3 months. I might even be able to keep Dark Scions from falling apart. Heh, seems everytime I leave a game, Dark Scions is completely dead withen a week. So buying WoW aint going to get us to crucify you...only roughed up a little. *snickers* But yea, Frith-Rae has a ******** good point and sound advice she is giving.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    I purchased WoW a while back when I saw it being played by a buddy of mine. Seemed pretty slick. Personally, I wasn't turned off by the style of the graphics, which some people have labelled too "cartoony." That was just before some of the really big patches, when dragons got some serious lovin'.

    Decided not to install it, and instead keep it around as an alternative MMO should something bad happen to HZ. Then I read the WoW community forums. Big mistake. I don't think I'd like to share online time with people like that. Your experiences, Peaches, confirm my fears about that game.

    It's a shame, too. I really enjoyed the Warcraft RTS series. Oh well.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    Yay Feathermoon server (alliance side). Sure, there are some idjits around... but honestly, of the many Blizzard games I've played, Feathermoon provided the least horrendous population by a wide margin. ;p I met a fair number of great people in my time there, and even managed to get involved in a bit of RP stuff. Unfortunately, I just ran out of things to do... such is the case with all Blizzard products after varying amounts of time. I even liked the PvP but I got tired of it after a while since most people just cared about farming honor points for phat lewt. =p

    Anyway, to those who have purchased it and fled the scene, I say give the game another chance. Stay out of the big cities... wretched hives of s-c-u-m (you know the censor is nuts when you can't quote star wars) and villainy there, for sure. The game is based around consumable static content for the most part, but it is fun to consume once or twice. Explore around the wilderness, check out the great quests and storyline, hit level 60, then come back and resume rebuilding Istaria!
    kitty: 48 Mage 22 Healer + others
    80 MIN 65 GTH 69 TNK 70 MSN 55 SPL
    41 BLK 41 SCH 47 CRP 38 JWL + others
    dragon: 91 adv, 100 craft, 22 lair
    elf: 49 ELAR, 31 Healer, 51 Fitter + others

  11. #11

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    WoWs a good game, pain in the ****** to level but once ya hit 60 its fun ^_^ i just prefer horizons community, lots of cool people =)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    I would rather continue to invest my time here, in Horizons, than put up with the krap in wow. I have made many many friends here, and wish to stay, and will do so. Horizons isn't perfect, but what is working , works quite well for me, that it don't bother me about what *might* be broken.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    And we love having u around Peaches :) whether or not some of us cannot meet u on a server :)
    I tried WoW & EQ2 also, WoW didnt seem to have much community, but then I travelled to be with Steel Phoenix, an old rather large guild of Unity, so that didnt matter much. EQ2...well I guess I figured out why it's called Everquest...also I had severe morning sickness I associate EQ2 with ahem..puking violently lmao. It seemed like a race to be the best, or have the best, and like a one person game with talking npcs :p

    I like playing lots of mmo's at one currently I play Hz (my main fav), SWG & R.O.S.E. Online, thats in beta atm.

    Been in SWG more cuz, well the Empire gave me a TIE fighter :p and I can't stop shooting down pirates lol.

    Sianan + Pooki + Lotus Blossom

  14. #14

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    I hear you Peaches. 8 months of time spent on an RP server, 8 months of my life wasted that I can never get back. Two server forums, FORUMS mind you, that everyone thinking of spending $50 on WoW SHOULD read:

    Shadow Council(RP)- Take a look sometime, yikes.
    Dethecus(PVP) - Wow, just.......oh boy......

    Once anyone with 1 ounce of maturity reads those two forums in depth, they'll go out and spend that $50 on something worth while, or flush it down the toilet.

    I would sooner rot in.....yeah that place....than return to that pit of waste.

    "Sarcasm! Just one more of the FREE services I offer."

  15. #15

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    i play on Feathermoon, it's great. nothing like you described.

    i wouldn't judge a game of 4 million players on such little stuff, however.

    yeah WoW sux because of people calling each other names?

    they don't do that here, i suppose. not with 500 at prime time.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    It wasnt just the name calling, it was the rabid players , level 16, constantly trying to duel a level1, wouldnt take no for an answer, plus, on the rp shard, consent only, nothing like going there and getting an education on lesbianism to boot, then, when someone pipes up , thought this was a rp shard, and general response, we chased them to the other rp shard. Thanks but no thanks, never did I ever run into that here. If I did, I wouldnt be here now.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    Phillip, I didn't just try one server. I had alts on many, searching for a server with no maturity problems. And actually, yes, I can judge an entire game of 4million players based on forums and the few servers I was on. How I do it? Go read the general forum...........

    Players from EVERY server there, and it shows......
    "Sarcasm! Just one more of the FREE services I offer."

  18. #18

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    As for a Normal Server on WoW, try Arathor. You'll find alot of old Hz players there.

    Shaw el Shadai Moking
    'Coming at a spring!'

  19. #19

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    (this is not toward you Peachie)

    this is something that i've been thinking on for a while. on the ref rant board some people post about quality and quantity, to the extent enoughto justifythe self proclaimed quality type folksto start name calling, labeling, general dumbed down socially promoted mantras towards the quantity. when in doubt use casual gamer or say,maturity, community and so on.

    they sort of clumbed together those who don't represent a certain playstyle. calling these people ubers, leet, d00ds, anti-community, top off with the teenaged geektards yada etc misc.

    i'm not sure what the deal is really. there should be a sense of reality in a virtual world, and that is just like in RL, you WILL be surrounded by morons most of the time. i live in S. Florida, there are lots of morons here, more than all of WoW's population. i'm sure you know that though.

    the thing is i've always known that there will be idiots and geektards running all over the place in any MMO. i can deal with it though. it isn't difficult. i just play my game, hang with those i value, the quality type players and just enjoy the experience. how hard is that to do? it doesn't take a genius to ignore the rest does it? to totally disregard the rest is fine however i find it more interesting to see them around so that i can feel all spiffy. i love the havenots & the wanabes, they make things interesting, they make me laugh, they make me value my ingame friends, they make me feel good knowing i'm not one of them. it's good to have them around, to come to accepting the fact that they will be around and always is logical, because it's still the people from this reality that bought the game and hence now exist in that alternate universe you and i are in.

    HZ got the same stuff. i could remember days when people verbally abusing each other over nodes. yes, nodes [:|] i remember a guild that gave this one girl such a hard time because she wanted to purchase a plot in a certain area. you remember her? i do. i remember a guild getting bashed to all hell by thecommunity (using community asthe basis of argument) becausethis guildmanaged to finish a bridge on their own merit and able to buy a whole town on the other side. i remember people blasting each other at the T4 golems. i remember the many who exploited the blacksmiths. heck, we got people not exploiting, just taking advantage of the whole Novian thingie happenings right now.

    the reason why HZ don't have a lot of that sort, visibly, is because we have such a small population. if the subs are on the rise per certain vision, you can expect to see more of such all around.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Well, I did it, I bought World of Warcraft

    Quote Originally Posted by phillip
    i remember a guild getting bashed to all hell by thecommunity (using community asthe basis of argument) becausethis guildmanaged to finish a bridge on their own merit and able to buy a whole town on the other side.
    If you're thinking of the incident viz the Lerena plots early after launch, your memory fails you, Phillip. The guild in question used an exploit--water walking--to reach Lerena and buy all the plots there without even attempting to work on the bridge to the island. When both the devs and the community called them on it, the guild leaders had the audacity to claim that they didn't know that walking on water wasn't allowed (hint: the title of the game is not ********** of Horizons).

    Sure the community bashed the guild, bashing as much deserved as any other person found using an exploiting.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

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