First off, this is NOT the final looks of ancient! They may and 99% chance WILL change. But if you would like to look ancient there is a file you need to change. I warn you to back up the whole (Horizons Dir.)\Resources\definitions\characters just in case (maybe to safe but oh well).

Ok first off, go to (Horizons Dir.)\Resources\definitions\characters\dragona_u COPY (right click, copy) the file dragona_u_char.def now go to (Horizons Dir.)\Resources\definitions\characters\khutit_u and rename khutit_u_char.def to something like BUkhutit_u_char.def for backup. Now paste the currently copied file. Rename to khutit_u_char.def.Turn the game on, and go Khutit! Remember this is not FINAL!

Note: this can be done to Adult dragon instead of Khutit, if you want to fly around. Just change the names around and using the same copied file, and you can do it. :) Enjoy!

I didn't see any posts liek this when I did a search, so here it is. :)