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Thread: Re-Immigrating Gamer

  1. #1

    Default Re-Immigrating Gamer

    Greetings all!

    I'm a recent inductee to the world of Horizons, having just registered myself only this week and bounded joyfully into my new draconic life. Very glad to be here, too; partaking in Istaria has been a long-held dream of mine, a battered and thin hope at times, but always there.

    I'm sort of immigrating from World of Warcraft (still play it, actually, when I want something not-deep to do--run around andwhack monsters, short-termRP,etc.). I enjoyed that game's simplicity to play and the sleek (IMHO) interface; it's an easy game to get to know in short order, and I figured out How To Play in the first hour. Very much enjoyed it, but given that it's mostly designed as a PvP game (RP servers or no) there's not as much depth there as I'd like. There can be, and is at times, but not always.

    So here I am! Stepping into a game whose focus shifts somewhat from action, score,and war to roleplay, lore, character, community, and exploration. I used to play a lot of offline PC RPGs (before the wonders of DSL were introduced to my humble computer), but talking to NPCs gets a little dull after a while, y'know? [;)] So MMORPGs really jumped out at me as the Next Step, especially once I got a decent internet speed. (Previously, a 56k modem that ran at no more than35k on a good day, given the remote area I lived.) Given that my training in online roleplay was done in old MUDs, I had that aspect covered; it was the new graphical interfaces (different from offline games) that threw me.

    My tale in Horizons actually begins long, long ago, when the game was still in development. "Dragons?!?" I yelped. "We get to play as Dragons? I am so there!" I followed the growth of the game hungrily, paced the forums, and eagerly awaited the release day. At which point, I ran out to immediately buy the game.

    Silly, isn't it, thatit took me this long to get here?

    At the time, neither my computer nor internet connection would support the game, but I was soon to get a new unit (as opposed to the cobbled-together old frankenstein of a comp I used to use) that would happily load the game. Then all I had to do was wait for the day our home was fitted with DSL. And I waited with bated breath, even having my Dragon self already named, planned, and ready to spring offof paper and come to life. But as I waited, I heard increasingly saddening things about Horizons--bugs,loading problems,lacking quests, leveling errors....and so I feared to sign up for a game that might completely go downhill. And for a time, it seemed, it truly did. So, with a heavy heart, I set my still-boxed Horizons game on a shelf, where it commenced to gather dust and become forgotten. But I suppose a part of me still held out some hope, since I couldn't bear to throw away the game entirely.

    Time passed. DSL descended from heaven upon my humble abode. Still bored with offline games, I discovered the release of World of Warcraft, which promised adventure and an easy-to-learn interface. Having enjoyed Starcraft myself (<--Zerg Luver [:P]) once upon a time, I swallowed the bait (being rather klutzy with computers anyway [:$]), and off I went. I enjoyed playing it very much, even though I'm not a rabid leveler or PvPer (3 months and my main there was still not over level 40). I especially love the mouserun and mouselook settings, whichmake maneuveringand keyboarding easy for a clumsy sort like me. But something in me still desired a deeper experience, and sometimes my eyes would stray to that old game box still sitting on the shelf, and remember the promises ofIstaria.

    Then, out of the blue one day, I chanced to visit the Horizons website. I still have no idea what inspired me to go there in the first place (a flicker of the old flame of hope?). And lo and behold! I discover that Istaria is still alive and well, having come through the fires of its trials and been reborn anew. Stronger, better, I learned as I read on. Condensed, and still struggling at times, but as living and breathing as the folk who now still dwell there. Growing and improving every day.

    Joy filled me! As soon as I could, I fetched my old dusty game box down from the shelf and began the process of becoming part of this half-forgotten, hoped-for dream. At long last, I've donned my long-awaited Dragon skin and come to walk upon the lands of Istaria![:D]And itwas good!

    I'm still getting the hang of myself here now, after only two real days. The crafting and spell system is much more complex than WoW (which has made my clutzy brain stumble at times [:S]), and to be quite honest I do miss my mouserun (reckon my fingers just aren't fast enough yet--but with practice! Hotkey bar=Godsend). But I'm getting there; I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it all becomes second nature.

    I'm loving this already! So much more to think about here (WoW I love for its simplicity; Horizons for its depth [:)]), so much more to make and see. I'm looking forward to reaching a decent level of strength and truly striking out on my path in this brave new world. Once thelittle bugsare no longer a danger to my health [;)] I'm sure I'll be set on my way. I greatly look forward to meeting many of you along our journeys, finding friends and companions amidst our lives of adventure. Good luck, good life, and safe paths to all!

    Kindest Regards,

  2. #2
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Re-Immigrating Gamer

    What a nice history to read. Welcome aboard, Talitha (must remember to put A on end of name). Be sure to join the New Players chat channel to get answers to any of your questions, as well as the Dragon chat channel. Both are excellent resources and well-staffed by the community. The GNAT (Greater New-player Assitance Team) also keeps things stocked at the newbie islands as well as Parsinia and Kion for people starting out.

    Yes, Horizons had a very rough time starting out, but things are definitely working for the better. Oh, and welcome to Order Shard, too.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  3. #3

    Default Re: Re-Immigrating Gamer

    Definately a nice read. *agrees with C`gan* When all is said and done, all that matters is that in the end, you still found your way here and you're enjoying it! I hope that that enthusiasm stays with you as you go on through the world. :)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Re-Immigrating Gamer

    its interesting how you commented on the "depth" of horizons. hopefully the quest editor will soon be in the hands of the players, and we can make it 10x as immersive than it is now. also couple that with the revamp of the lands... it's an exciting thought.
    torvos: shadow/chaos shard (on vacation)
    100 mage/100 wizard/100 sorcerer/100 conjuror
    96 chaos warrior
    100 enchanter & member of the dark council

    Explorer 86%, Socializer 46%,
    Killer 40%, Achiever 26%

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