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Thread: Monks and 2 hand crush

  1. #1

    Default Monks and 2 hand crush

    was thinking of bringing a guardian or chaos warrior behind monk for 2 hand crush skill , does the disciple effects like fist of flame , lightning claws ect still proc if you arent using fists .. ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    I think it depends on if you are fighting as a Monk/Disc or a guardian/Chaos warrior.

    The fist buffs drop upon changing schools. Let me know how the adventure into 2hc goes!
    I am thinking about doing that myself, debating between Guardian and Chaos warrior now.


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  3. #3

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Vamp touch when you multistrike IV with a fine yew staff can sexy.

    However none of the chains work with a weapon, neither does spirit punch/pillage spirit if you are a spirit disciple.
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  4. #4

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Which class do you suggest that I could pick up that would give 2hc and some useful abilities? I've been thinking Guardian, Chaos Warrior, or Warrior.

    Guardian would obviously give the lowest 2hc, but would give me a bit of nature (DarkCyclone)? And nature. Chaos warrior wouldn't give me much after 40 when I get Unbridled, but would give me a ton of 2hc. Warrior is the old standby though, and would give me a TON of weapon skills.


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  5. #5

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Actually Guardian is 10 1hc/2hc and armour use. It does give less strength but you are a fitter. If I wasn't a spirit disciple personally I would be a Guardian I love the class. It doesn't get the generic melee abilities and is well design/balanced imo. Guardian gets nature skill which allows you cast heals/regens and augmentation for limited buffing. Guardian as active has the most 2hc of any class. Guardian also has as masterable abilities strength of the bear I a +54 str boost, a melee resist ability stone hammer and smash as well as quake attack.

    Warrior has some nice bonuses over Guardian in that you get 1 more strength and 20hp a level. Earn weapon adept sooner, Master whirlwind and cleave can wear plate and you get LOTS (too much imo) weapon skill.

    Chaos Warrior is the current patch I am sewing. These guys are damage powerhouses especially with unbridled energy but also other abilities like bane of chaos an AoE debuff to most stats. Plate again and energy skills.

    It depends on how you want to multi or how far. Guardian is good for the nature skill cross over to spirit disciple, but if you have shamen already you might not notice it much. Energy skill from chaos would be almost useless as sprd but the 2hc and unbridled would.

    Ultimately its up to what you prefer.
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  6. #6

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Heya Hratli!

    The above post is quite nice. I'd recommend thinking about how much you want to multiclass and base it off of that.

    Guardian, in my opinion, is slightly sub-par as a main but it is wonderful to have as a support class in your build. I say they are sub-par only because they are sort of caught in between. Ok melee, Ok spells, but not great at either.

    They do give some nice buffs, but two abilites that are arguably the biggest guardian gets were left out of the above post: Quake attack (AOE melee) and Guardian's Force (+3 nature damage, delay adjusted, lasts indefinitely).

    EDIT: He did mention quake! good!

    For your build and for the time being, I would only recommend Chsw to 40 for unbridled.

    Secondarily, I believe you are following a nature/priest line and not arcane, so leveling Chsw might put you to sleep :)

    Guardian would fit nicely into your build.

    12x100. <-- I did monk!
    Twelvebagger's Mistress (pinkie!)
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Beer to NimK)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    You folks ROCK!

    Thank you both for the info!

    I took a nice LONG break from HZ, (was getting annoyed by the lack of storyline), and just came back last night to run around. Hehe.. that's when I found the Pillage Spirit Bug.

    Anyways, thanks to you both for GREAT summaries. I tend to be a bit of a dabbler and NOT a hard core adventurer. I love being a Disciple, and it'll be my main, and as such, I'm not likely to patch too many bits onto it.

    12 has known me for a LONG time and knows my trials and tribulations. I'm a generalist, so I think what I'm going to do is go Chaos to 40 for unbridled, (I have an alt chaos warrior that I ADORE, Tiny Dryad, BIG brick on a stick). Then Go Guardian. I'm not likely to take another patch on my quilt other than those.... well and my already existing Healer levels that is.

    Having 10 2hc will ROCK! I can finally break out that Regal staff I've been saving ;)

    BTW, I just upgraded to my level 95 Handwrap yesterday, Parry V, Str V, and Socket wooo!!!! I am a PARRY FOOOL! I was able to even take down mithrils singly without much problem!


    Question, umm... Ok, I am a rating 100 level 95 SpiritD... When I turn 100, I'll have to level Warrior from 2 to 20 to get to Chaos warrior... Any suggestions on handling those lower levels? I'm thinking I'll get the UA Mastery of a level 50, and can go back to my Combat Bucket and sack and back in my cargos. Any tips?

    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  8. #8

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    I dunno why I forgot Guardians force I use it all the time heh.

    I normally use UAM and hunt 5-10 levels below my rating upto 20ish mostly because those first 20 levels the cap is far more obvious and 5-10 levels below rating can be trampled.

    I wear a suit of Padded Iron silk teched with Armour V until the armour from a suit I have spare passes that of the iron silk (normally 61 ot 71 for plate) and stick with uam until I can hit reliably. At 50 I will start wearing handwraps if I haven't switched to a weapon.

    Parry, str and socket is what i have on mine I think mmm str

    I reported the spirit punch as well.
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  9. #9

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Update from a 71 Guardian :)

    I have to say.... Staves and Shielaleas ROCK.....

    I mean, they are kinda slow but... WOW the DAMAGE :O Pop your staff on for Crit strike, Petrify, and then multi strike and you have a mob almost dead. I have been fighting off Shadow spiders working silk and the difference between 100 SpiritD vs 70 Guardian is ... well... Guardian is better by a ton. Even with the monster evasion of spiders I do ok hitting them. As a GDN I will punch for 70's on spiders, I hit with a staff for about 300. Crits with fists = 250, crits with staff 800-1000.

    Monsters with a damage shield are no longer so much of a concern since I do more damage each hit I do to them than the damage shield does to me, which is not true when I kick in as a SpiritD and flurry.

    GET DETOX SELF... one way or another I can't believe I didn't do this earlier. You can use it when running, it dispells bleeds, poisons, debuffs. 15 second recycle!!! :O

    Quake attack. Love it. Especially when you start realizing you can do enough damage that you can take more than one monster at a time. This is a MAJOR world change for me.

    Stone Hammer. Love this too :) I use it all the time like I use smash.

    Can't wait to try this out in SpiritD form ;)


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  10. #10

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    They are both great classes. I love them both at present I am playing in sprd and its great fun to be kicking and axe choping and all that again after having used a maul for such a long time. Its also nice that missing one attack makes little difference in the duration of the fight as opposed to the maul.

    Guadian has so many great cross overs (some of which shouldn't imo), Guardians force, quake attack, stone hammer, melee resist, growth, smash, natures adjudication, strength of the bear all good. With guardian active there are also more nice abilities that make it even better to play, in my guardian suit of chain I hae 1700+ (with tps) 2hc mwahahhaa.

    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  11. #11

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Despite my 100 monk, I'm monk impaired.

    Can they even wield 2hc weaponry?

    If they can, I'd suggest possibly taking warrior to 60 for whirlwind attack, or battlemage to 80 for energy sabre (you'd also get magus style, very useful). WW/Esabre are similar to quake only they are slower recycle and higher damage. WW/Esabre are on the same timer and shared with multistrike, but they are on a separate timer from quake. It makes for very fast burst damage, AoE, since there's no cast delay.

    Just a thought,
    12x100. <-- I did monk!
    Twelvebagger's Mistress (pinkie!)
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Beer to NimK)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Monks and disciples can wield Staffs and it can be quite effective to switch for the big hits.
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  13. #13

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    Rock on! Thanks for the tips on supplemental abilities 12. Hehe... now if only I leveled my adventurer like I level my crafting classes! ;)

    Yes, we can wield Staves and quarterstaves. They're no Sheilaleh but they rock quite a bit more than buckets or wraps. Switching to staff for my big hits is the BOMB, almost literally. I swap out almost instantly, and BOOM, I get a 300 pt AoE with Quake( up from 75 pts), or a 900 pt CRIT [:O] up from 220pts. It's so totally worth switching out weapons, then switch back to fists for the fast set of 10 chain attacks (which almost rival the staff hits, but with 1/2 the delay towards the high end). Since I have the staff equiped for primarily the 'big hits' it's worth putting things like smash and crystals place of my normal parry.


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  14. #14

    Default Re: Monks and 2 hand crush

    You might want to consider then, using the highest delay 2hc weapon you can find w/ highest damage (slow and heaviest you can use) and socket it with Dgwc and a misty if you can get them. Chsw to 40 for unbridled if I haven't mentioned it already, it's a nice haste and damage boost.

    12x100. <-- I did monk!
    Twelvebagger's Mistress (pinkie!)
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Beer to NimK)

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