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Thread: The Shard Charter

  1. #1

    Default The Shard Charter

    Yeah, I hate to formalize things. I hate paperwork. I hate anything that makes what I do "official" because it makes me less effective. But...

    We do need some sort of written doohickey that says the following:

    1. What positions does the community have?
    2. How long does a person voted into one of those positions stay in?
    3. How does the community vote someone out if they aren't happy with what a team lead or moderator is doing?

    We're already set up nicely for governmental checks and balances. You have the executive (in a minor sort of way) in the moderators, the legislative (again in a minor sort of way) with the Team Leads, and the judicial with TG. The first two are placed in their positions by vote. We vote for TG with our subscriptions. So this leads to what powers are retained by the community.

    a)What can a moderator or team lead actually do without community approval?
    b)How are factors such as community input put into action without bogging down the system? i.e. How can the community have the greatest amount of input without making every single thing a decision by committee?

    I'm not looking to draft a formal Constitution or anything, but I do think we're at the point where we need to start deciding things.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokoz
    Yeah, I hate to formalize things. I hate paperwork. I hate anything that makes what I do "official" because it makes me less effective. But...

    {edited for brevity}

    I'm not looking to draft a formal Constitution or anything, but I do think we're at the point where we need to start deciding things.
    Ah, very well. Do feel free to call upon me if and when that thinking turns to "... am looking to draft a formal Constitution". A very limited and limiting one. When that time comes, I would be more than happy to assist in the writing process.

    <bows and returns to tasks at hand>
    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    *Plink mumbles something incoherant under his breath and Tokoz responds by pushing him further forward, smoke and flames coming from the snout of the angry eyed dragon*

    Plink: It should...

    *Tokoz huffs more smoke in Plinks direction*

    Plink: It could...

    *Tokoz raises an angry claw into the air, his normally laid back disposition not even remotely apparent. He catches the dryad mid-air with his curved claws and carefully pinches him against the ground without hurting him.*

    Tokoz: It doesn't need to be a formal Constitution, but Plink...

    *muffled noises from under Tokoz's claw*

    Tokoz: Plink believes very firmly that there should be something in writing that everyone can see. Don't you Plink?

    Plink: hmramuph.

    Tokoz: Excellent. I'm glad we see things equally. Honored Yuusuke Akiyama IV, please feel free to make whatever efforts you feel are necessary and Plink...

    Plink: mahum?

    Tokoz: Yes, Plink will be happy to present such a document at the next community meeting for final approval.

    Plink: phair?

    *Tokoz romoves his claw from the over the dryad*

    Tokoz: Yes Plink, you can have some air...

    Plink: Phew *looks over at Tokoz with some fear in his eyes* Yes, a charter does sound really good. um... make things nice and neat a orderly... yeah....

    *Tokoz nods*

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    <observes the interplay above, and then nods>

    Thank you for simplifying matters, Tokoz GreatOne.

    I shall begin to speak to others of this, and see if something worthy of discussion can be written.


    ((OOC: Yuusuke will be awake in Istaria for his usual guild"office hours" Sunday-Thursday, morning through midday US timezones. Any who wish to seek him out on this or any other matter are welcomed. Otherwise, we are sadly dependent upon the PM system or Forum posts here.))
    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Work progresses. With some luck, I shall have something worth discussing to post by midweek.

    my thanks for (all) your patience.
    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    The next community meeting is Wednesday at 9pm Eastern. I suggest that you have the basics of it ready to discuss with the community this will allow some input before the finished product and possibly even save some time.

    Thank you for your effort on this. It would not be appropriate for myself to draft such a document.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    What work could be done has been done to date. I shall post the current Draft of the Proposed Charter in the next post, below.

    I have also opened my schedule to be availble for the meeting of this day, and I will assist making the announcement there. I would counsel strongly that the matter NOT be put to vote this meeting, but be discussed, some alterations to the Draft made in due course, and that it be placed on the agenda for the next two (Saturday and Weekday) meetings to come.

    In an odd bit of stating concerns before showing the Draft Charter, I would hope to direct those reading it to the following concerns that were raised by those that assisted me in the writing. I am not in favor or against any strongly, but need be swayed further if such are to be made part of the next Draft:

    * that the WorldMaster be present at all the meetings of a formal Assembly.

    my thoughts are that we can ask, but not press this matter.

    * that 40 voices (votes) is the minimum "quorum" for a resolution of the Assembly.

    might 40 be too few to represent enough individuals, given the convention of 1 account = 1 vote?

    * that one account be heard as one voice.

    should this be one player = one vote instead?

    * that Officers of the Community Efforts serve as long as they wish.

    might they stand for re-election every 3 months instead, to prohibit complacency?

    * that Officers are selected from those that apply, by a resolution of the Assembly.

    it was asked if this need be limited to "no 2 Officers from the same guild may be elected"?

    * that World Projects is limited to (list in the Charter text that excludes Player-run Events).

    that this be expanded to allow Events to be Officered and Discussed, not just announced.

    * that Announcements get no discussion.

    it was asked if this might need be changed, but no example of need could be found.

    <takes a deep breath>

    Very well, here we go. May All in Istaria see us to a successful conclusion of this.
    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Order Assembly Charter, 3rd preliminary draft, of Wednesday September 7th, 2005, for public review and comment.


    We, the Gifted subscribing to this Charter, recognizing the complete liberty of the Gifted of Order, who answer but to the WorldMaster (Tulga Games and its Rules of Conduct, specifically), see also that the advantages to be gained by formal Assembly do add to our Community and its strength through knowledge, communication, and the provision of a means to seek cooperation on a grand scale.

    That we, the Gifted subscribing to this Charter, do specifically recognize that the only authority in all Istaria is that of the World Master (the individual and Tulga Games Company in general), supreme and superceeding any action by the Gifted, individually or collectively, and that all matters of justice are solely the power of said World Master.


    1) for the benefit of all, that there be an Assembly where information on matters of Order Shard be reported, and that Community Efforts may be fostered and maintained.

    1a) that there be at the minimum of 1 (weekday evening, US timezones) and 1 (midday weekend, US timezones) sessions of the Assembly held each month, with the date and location posted to the public Forum ( Order Shard General) no less than 2 weeks before the date by the current Moderator for that next session. In no case may the next session called fall on a date later than 1 month after the previous session of the same-day-of-the-week (either the weekday or weekend session)

    1b) that the agenda for any meeting of the Assembly to be: the Opening the Assembly by the current Moderator; the reading, without discussion, of any Announcements of import to the Shard as a whole; the report of those entrusted to the affairs of each Community Effort previously extant at the resolution of the Assembly and any discussion of the conduct of said Community Efforts; the bringing to the floor of any Agenda Items for discussion and resolve by vote; the Closing of the Assembly by the current Moderator.

    1b1) that any Item to be added to the Agenda have been posted to the public Forum not less than 1 week prior to the date of the session of the Assembly in which it is to be considered. a single voice may request that an item be posted, or do so themselves, clearly noting in the title of the post that this is to be an Agenda Item for the next scheduled session of the Assembly.

    1b2) that said Forum posting of an Agenda Item include a place for the collection of Voices (votes) upon any resolution proposed by the Agenda Item. Said place of collection of votes shall be open to all Gifted of Order Shard, and shall collect such votes from the time and date of posting the Item until 24 hours prior to the scheduled session of the Assembly. the total of all qualified forum votes shall be posted for all to see in that same place.

    1c) that the Assembly may, by a public vote of not less than 40 voices participating, make resolution in the name of the Assembly. the resolution passes upon receiving a majority "In Favor" of votes cast as "In Favor" or "Opposed".

    1c1) that the 40 voices be counted as either Forum posts or Voice votes while the Assembly is in session.

    1c2) that 1 voice is to be counted for each (game account) held by (the player) voting.

    1c3) that a voice be counted only if it votes "In Favor" (yes, aye), "Opposed" (no, nay), or "Present" (abstain), on the specific Agenda Item being considered for the vote.

    1c4) that an Agenda Item be brought to a Vote upon the call of 3 voices present at the Assembly session, without the voice of the current Moderator being counted for such a call to vote.

    1d) that other than the recognition of officers for Community Efforts or the recall of the same, or the Adoption or Dissolution of this very Charter, any Resolution of the Assembly is just that, a resolution without any purpose but to demonstrate the collective voice of those that participated in the vote.

    2) that this Assembly maintains the presence of at least one Community Effort (each with 2 officers recognized by the Assembly and a public chat channel) for each the following purposes: World Projects; New Player Support.

    2a) that these are the only Community Efforts to be staffed by resolution of the Assembly.

    2b) that each Community Effort be provided with 2 recognized officers, who have volunteered themselves for the position and have been confirmed by the Assembly by resolution.

    2c) that such officers of Community Efforts serve so long as they wish, unless recalled.

    2d) that such officers of Community Efforts be subject to recall by resolution of the Assembly at any time, by means of an Agenda Item and vote.

    2e) that such officers of Community Efforts lead only by example, encouraging effort and suggesting priorities.

    2f) for purposes of this Charter, World Projects is defined as: "That work, whether building, crafting, or adventure, neccessary and sufficent to advance the course of an Official (TG) Event, open new territory for the free use of all Gifted of Order, or repair/rebuild publicly owned structures that will be open to all once completed, and the maintenance of an In-Character chat channel for the coordination of any ongoing project(s)."

    2g) for purposes of this Charter, New Player Support is defined as: "That work, threepart, that includes that needed to see to the maintenance of an Out-of-Character New Player chat channel that the newly gifted can come to for question and answer help getting started; that work needed to maintain that purpose within the chat channel, allowing no significant digression ; the accounting of goods available on consigners on the New Islands, and report on the status there of to the community."

    3) that each session of the Assembly shall be presided over by a Moderator, who also is to have collected the Agenda Items that qualified by the terms given above and the votes cast during the time of collection.

    3a) that at the appointed place and time of the session of the Assembly, the Moderator shall follow the agenda set forth in (1b), above.

    3a1) that the Moderator yield the floor to reports, and then to any and all present wishing to speak upon the Report or Agenda Item before the Assembly, in a sequential manner, based upon an announced method of recognizing one who wishes to speak.

    3a2) upon the third voice present at the Assembly to call for a vote, discussion shall cease and the Moderator shall conduct a voice vote of the Assembly present. when concluded, and added to the Forum votes upon the item, the vote is final.

    3a3) that the Moderator need not continue to recognize any speaker that speaks off the topic of the Report or Agenda Item under discussion and should instead recognize the next speaker. persistant disruption after having been warned by the Moderator is to be struck from the record of the Assembly and referred to the WorldMaster as an act deleterious to the conduct of the play of others.

    3a4) that the Moderator is prohibited from introducing to discussion any topic outside that of the Reports or Agenda Items.

    3b) that the Moderator be selected by simple list, one list each for the two minimum monthly sessions. any Gifted of Order may add his name to the list, or if listed, remove it, so long as either are done not less than 1 week's time prior to the next scheduled session of the Assembly.

    3b1) upon the closing of a session of the Assembly, the current Moderator of that session steps down, their name is moved immediately to the bottom of the list for the next same-day-of-the week session. the name now at the top of the list becomes the current Moderator for the next same-day-of-the-week session scheduled.

    3b2) that if no name exists upon the list for the next scheduled session of the Assembly by the time of 1 week before the last possible date of that session to be in compliance with this Charter, that session is cancelled. if no name exists on the list for either of the next scheduled same-day-of-the-week sessions (both minimum sessions in the same month), this Charter is dissolved upon the passing of the second of dates of the two minimum monthly sessions.

    4) that this Charter be adopted by the conditions given for a resolution upon an Agenda Item herein above.

    4a) that this Charter may not be amended in any part by resolution of the Assembly.

    4b) that this Charter may be dissolved by the Assembly as an Agenda Item "Dissolve this Charter for the Assembly" that passes by resolution.
    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    not sure if this is where you want some feedback yet or not - but immediately my only thoughts are...

    1 - quarom not be listed at 40. We won't always have that many players at meetings or voting. It would be a shame to insist on a minimum of 40 and say go several meetings without meeting that number. It is my feeling that however many wish to participate and show up, count. Even if its only like 10

    2 - the time schedules for posting of meeting dates and agendas may be too "far out" Two weeks posting before meeting - esp. with a rotating moderator - (esp. since 80% of the people who go to the meeting never visit the forums) might be too far in advance to ask. Perhaps only notice of meeting date one week in advance. And agenda posted 3 days in advance of said meeting. Again, esp. since if a moderator is in charge of the agenda and those volunteerring may never visit these forums - asking for the agenda a week ahead of time may be too early for most to meet.

    3 - yea, we can't really "require" Zid to always make the meetings - but we can certainly ask!! :)

    The rest sounds good - though the voting process for the next moderator seemsa bit confusing. Seems to me as if you're saying that whomever adds themselves to the list for moderator be allowed a 2 month term - unvoted on - and then it goes to the next person on the list for two months???. I would rather hope the community could have some control over who's names are on that list - considering "anyone" could very well sign up - and not necessarily do a satisfactory job. (i.e. a beginner player who won't even be there two months later, or a player who has never visited the forums and has no intention of maintaining the agenda annoucements...)

    Just my thoughts. Wasn't sure what you were saying as far as "who is the moderator" and how that's decided - or rather you just came up with this system and its just not really been discussed. The most recent system that had the most backing, after Plink, was a rotating moderator *weekly* - who wouldn't be doing probably half of what Plink does *shrugs*. So again, this may be the biggest issue that needs to be worked out before we can go even deciding on the charter as a whole. Just my thoughts.

  10. #10
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuusuke Akiyama IV

    2f) for purposes of this Charter, World Projects is defined as: "That work, whether building, crafting, or adventure, neccessary and sufficent to advance the course of an Official (TG) Event, open new territory for the free use of all Gifted of Order, or repair/rebuild publicly owned structures that will be open to all once completed, and the maintenance of an In-Character chat channel for the coordination of any ongoing project(s)."
    Since this one deals with me, I'm going to have to raise an eyebrow or two, maybe a couple eyeridges, and perhaps even ruffle some whiskers or cause patchy skin.

    Something that I think should be in this statement is "projects specifically are not associated with any particular person, guild, or plot", as was handed down to me (our one exception this far was Kaaii's carpentry hall because the finishing machinery was taken out of Cedar's Cove and no other logging camp was there to be built). This line has been consistent with the early days of the world projects.Previous World Projectsleadersgave it to me and I attempt in my own fashion to pass it on to future builders of Istaria.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Yes, this is the place to start the discussion.

    Looking at Frith-Rae's:

    1) you have some people voting 3 accounts... by report a rare few hold up to 9 accounts... Are you sure you want a smaller quorum? <honest question>

    2) good points... would like to hear more on this one.

    3) <grins> then ask we will.

    About Moderator... I think something escaped in the reading. the Moderator is not to be "voted on". they just get their turn as their name comes up.They then prepare for and serve one meeting (there need be two lists). As each meeting comes "at the latest" once a month, maybe sooner, that inherently limits the term. But for one odd example: were the list to have but one name, that person would step down and step right back up...

    Looking at C`gan's:

    Good wording that. Consider it to be added to the next draft, if not literally then with equal weight.

    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    How exactly are you going to verify how many accounts someone has?

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuusuke Akiyama IV
    What work could be done has been done to date. I shall post the current Draft of the Proposed Charter in the next post, below.

    I have also opened my schedule to be availble for the meeting of this day, and I will assist making the announcement there. I would counsel strongly that the matter NOT be put to vote this meeting, but be discussed, some alterations to the Draft made in due course, and that it be placed on the agenda for the next two (Saturday and Weekday) meetings to come.

    In an odd bit of stating concerns before showing the Draft Charter, I would hope to direct those reading it to the following concerns that were raised by those that assisted me in the writing. I am not in favor or against any strongly, but need be swayed further if such are to be made part of the next Draft:

    * that the WorldMaster be present at all the meetings of a formal Assembly.

    my thoughts are that we can ask, but not press this matter.

    * that 40 voices (votes) is the minimum "quorum" for a resolution of the Assembly.

    might 40 be too few to represent enough individuals, given the convention of 1 account = 1 vote?

    * that one account be heard as one voice.

    should this be one player = one vote instead?

    * that Officers of the Community Efforts serve as long as they wish.

    might they stand for re-election every 3 months instead, to prohibit complacency?

    * that Officers are selected from those that apply, by a resolution of the Assembly.

    it was asked if this need be limited to "no 2 Officers from the same guild may be elected"?

    * that World Projects is limited to (list in the Charter text that excludes Player-run Events).

    that this be expanded to allow Events to be Officered and Discussed, not just announced.

    * that Announcements get no discussion.

    it was asked if this might need be changed, but no example of need could be found.

    <takes a deep breath>

    Very well, here we go. May All in Istaria see us to a successful conclusion of this.
    I'll take these comments/suggestions in the order listed . . . .

    1) I agree that while it would certainly be great if Zideon were present at every meeting, I think it too much to expect for Zideon to ditch his RL responsibilities/playtime to mandatorily attend every community meeting.

    2) Considering that Order has at least 2000 paying accounts, it seems to me that 40 of those accounts--representing but 2% of all Order accounts--is at the very least a bare minimum quorum. I would vote to keep the 40-as-quorum number.

    3) I side with those suggesting that votes be by "real" player, not by number of accounts the player has. First off, there is no way for the community to verify that any particular player has more than one account. Second, there is something inherently undemocratic in letting richer players (i.e. those who can afford more than one account) to vote down those who have but one account.

    4) I confess to being of two minds about the term length of community efforts teams. On the one hand, "lifetime" appointments (or votes) do indeed tend to breed a sense of complacency and aloofness, but on the other hand I have to wonder why anyone would wish to vote on, much less replace, a team leader who has done, and is still doing, a great job. My suggestion would be that a team leader serve that position unless and until (a) the team leader resigns, or (b) the Assembly, in a vote of a quorum of 40 or more, by majority vote removes him/her as an agenda item.

    5) I don't have any problem at all with two or more officers being from the same guild. Let's be honest here--some guilds are MUCH more active with community work than others simply because their guildmembers think and act alike. As an example, the Obsidian Order guildmembers have been extraordinarily involved in community structure rebuilding since the first day of launch because that's just the kind of good, generous, active folks they are. And should a problem ever arise with one or more officers from the same guild showing favoratism, bias or otherwise acting against the general community interest, then the Assembly can always vote to remove them.

    6) Although I agree that as a general proposition World Projects construction should be confined to community structures such as field machines,the Bailit Bridge and other World Event projects, nevertheless I think room should be made for necessary exceptions. For example--and only as a hypothetical--if the owner of the plots near Mithril Canyon were to leave the game or for other reasons lose their plots and their smithing shops were torn down, and the new owners asked for assistance in rebuilding those smithing shops, then I should think the World Projects team would be more than justified in providing just such assistance--even though to privately held plots--since those machines greatly aid the community at large.

    7) I, too, can't imagine how or why a simple announcement could or would be debated.

    Yuusuke, permit me to express my gratitude--and frankly, astonishment--at the huge amount of thought and work you have obviously put into drafting this charter. It's grand work!
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuusuke Akiyama IV

    3b) that the Moderator be selected by simple list, one list each for the two minimum monthly sessions. any Gifted of Order may add his name to the list, or if listed, remove it, so long as either are done not less than 1 week's time prior to the next scheduled session of the Assembly.

    3b1) upon the closing of a session of the Assembly, the current Moderator of that session steps down, their name is moved immediately to the bottom of the list for the next same-day-of-the week session. the name now at the top of the list becomes the current Moderator for the next same-day-of-the-week session scheduled.

    3b2) that if no name exists upon the list for the next scheduled session of the Assembly by the time of 1 week before the last possible date of that session to be in compliance with this Charter, that session is cancelled. if no name exists on the list for either of the next scheduled same-day-of-the-week sessions (both minimum sessions in the same month), this Charter is dissolved upon the passing of the second of dates of the two minimum monthly sessions.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the community already basically decide to do this another way?

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    I don't think so, Tokoz. The community, as expressed here in the forum and in the last meeting some weeks ago, did not have the benefit of Yuusuke's well-reasoned charter to consider.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    <attempts to field more of these before meeting people in Istaria>

    regarding Sen's:

    I am unaware of any method to verify. I am aware that such was the practice of calls for votes on the Forums here in the last few weeks/months. If no means of verification is to be found and honor is not suitable, this may have to change.

    regarding Tant's:

    your #4, suggestion: I believe this is how it is written now.

    your #6: this needs words to allow this type of exception, as neither my original wording nor C`gan' Inhertance cover it without some serious manipulations of the language. Might you suggest a wording?

    <bows> more to do.
    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokoz
    [img]/Web/Themes/default/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]Yuusuke Akiyama IV wrote:

    3b) that the Moderator be selected by simple list, one list each for the two minimum monthly sessions. any Gifted of Order may add his name to the list, or if listed, remove it, so long as either are done not less than 1 week's time prior to the next scheduled session of the Assembly.

    3b1) upon the closing of a session of the Assembly, the current Moderator of that session steps down, their name is moved immediately to the bottom of the list for the next same-day-of-the week session. the name now at the top of the list becomes the current Moderator for the next same-day-of-the-week session scheduled.

    3b2) that if no name exists upon the list for the next scheduled session of the Assembly by the time of 1 week before the last possible date of that session to be in compliance with this Charter, that session is cancelled. if no name exists on the list for either of the next scheduled same-day-of-the-week sessions (both minimum sessions in the same month), this Charter is dissolved upon the passing of the second of dates of the two minimum monthly sessions.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the community already basically decide to do this another way?
    I am unaware of any such.I would welcome your directing me to to any reference.

    Judged purely as written however, would this Section and Subsections stand as fit?

    <bows quickly and heads for the meeting now>

    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuusuke Akiyama IV
    your #6: this needs words to allow this type of exception, as neither my original wording nor C`gan' Inhertance cover it without some serious manipulations of the language. Might you suggest a wording?
    Okies, I'll give it a shot . . . .

    The World Projects Team shall give its first and primary emphasis to the construction of structures beneficial to the Order community at large. In order of priority, the Team shall give consideration to and work upon the following construction projects:

    1) The construction of World Event Projects, defined as those construction projects initiated by and necessary to the furtherance and completion of a current World Event. Examples are the recently completed Eastern Deadlands Outpost and the still incomplete Bailit Bridge.

    2) The construction of processing shops directly beneficial to the community at large, whether or not such shops are in the field or privately owned. Examples:

    (a) Any processing hut in a resource field (such as the gemworking huts on Island of Ice);

    (b) Any processing hut on a privately held plot near a resource field (such assmithing shopsin Wolf's Paw near the Mithril Canyon, the stoneworking and woodworking shops near Pleasant Canyon, and the gemworking shops near Bristugo).

    Hope this helps a bit.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    It was voted on in the last meeting. Vote to have me stay or something else, which included the possiblity of a rotating moderatorship. They did vote me in, darnit... :p

  20. #20
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: The Shard Charter

    Quote Originally Posted by C`gan
    [img]/Web/Themes/default/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]Yuusuke Akiyama IV wrote:

    2f) for purposes of this Charter, World Projects is defined as: "That work, whether building, crafting, or adventure, neccessary and sufficent to advance the course of an Official (TG) Event, open new territory for the free use of all Gifted of Order, or repair/rebuild publicly owned structures that will be open to all once completed, and the maintenance of an In-Character chat channel for the coordination of any ongoing project(s)."
    Since this one deals with me, I'm going to have to raise an eyebrow or two, maybe a couple eyeridges, and perhaps even ruffle some whiskers or cause patchy skin.

    Something that I think should be in this statement is "projects specifically are not associated with any particular person, guild, or plot", as was handed down to me (our one exception this far was Kaaii's carpentry hall because the finishing machinery was taken out of Cedar's Cove and no other logging camp was there to be built). This line has been consistent with the early days of the world projects.Previous World Projectsleadersgave it to me and I attempt in my own fashion to pass it on to future builders of Istaria.
    Now, merging in with Tantalyr's thoughts of:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalyr
    6) Although I agree that as a general proposition World Projects construction should be confined to community structures such as field machines,the Bailit Bridge and other World Event projects, nevertheless I think room should be made for necessary exceptions. For example--and only as a hypothetical--if the owner of the plots near Mithril Canyon were to leave the game or for other reasons lose their plots and their smithing shops were torn down, and the new owners asked for assistance in rebuilding those smithing shops, then I should think the World Projects team would be more than justified in providing just such assistance--even though to privately held plots--since those machines greatly aid the community at large.
    2f) For purposes of this Charter, World Projects are defined as: "Projects which specifically are not associated with any particular person, guild, or plot." Examples include the Elmnic logging camp, Selen-Balit Island bridge, Kion lighthouse, dwarven mines.

    2f1) These projects may include any building, crafting, or adventuring necessary and sufficient to advance the course of an Official (TG) Event, open new territory for the free use of all Gifted of Order, or repair/rebuild publicly owned structures that will be open to all once completed.

    2f2) In the cases of machinery lacking for resources to be processed, the World Projects may also include an indivdual, guild, or plot structure deemed necessary by the landowners of the community and with full agreement by the person owning said structure within the lacking region. By example, Kaaii's carpentry hall in Genevia during the period that Cedar's Cove did not have the woodworking bench.

    2f3) The World Projects team shall maintan an in-character chat channel for the coordination of any ongoing project(s).
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

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