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Thread: Rift Boss Rewards

  1. #1

    Default Rift Boss Rewards

    After testing on Blight, we discovered that the rift boss encounters all had specific rewards that were associated with each victory. I don't remember the order, but here are the rewards.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Just curious, but with Dragon Fear and Primal Rebirth, I notice the recycle timers say 1:40:00 and 1:00:00, respectively.

    Does this mean that I'd have to wait 1hr 40minsafter Iuse a mez that lasts for 45 seconds, and costs 2500 HV, to be able to fire it again?

    Same goes with PR. One hour, and a cost of 5000 HV?

    Requesting clarification from TG personnel. Are these timers correct?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Heh, I notice Dragon Fear uses Mind skill to hit - and since it is null on all dragons, don't expect it to land a lot. [:P] In any case, with a hoard cost of 2500 it is clearly a Gold Shield type skill - price is too steep to justify regular use, or any use at all. On the other hand, if the recycle timer is correct - 1h40m - it also gains the descriptor of obsolete. Quite clearly I won't be hotkeying this one.

    Now resurrection is a much more useful ability than 45s mez. With a 1 hour recyle - assuming again that it is correct - it is obviously intended for resurrecting the group's regular rezzer. The question will thus normally be, will I pay 5000 hoard to rez our healer or wait for him/her recall and run back to battlezone? The usefulness is directly proportional to distance to closest gate-in pad, and very useful at times when an ancient dragon is the last living member of a group.

    Drain Strike and Spiked Scales look on first glance as direct continuations of their lines - a little bit more powerful than their VII versions. Keeping in mind our low regular melee damage, Drain VIII appears just as useless as previous versions. And Spiked Scales is Spiked Scales - always useful.

    edit: Hm, Gopher was faster. [:)] I'll wait for official word on real timers before commenting more.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Inc new screenshots for these abilites... give me a few

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Hmm. These rewards seem very underwhelming. Drain strike sucks as much as ever. Spiked scales is good, but not the big jump in firepower ancient dragons were expecting. If the mez really is just 1 minute 40 seconds it could be useful in case of an accidental add, but then again when that happens its easier to just takeoff, let the monsters reset and come down for another pass. If this is all ancients get then an ancient is basically just a bigger adult.

    Fireclaw Longtail - Chaos Shard - Ancient Lunus Dragon
    100 Dragon Adventurer / 100 Dragoncrafter / 28 million hoard

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    by no means does the improvement look vast on spiked scales and drain strike.

    The new abilities are nice but i think it's time t6 npcs are given satisfactory hoard drop rates so we can use them.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Quote Originally Posted by Kumu Honua
    It's 65%, not 150%.

    I get about 100ish from the strike.

    Edit: Sure, go ahead and edit your post so mine makes no sense why dont ya... =)
    realized it was harsh =p my 150% was what i think a vast improvement would be i know it's 65%

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Wow 5,000 hv to res... you can froget me ressing a biped unless they give me a shiny offering

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Too many people can rez and heal already, does having more make any sense?

    I say leave heals to the active healing schools, and leave rezes with active Healers and Clerics.

    More multi-class madness isn't the solution to already broken multi-classing.

    Do I think these would be useful? Sure, and I think it would be useful to have Talons of U B Dead, but it would be boring as hell.

    You want to give us rewards, give us armor and give us melee and spell damage.

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    - Albert Einstein

  10. #10

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    According to Manga the drain strike and spiked scales 8 are just place holders. The new ones they are going to give us HAVENT been put in yet, repeat HAVENT been put in yet. They know that the mez needs to be associated with another skill. And they know that the timers are a typo and need to be fixed. BUt the spiked scales 8 and drain strike 8 are simply place holders at this time. They will be adding in the correct ones soon. Until then we are still stuck with the place holder ones.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Quote Originally Posted by Ebonfyre
    According to Manga the drain strike and spiked scales 8 are just place holders. The new ones they are going to give us HAVENT been put in yet, repeat HAVENT been put in yet. They know that the mez needs to be associated with another skill. And they know that the timers are a typo and need to be fixed. BUt the spiked scales 8 and drain strike 8 are simply place holders at this time. They will be adding in the correct ones soon. Until then we are still stuck with the place holder ones.
    ... ah sort of like how adult dragons were only "temporarily" losing AOE flame breath, but that it would be re-added as a more powerful flame burst in the "next patch"... this over 6 months ago. Or how dragon spell effects still use the temporary placeholder graphics they had at release that were never intended to be permanent and still lack sound effects.

    Fireclaw Longtail - Chaos Shard - Ancient Lunus Dragon
    100 Dragon Adventurer / 100 Dragoncrafter / 28 million hoard

  12. #12

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Quote Originally Posted by Ebonfyre
    According to Manga the drain strike and spiked scales 8 are just place holders. The new ones they are going to give us HAVENT been put in yet, repeat HAVENT been put in yet. They know that the mez needs to be associated with another skill. And they know that the timers are a typo and need to be fixed. BUt the spiked scales 8 and drain strike 8 are simply place holders at this time. They will be adding in the correct ones soon. Until then we are still stuck with the place holder ones.
    ya that's why i retracted my first rather harsh post i figured something along these lines could be their current state
    It just took me a few minutes to realize

    About aoe firebreath it's supposed to come in with ancient but no one is an ancient yet to test it lol.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Quote Originally Posted by oluviel
    About aoe firebreath it's supposed to come in with ancient but no one is an ancient yet to test it lol.
    Nope not true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seranthor

    DESIGN PREVIEW 5/15/2005

    Date: 5/15/2005

    Just Released to Blight -

    The following items were updated to the Blight Server on 5/5/2005

    Skalkaar, the new Dragon tutorial island, is ready for the first phase of testing. The travel gate is located in New Trismus and currently doesn't require attunement, and the attunement quest will become available after Skalkaar completes testing.

    Imperial Consigners now limit the number of items that can be listed globally rather than individually. An account may have 150 items listed in total per subscription (CD-Key). All 150 can be on one consigner, or 75 on two consigners, etc. Consigners on privately owned plots continue to limit individually, and items on them do not count against the global total limit for Imperial Consigners.

    Spellbook Limit is increased to 200.
    Formula Limit is increased to 1000.
    Technique Limit is increased to 1000.
    Housing Storage Increases

    Beginner, Journeyman and Expert Pottery Shops are now on Blight for testing.

    Coming soon to Blight -

    The following items are in the readying stages for release to the Blight Server.

    The return of fungus to Istaria, these fungus will be used in new armor and confectioner formulas throughout all tiers.

    Lesser Aradoth is undergoing a terrain make over, new areas to explore and quest in, the return of older player nemesis' as well as new enemies to fight.

    2 new monster types including the Seayakki and Adobe Mudlets that provode additional resource sources as well as ingredients to new confectioner formulas.

    The ability to Dye Weapons with new formulas from both dropped and crafter made dyes.

    Part 2 of the Ancient Rite of Passage with new adventures and dragon only items and abilities.

    Helian equivalent to Gold Rage

    Flame Burst AE Dragon Breath

    New Heal Ranges and the introduction of "Critical Heals" for both Life Schools and non Life Schools.

    Emblem Equipment Slot.

    (This slot allows you to equip items such as Badges that will allow you to change your Title or Honorific.)

    Internal Testing Stage -

    The following items are on our internal server currently undergoing testing.

    *** New Quest Editor *** - All the new in house quests are now using this tool.

    Epic Spells (More Details to follow and screenshots.)

    New Dragon Claw Techniques

    Changes to the requirements for the materials for Journeyman and Expert Metal Bar (More information to follow)

    Dragon Lairs (More information and screnshots coming soon)

    In Development -

    The following items are in various development stages with no current ETA and may be different upon final implementation

    Kwellen Hide Armor (Art and Armor Made, needing Formulas)

    New Resources (Enriched Ore's and Pristine Gems and other Exotic Resource Types)

    More Epic Monsters


    Confectioner Recipes

    Bounty Marker Quests for Techniques

    Tier 5 Town Marshalls Quests
    No were does that say Ancient in it or AROP any any way shap or form. If you going to Nerf something we had and say that it is just a temp nerf you really need to come out and say somethinmg when you deside to make it a perment nerf.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    From the latest article i know full well about the fire breath procrastination on the part of the devs here you go

    Upon completion of the entire ARoP, players become an Ancient Dragon. They are larger, fly higher, and fly faster than adults. Their scales are tougher and they can carry significantly more. Their flaming breath attacks become wider, affecting all enemies in the area. They also have the ability to use temporary bursts of speed while flying.
    This is from the latest article not something old the one made a few days ago.

    here is the link

    maybe it just makes sence that the improvment be given at ancient. If an adult were given the improved ae fame attack then ancients would either get an overpowered breath weapon or just not get an improved bw.
    At adult we did get one ae bw that still works fine and is more usefull now that flame isn't on a 5 min timer.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    I understand it and changed it. My problem is that once again. Oh it will be changed shortly 6 month later. Oh ummm sorry we desided to add this requirments to it. I would not be so mad about it if they had said 3 months ago when some where there said "Hey we need more rewards for the ancient, lets give them AOE Flame breath." But no they could not do that now could they?

    I understand taking it way from a hatchling I can agree with that. Give it to adults, and give ancients a bigger AOE the adults and upp the damage a little. But honestly I would not care if it was the same breath adults have it. It all the it is coming it is coming then dead silance.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    I agree, nowhere did they say AE fire breath was going to be ancient only.

    From the patch notes of 3/29/05:
    Dragon Breath of Fire has been changed to 30-second recycle time. The Area Effect was removed and will be replaced by a more powerful Area Effect Breath of Flame Burst (to be added in the next update.)

    Beyond the fact that the "next update" was 6 months ago, if this has suddenly _stealthily_ become ancient only.... [:@]
    Tympest Stormchaser
    100/100 Ancient Lunus Dragon - Retired
    Erus Ex Istaria - Order

  17. #17

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Personally, I think the Adult AE breath attack should be given back to adults just like it is, and Ancients should simply have it on a 30 second timer.

    I doubt highly that having it on a 30 second timer would unbalance the game, bi-peds get these kinds of things on much shorter timers, so I cannot see it being a problem from an overpower standpoint. And since Breath Attacks are one of Dragons most recognized abilities, it would make sense from an RP standpoint.

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    - Albert Einstein

  18. #18

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    2500 hoard for mez and 5000 hoard for Rez...
    With timer over the hours?

    This is ridiculous. What good are those ability if you can't use them without tearing your arm off?

    A 1 hour, 5000 HV rez, I would have seen it on a Lunus and would have expected it free (or cheap on Helian).
    And the save for the Mez but with Helian.

    I do hope those will be revised with faction in mind, because those are ridiculously high for the effect they provide. Don't expect dragons to rez any biped unless they can pay him/her 50 silver...

    So much of our supposed awesome gift... so far,
    Dragon Lairs: Istaria's ghetto

  19. #19

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragoniade
    2500 hoard for mez and 5000 hoard for Rez...
    With timer over the hours?

    This is ridiculous. What good are those ability if you can't use them without tearing your arm off?

    A 1 hour, 5000 HV rez, I would have seen it on a Lunus and would have expected it free (or cheap on Helian).
    And the save for the Mez but with Helian.

    I do hope those will be revised with faction in mind, because those are ridiculously high for the effect they provide. Don't expect dragons to rez any biped unless they can pay him/her 50 silver...

    So much of our supposed awesome gift... so far,
    If you scroll up I pointed out that the timers are a bug. Manga said that it is a typo. So im guessing the 1:40:00 for the mez is gonna probably be 1 min 40 secs. For the rez im guessing itll probablt 10-30 mins instead. Also remember that the mez and rez spell are brand new. We have no idea what abilities we will get as ancient. We might be able to improve these skills through a trainer. Theses are not the FINALIZED versions of these abilities. I believe they said that somewhere around Monday the final encounter will be patched in. I would probably wait until some of us blight dragons make ancient and post what info we have before making a quick judgement.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Rift Boss Rewards

    Dragon Fear 1


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