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Thread: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

  1. #41

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    Ooooh.... that would give me about 7500 strength :) *dreams of gold rage*
    Lumineux Talar

  2. #42

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharcellus
    Kumu is online quite a bit when his computer isn't dead. He might be playing his clone Cryst at times.

    Skald is on sporadically, but is more likely to be on his biped Samael (which I think is his main).

    I'm on sporadically as Malta, mainly because he's done for the moment. I am usually on several times a week on my furball, Tsilaros, building on guild plots. I take orders while in this form, collect the comps, store them in the GH for when I log Malta on, make the scales, deliver them or put them back in the GH for when the customer approaches me again while playing Tsil..

    There are others who have the techs, but their collections are not complete. Many don't play anymore.

    Personally, I think it would be cool if the art of making those scales became a lost knowledge for a while, and other newer techs came out in the meantime. Then, maybe someday after they are long gone and lamented, they will make a surprise reappearance for a couple days. That would do two things: make a believeable story about knowledge and how it becomes lost, and make the existing scales very valuable.
    I tend to agree with Maltavorn. As annoyed as I am at the way the event was held it's pretty cool that the devs are sticking to their guns and not just dumping the techs back into the market.

    Skald is definitely Skald's main though it doesn't seem that way since he plays Samael more for something to do I think. Skald was not always Skald which might confuse people a bit.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    oh see I agree with not just dumping them back into the pool of formulas....

    but I also think that they either need to reintroduce them at some point BEFORE they entirely disappear from the population...or introduce other 'event' scale techs that are comparable.

    You can have this round robin type thing - where every few months one or two special scale techs come out, connected to an event, and then are gone forever or for two years or for whatever (I'd say any period long than 8 months to a year ensures that almost noone is left playing who can manufacture those scales, at the present retention rate anyway)

    But that isn't what's going on.

    What we have is three/four scale techs attached to a single event, that are now almost gone. There is nothing else new to replace them with, nothing comparable that more than 3 people (say on Order) can craft and replace them with.

    So if they are wanting to do the whole "ooih new stuff that gets out of circulation eventually" that's fine. But that implies, and requies, a continuance of new stuff every few months to do so..

    Not just one event in two years, that introduces a concept that at the time we didn't even know to be the case (that they'd never again be receivable, and would only be around a couple of days), nor did we know that it wasn't setting up a new standard in game (special techs tied to events at a regular interval).

    make sense? I hope so...

    But no, I don't agree with the lack of organization or process going on right now - seems to me all it is was a one time thing, never to be repeated, for anything - same techs or new ones, on a regular basis.

    So..miss to be you. Newer player to then game - than the event? Never had anything like it to experience to be you too.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae
    oh see I agree with not just dumping them back into the pool of formulas....

    but I also think that they either need to reintroduce them at some point BEFORE they entirely disappear from the population...or introduce other 'event' scale techs that are comparable.

    You can have this round robin type thing - where every few months one or two special scale techs come out, connected to an event, and then are gone forever or for two years or for whatever (I'd say any period long than 8 months to a year ensures that almost noone is left playing who can manufacture those scales, at the present retention rate anyway)

    But that isn't what's going on.

    What we have is three/four scale techs attached to a single event, that are now almost gone. There is nothing else new to replace them with, nothing comparable that more than 3 people (say on Order) can craft and replace them with.

    So if they are wanting to do the whole "ooih new stuff that gets out of circulation eventually" that's fine. But that implies, and requies, a continuance of new stuff every few months to do so..

    Not just one event in two years, that introduces a concept that at the time we didn't even know to be the case (that they'd never again be receivable, and would only be around a couple of days), nor did we know that it wasn't setting up a new standard in game (special techs tied to events at a regular interval).

    make sense? I hope so...

    But no, I don't agree with the lack of organization or process going on right now - seems to me all it is was a one time thing, never to be repeated, for anything - same techs or new ones, on a regular basis.

    So..miss to be you. Newer player to then game - than the event? Never had anything like it to experience to be you too.

    The problem as I see it is that because they didn't do this we all know that this sort of thing can happen. Any nice shiny techs or forms that drop as part of an event is going to generate a feeding frenzy so to speak. Then we will have total saturation which means that the forms or techs would have no value at all.

    Personally I think they should be ultra rare drops off named mobs or something. That way they will show up sometimes but be infrequent enough to discourage camping for them. They would still hold value that way as well and we wouldn't be worried that they were going to disappear.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In a skylair, high above the clouds

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?


    That is a part of any game. When you come late, you can't expect to have all the events rehashed for you. Some things are one-time only, and going through them again just because new players didn't get to experience them doesn't make sense.

    So, should we go through freeing the Satyrs again? How about summoning the Dryads? We had the Dragon Grave Robbers event that came and went with our rare items, the bipeds had the Dryad event for theirs. Hell, there is no way for bipeds to get those items now. They required special drops and a NPC (who is now long gone) to make. At least we can still make our items, because the components still drop, and some still have the forms and still play.

    It is the only reward we get for being around since early on. Since nothing else in the game is tied to character age, I don't think it would be fair to take that away. So what if they disappear for a while, or even permanently? There's plenty of those scales out there now, and there is nothing that says the devs won't put something new in to supplant them.

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    no I really didin't mean have the same things be rereleased...

    but yes I do feel that there should be "continuing" special event related stuff, comparable things...

    I am not saying the SAME thing, or the SAME techs, I believe I was trying to explain an ongoing "event" related drop - not the same drop - but comparable special drops to happen during more than one event a year :).

    And I think there are things saying the devs may NOT put in anything new to supplant them, the history of this game ;).

    It wouldn't shock me at all to see them never do anything like it again, and that's what I meant by it being sad...

  7. #47

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    Maltavorn wrote:
    > It is the only reward we get for being around since early on.

    yeah.. except for those of us that WERE around but were unlucky enough to not get the most requested tech of the 4 due to the event being cut off early unannounced.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In a skylair, high above the clouds

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    *shrug* It was long enough for some people to get multiple copies and spread them around. Additionally, you're not the only one that was around then that didn't get a copy.

    The statement was not an absolute. I'd prefer that they had done more events like it, but we have what we have.

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    I see that small misinformation can really go astray. I was there and I recall vividly that time. When events first started, they were supposed to be weekly. Soon they decided to make it every two weeks. This is the time that the dragon animators arrived. They were located north of dralk for a solid two weeks. I was there nearly every day as was alot of others because at the time we all knew events were supposed to last two weeks. Sometimes they can last longer, but always there is a chance it will end in two weeks.

    Not everyone got the techs they wanted, even with the mass killing because bones were very rare and there were four types of bones that could be turned in. I got three bones and deleted them cause no formula used them, till I realized you could turn into the dragon for a tech, then I just gave the forms to our shards dragons that I knew.

    I only wanted to make it clear that the event was never cut short, there were no exploits in its implementation or execution, and I personally absolutely loved the event. It was the only one where you could get parts randomly to make unique weapons. This was the Regal Era of Istaria.

  10. #50

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    I went back thru screenshots from April 2004, looking for the original descriptions of the techs, and in the month of april alone I:

    Helped kill the final 2 Satyr Machines

    Got 4 Dragon techs, bunch of regal bits and pieces. And I mean a bunch. over half given away back then to friends with the matching parts. Did the quests for the regal weapon repair formulas, had to level fletcher a bit.

    Apparently began killing Dryad event mobs, since I have a screenshot of Ranger Ashmoor.

    All these things in a single month.

    If that pace could be achieved again... we wouldn't know what to do with our-selves. And there would be stuff we would miss out on ocassionally. But ******** it sure was fun back then.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In a skylair, high above the clouds

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    Yeah, I was pretty sure that it lasted more than a few days myself, but it was so long ago, I have to admit to not being sure.

    I am almost certain it lasted at least a week, if not two, and I remember having some warning to turn in the rest of my dragon remains before Byzmendrik disappeared.

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    Scotland/Unity/Where the shadows are thickest...

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    Did it take place in April? *Eyes widen.* I didn't even know when the event took place but now that I know it took place in April I feel like knocking my head off a wall right now... I was there, thought it happened when I was off-the-air.

    Well actually, it was during the time I left for a long while since I was so infuriated that my connection had such an abyssmal performance - I probably would've been thrown offline every 5 minutes or so, so probably I still wouldn't have got the techs... same reason I couldn't participate in destroying the Satyr Machines. [:^)]

    I can'nae think of anything witty to type right now... give me a while more.
    (I don't don't have Photoshop like you might do.)

  13. #53

    Default Re: Dragon Event Techs? What resources?

    I was around for it but of a level to be able to take one the solo's but none of the groups. SO hunted a little around the edges as a hatchling till a nice adult grouped with me gave me a set of bones and also did some other hunting. But did not find any other bobes. [:'(]

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