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Thread: Hello Istaria

  1. #1

    Default Hello Istaria

    To my history:
    At the beginning there was Asherons Call for two years. I started with it with the release of the game. Then I tried the German Beta of DAoC and changed to it. Again two years later I stopped playing getting bored because most of the players there wanted the ideal party... tried Shadowbane Beta, SWG for a few months, EQ II, AC2 and currently I am playing WoW. But I am no player who is running with with 40 other players into exactly the same dungeon every day to get the ideal equipment. So I read the article in Gamestars about Horizons and its relaunch and I give it a try. I like to craft and to explore, I dont like to camp spots for leveling, I like to run around and kill some mobs here and there and see the world. I miss the flair of Asherons Call where i was climbing on Mountains to look the valleys beyound me, or watching the rise of the sun.

    Will see if Istaria would be a home for me and my playing style.
    At the beginning I was a little bit shocked about the buggy NPCs in New Trismus, to mention this where the first 3 NPCs I dealed with, so I did not know that they are bugged. But luckily there was a very kind player who adviced me a lot already, soI came around this problem after two hours playtime. I already was something frustrated I have to mention. But I will see more of the game world and decide later, if this could be the game for me. A little bit it remembers me to Asherons Call, which I like the most because of the game flair.

    So hello fellow Istarians, see you around

  2. #2
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Hello Istaria

    Quote Originally Posted by Iwy
    I like to craft and to explore, I dont like to camp spots for leveling, I like to run around and kill some mobs here and there and see the world. I miss the flair of Asherons Call where i was climbing on Mountains to look the valleys beyound me, or watching the rise of the sun.
    No need to camp anywhere. The current state of game has entire regions of similar-level beasties to go after of all types. Crafting can be done nearly everywhere there's a machine (and we have some very resourceful landowners who have put machines across the world as well as the community-built ones). If you like climbing mountains, might I suggest Pleasant Canyon, Chiconis, and the mountain near Dalimond, as well as Scorpion Island mountain (be ready to fight there at tier 2) and Abandoned Island mountain (also, be ready to fight there at tier 2).

    Welcome to Istaria.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hello Istaria

    Sounds like Horizons has much that suits your playstyle. The world is completely un-instanced and seamless (no zoning) which probably will enhance your exploration experience. There are no dungeons with 'epic loot' (tbh, current world model can't support dungeons) or in fact much drop-only loot that is superior to crafted items - and none that is vastly superior to what you can make yourself.

    Levelling is not about camping a specific spot, one can take on a wide range of critters in many places. Just remember that even newbies can easily access areas that are far too dangerous fo them; just by porting to Dralk and setting foot outside the city you can meet level 61-80 mobs.

    There's a nice variation of terrain to explore; from the forests and sandy beaches of Lesser Aradoth to volcanic Char, frigid Mahagra tundra, dusty Tazoon Desert, and the blighted lands of our undead foe, the Withered Aegis.

    Oh and crafting. There's a lot to do there with a wide variety of craft schools to choose from, both on equipment and construction side of things. Besides some quest rewards and a few loot drops, everything in game can be crafted and teched up by players.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hello Istaria

    Welcome to istaria! Pop into the new player assistance channel to meet other new players, get advice from the vets and just generally have a good time.
    60% Achiever
    46% Socializer
    46% Explorer
    46% Killer
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Nimk a Beer)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hello Istaria

    Thanks for the warm welcome

    I did a lot of crafting till today. The depht of the crafting part is really amazing.
    The ingame community of Unity is very helpful and shows great patience with Newbees like me, especially one player I am asking holes in the belly.

    But the adventuring part of Horizons is not the part I like atm. Creatures are popping up very late. Sometimes I die because they pop when I am in admidst a horde of them. Will see what future brings here.

    See youaround fellow Istarians

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