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Thread: Dryad Trees

  1. #1

    Default Dryad Trees

    I heard somewhere that originally, Dryads were going to have tree-plots. Heres a simple concept that might help. Instead of trying to stick to the "rooms inside the tree" idea, rather have a tree-house effect. There could be like 6 to 10 branch platforms, some larger than others. The dryad could plan what to put on each platform. You could either have a ramp around the trunk going up or possibly have a ramp inside the tree going up.
    Each platform would have an entrance from the ramp.
    Silos on platforms could be more like large bags or sacks hangning from the platform to put stuff in. (make more sense than hoping the precariously balanced tower wouldn't fall) The higher the platform, the larger the silo that could be built there (don't want the baggies hitting the ground)
    The individual rooms could use a bunch more textile and leather working crafting than current biped construction.
    I can see draping silk tapestries waving in the wind between the branches of the trees. It would be beautiful to behold.

    OH..... Don't try to make the tree house ramp usable by dragons.
    REMEMBER: Dragons have Khutit form. It's kind of sad that it's not really ever used anymore.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dryad Trees

    I assume they would be build like that and not inside the tree, but it all depends on how hard it is to program that. They may have to put them in side the tree just because it would be to hard to make rooms appear on branches. But no clue.

    AS to who can fit, personally I think only Dryads should fit but then I want vertical shafts for my Lair.

  3. #3
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Dryad Trees

    Dryad trees and Dwarven tunnels were both going to use the dragon lair coding as a basis to be able to attach things on. Now, whether that meant attachment by limbs or just connection points I have no idea, but dragons got to be the guinea pigs for this assignment.

    I would imagine it will be connection by tree branches to grow whatever and have an inside-the-tree method of getting up to the levels. After that, it's anyone's guess.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dryad Trees

    Yea I guess it would work like lairs. You have a base trunk to start. The next add on would be another trunk with door ways to Branches. So say 4 branches with varying heights of buildings on it. And then you would have to build the next truck piece with "doors" to open areas or against doors to rooms from lower branches.

    I am starting to see now how it would work for a Dryad tree. Instead of being able to put ups and down any where they may do a central "elevator" trunk with exit to each "branch". Or they could have trunk rooms that do not have a stairs/ramp up and you have to exit onto a branch climb up by that room then re-enter the central trunk.

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