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Thread: Unity Transfer information

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    Default Unity Transfer information

    For those who might have missed the news on the Community site, we have officially kicked off transfers for players from the EU Unity shard to the US shards. For more information, please visit the Unity Transfer Page

    There's been some questions floating around regarding Unity Transfers and our decisions / status regarding plots and the structures on plots. The decision to not give a plot token and not give novians for structures were separate.

    Plot Tokens: We are not giving plot tokens in order to put everyone who has been waiting for a plot or lair on even footing when plot reclaims begin. We do understand that Unity players who are transferring over lost their plot/lair on Unity, but we also felt that players who have been playing on Order or Chaos over the last 18 months, waiting for a plot or lair to open up, also deserve a chance at purchasing a plot/lair. They, too, are homeless and have been for quite some time. We do feel that once plot reclaims begin there will be enough available homes for everyone. If it turns out we are wrong and there are not enough to go around, we're committed to working to add more plots and lairs to Istaria.

    As an alternative to the plot tokens, we will include the coin value of any owned plots as part of the transfer. This value is based on the starting price of the plot, not the asking / last sale price. This "Home Equity Reimbursement" will give players who have lost their home a starting point with which to purchase a new one, but not provide them with an extreme advantage over current Order and Chaos players.

    Novians: The decision to not give novians for structures was more of a technical one. As I indicated in one of my previous messages, we have to come to a point where we decided that people from Unity had been waiting long enough, and we'd worked out as many of the problems with character transfers as we realistically could in a given time frame. That time frame was actually extended a few times, to the point that we know delays were starting to "wear on the patience".

    Please help us to spread the word and have your friends join us. We're excited to finally offer a new home for Unity players and are looking forward to seeing you over the next few weeks. We've ironed out all the little details, and people are sending in transfer requests at a rapid rate. Players on Chaos and Order should be prepared to welcome the Unitarians to their new homes as early as next week - if not sooner.

    With that said, please allow me to be among the first to say "Welcome Back!"

    -- Amarië AncalÃ**mon
    Community Manager
    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; April 11th, 2008 at 06:31 PM.

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