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Thread: Herald Program Discussion

  1. #1

    Default Herald Program Discussion

    Please use this thread to discuss the new Herald program. You can find the announcement about the program here:

  2. #2

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Glad to see this is being brought back.

  3. #3
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    This seems to be a little different from the original Heralds program. This is apparently designed to provide a conduit between players and the developers in a new way. It has some of the qualities of the old focus group, but is more open and transparent; for one thing the heralds will be identified.

    It's a very interesting approach, one that should avoid some of the group-think pitfalls that the focus group seemed to fall into. Innovative, and impressive. Virtrium is certainly looking to be a standard setter for game management.
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Did the other one even get off the ground?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    What "other one"?

  6. #6
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Oh, you're talking the go-between program EI/PME/NGW was proposing? It got as far as the submission of names.

    So, with this setup, heralds will have a direct connection of some sort with the community devs?
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  7. #7

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
    So, with this setup, heralds will have a direct connection of some sort with the community devs?
    You are proposing some form of neural interface? Interesting...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by gopher65 View Post
    You are proposing some form of neural interface? Interesting...
    Take the blue pill! Take the blue pill!
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Indeed, this does sound like something [censored]ing [the previous owner] attempted to implement.

    While I think the idea in general may work, I have concerns that have not been addressed in the announcement.

    1. Dealing with more drama. For those not familiar with the term, it's the negative gossip and interaction between players that transcends in-game roles – accusations of cheating, harassment, not wearing underwear, deceit, lying, theft, nose-picking and the like. I will not be surprised should this program add two more to that list: favoritism (or conspiracy) and pushing one's own agenda.

    While I'm not saying we shouldn't do it because of this possibility, I do ask of VI: Has this been considered, and what are your plans to deal with this situation should it arise? For that matter, have you considered the negative impact (administrative overhead and publicity) of a Herald being accused of one of the above activities?

    Before anyone says “no, it won't happen�, think back about the Focus Group and “IRC Cabal�. (Both of which I feel got undeserved negative attention, but that's another story)

    2. Changing one's relationship with the community. (This is more for those applying) When a player becomes more than just a player and everyone knows it, their relationship with the community may change. They may be approached by people with false friendships (“arse-kissing�), distanced by friends, placed under close scrutiny by enemies, and of course, accused of all kinds of wrongdoing. Perhaps someone with more experience in this matter can speak up and say more about it. Regardless, I believe that even if the chance of this happening is slim, it should be disclosed. It's kind of hard to roll-back to “the good ol' days�.

    3. Consistency. (No, not of “whipped cream�) Ever been told one thing by a company representative, then told something completely different by another one? That really destroys the customer's image of the company when it happens. What sort of measures will be taken to ensure that Heralds provide the same information? How can they be made accountable for it?

    Right now, this isn't much of an issue since there is only one official voice. Lots of rumors and hearsay, but at least those don't carry anywhere near as much credibility as the words of a company representative. (Heralds will be considered company representatives.)

    4. Limits and process.
    Is there a maximum limit for the amount of time one can be a Herald?

    Do they come up for 'review' or have to re-apply every so often?

    Can interested players submit a request even after the decisions have been made?

    Do the players have any recourse if they feel a Herald isn't acting in the best interests of the community?

    Why doesn't the community have a role in selecting their peers who will be representing them? (If nothing else, at least being able to provide commentary on the list of candidates.)

    I think that's enough for now. Those are the biggest concerns that bother me.

    As an aside, a kind Saris (thanks!) helped to put into words what I've been feeling, but unable to express since the announcement was made: It sounds like VI is actually (or should be) looking for a community manager. (note the singular form)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Just so you know, we have a community manager, so that's covered. For those who want the "cliff notes" answer, head to the bottom and read the last paragraph only... I'm long-winded and I know not everyone wants to read all that.

    1. Drama is to be expected in all things. Yes, we realize that people are going to say that this is some sort of "insider" program, and ultimately there is nothing we can do to stop that. However, the Herald discussion forums will be open to all to read, and there will be no "inside only" communication with the developers. There's no IRC channel where developers "hang out" with the Heralds and talk shop. When the situation does arise, and as you said, we know it will, "the plan" is to be open and honest in our communication with those who raise such a concern.

    2. Is indeed a concern for those who apply to become a Herald, and it is something we ask about in the application so that those who apply have thought about how they will deal with this. Again, people are human and we can't stop them from being so. We just have to be prepared as best we can.

    3. The concern about consistency and Heralds being viewed as company representatives is again accomplished by open communication. The Heralds are no more official company representatives than anyone who reads and posts on the forums, actually. While I'm sure there are players who will see otherwise, and there's nothing I or anyone else from Virtrium can do to stop that, communicating honestly with players when questions about "Is this for real?" is the best we can do to handle such situations. Frankly, any player who posts frequently on the forums with credibility will slowly become seen as somehow "in the know". Take, for example, the recent thread where someone said that fall damage was being added. How many posts after it did someone ask "Is this for real?" I was even asked when I was on Blight if fall damage was happening with the next patch. (For the record, the answer is "This isn't something that I know of as being in the plans right now.")

    This doesn't really address your question, though. To really address your question, the answer is that if those who really are developers see someone who is a Herald posting false or inconsistent information, we all have moderator ability on the forums and can post the truth. We'll then explore why such information was posted, and determine if it is appropriate for the poster to remain a Herald. There is a level of trust implied between those who are Heralds and the developers, just as there is between Herald and the community. We feel that trust is well placed, and that the benefits to both developer and community far outweigh any risk.

    4. At this time, we have not set a limit to how long someone can be a Herald. We've modeled the Herald program off successful similar programs in other MMOs. In those programs, the players who choose to be Heralds do so only for a time, and so there is no need to place a randomly determined time limit. As I said in my previous answer, Heralds are held to a high level of accountability, and thus always up for "review". This makes it a role that someone should not take on lightly. Players and developers alike have the same recourse they have always had when raising concern about another's behavior, be it in game or on the forums. They can submit a support ticket regarding something which happened in game, and the case will be reviewed by our community manager. On the forums, they can report a post using the little "exclamation point triangle" just as they would for any post.

    The simple answer to why we decided to not have players help determine community representatives is because this isn't a popularity contest. We wanted those who are willing to take on this responsibility to be able to step forward and be evaluated based on their past behavior, not on how many friends they can muster. The development team at Virtrium is somewhat unique in the industry in that we are all active members of the game community. We play the game right along side those who are applying to be Heralds and can know first hand their experience and integrity. The Istarian community itself is also small and close enough that we have the luxury of being able to be active in it without taking considerable development time away from other projects.

    Now, because I was really long winded and detailed in my answers, let me summarize for those who want a "Cliff Notes" version:

    The questions Steelclaw raised are good ones. We've considered them carefully before making the Herald program public. We've modeled our program off others that have been successful in the game industry, and therefore have learned from the experience of others. We believe that the value of having community representatives working with the developers far outweighs any possible risks and issues. Heralds will work with the community manager to bring more of what Istarians have come to expect from the development team... communication.

    Good discussion, thanks for keeping us on our toes.
    Last edited by Velea; January 31st, 2008 at 11:05 AM. Reason: Added Cliff notes version

  11. #11
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Good questions raised by Steelclaw, good answers given by Velea. Well done

  12. #12

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    so a herald is someone who tests/readforums/an can provide a lot of knowledge of the game??? theres more to it i knows is there an age limit??

  13. #13

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    - the idea is a very good one, as is the intention! THX for that!

    - I share the concern of Steelclaw, but still believe in this special community
    and our ability to act in a way that is approppriate to our self-image.
    (ohh this rose-colored glasses^^)

    - very good statement, Velea- I read it all^^only a little "but" left^^

    -I trust in VI`s Knowledge of human nature- no election by the players,
    for other reasons as Velea stated, but a NO for election on my side.

    - I still think, that a big number of players does not visit this forum because their English is not good enough- how about installing a section in this forum, where bilingual players translate the most important announces, herald reports etc in their native language? (it has to be done anyway-better here than ingame^^)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    That's a good idea, LOVWYRM.

    Now all we need is to find what languages to translate into and someone who speaks English and each of those languages well enough to do the translations. I know from having tried to translate from German to English, for example, using a site like "Babblefish", there is often something lost in translation.

    Hmm... lost in translation... sounds like something that might make a movie title.

  15. #15
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Well, on a response to your question, Velea, I speak Latin (formal, classical, not pig), but I don't know how many others out there consider it a "primary" language or not.

    After reading Steelclaw's questions and Velea's response (and Lovwyrm's query), I have some other tidbits I'd like to know.

    1. How many heralds are you thinking about having?

    2. Are you thinking about having ones in key countries outside the US as well? I personally think this would be especially helpful when Unity is fully merged.

    3. Has there been a discussion about what would happen should a herald step down, not necessarily out of failure to do duties or from bad periodic reviews, but for personal, professional, or such issues that have nothing to do with either Horizons or VI? Say, extended medical leave or move or somesuch?

    4. What about time zones? Each of us plays in our own times and many times, the list of people on may or may not include anyone from another point in time during the day. Will there be some sort of scheduling thing so heralds are available 24/7?
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  16. #16

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    3. Has there been a discussion about what would happen should a herald step down, not necessarily out of failure to do duties or from bad periodic reviews, but for personal, professional, or such issues that have nothing to do with either Horizons or VI? Say, extended medical leave or move or somesuch?

    I don't think there would be any shortage of "reserve" players that can fill the shoes.

    4. What about time zones? Each of us plays in our own times and many times, the list of people on may or may not include anyone from another point in time during the day. Will there be some sort of scheduling thing so heralds are available 24/7?

    This is a good idea, but again, I'm sure that the pool of different ages/ timezones/languages will come naturally as heralds are picked. At least that's what I've seen.

    I have a few questions as well, can there be "specialized" heralds? For example, one that is dedicated to the affairs of crafters or dragons or bipeds or one that specializes in MOBs?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
    How many heralds are you thinking about having?
    That depends on the number of qualified people who are interested. We aren't limiting to one per shard, or any other possible group, or expecting one per shard.

    Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
    Are you thinking about having ones in key countries outside the US as well? I personally think this would be especially helpful when Unity is fully merged.
    Again, it depends on those who express interest. We don't even ask for personal information on the application, so really country, gender, age, etc don't come in to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
    Has there been a discussion about what would happen should a herald step down, not necessarily out of failure to do duties or from bad periodic reviews, but for personal, professional, or such issues that have nothing to do with either Horizons or VI? Say, extended medical leave or move or somesuch?
    Not really because there's no current expectation for a certain number of Heralds. If someone needs to step down and the "work load" for the current group of Heralds becomes too much due to their absence, we'll raise attention again to the need for more volunteers. Also, note that this isn't a limited time offer. Someone who joins the community tomorrow could become an active member, and decide after a few weeks/months/years that they wish to apply to become a Herald.

    Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
    What about time zones? Each of us plays in our own times and many times, the list of people on may or may not include anyone from another point in time during the day. Will there be some sort of scheduling thing so heralds are available 24/7?
    From feedback we've received and further thinking about it, we're reconsidering the idea of "marking" Heralds in game. One reason is that we'd rather like to see all players be helpful in answering questions, which was the primary reason for having in game Heralds. We can't expect volunteers to be held to a schedule, no. Nor do we want to take away from their play experience.

    Good questions.. keep them coming.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    note that this isn't a limited time offer. Someone who joins the community tomorrow could become an active member, and decide after a few weeks/months/years that they wish to apply to become a Herald.
    That is very comforting to me. I myself am a brand new player, but with experience building and maintaining 3D and texture assets for games. I'm also active in a number of forums and have experience in leadership positions.

    Being a Herald is something I would greatly like to do, and I believe I have the qualifications for it. I do not, however, know a great deal about the Horizons game, being as new as I am. Knowing that I can do my thing, grow, learn, and approach the possibility of being a Herald when I feel I'm ready is a great comfort. Kudos!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by WICKED_ZOEYGIRL View Post
    That is very comforting to me. I myself am a brand new player, but with experience building and maintaining 3D and texture assets for games. I'm also active in a number of forums and have experience in leadership positions.

    If you go to that link you can actually volunteer to dinker with and improve the HZ art assets directly in coordination with Vi's Devs if you meet the requirements.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Herald Program Discussion

    I've been thinking about applying, but there's something I'd like to bring up/question first.

    Quote Originally Posted by Announcement
    * Heralds will have a special title in game on at least one active character that allows other players to identify them. This allows players who are new to the game someone to speak to with questions and feedback.

    * Heralds are volunteers, and players of Istaria first and foremost. Thus it is important for them, and for other players, to remember that they need time to just enjoy the game as well. This is why only one of their characters wears the Herald title, and it is the character the Herald chooses. It is expected that there will be times when a Herald is “just� a player.
    Unfortunately, Zur has pretty much fallen into the category of "played only when the cat needs resources she can't gather or when I want to lairshape more than I want to do other things." This means I'm primarily on Kala.

    To me, that means it would make the most sense to have whatever herald flag is planned on the cat. This is good...except it sounds like a permanent thing and I wouldn't want to be a herald the entire time I'm playing Kala.

    Are there any plans to possibly give permission to a player to be a herald, then allow them to toggle a flag on and off?

    Also, how much are in-game politics or game opinions going to affect herald selection?

    When heralds voice their own opinions/thoughts in-game, will they have to preface it with "this is not an opinion of Virtrium" or something similar?
    I ask this because there seems to be a conflict with what the announcement said and what's already been mentioned in this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Announcement
    * Heralds read the forums regularly and report posts to the proper developer should an issue arise that requires developer feedback. They also communicate with the players on items currently in development, and maintain an internal “known issues� list so that they can communicate with players the direction the game is going in the future.
    Quote Originally Posted by Velea
    The Heralds are no more official company representatives than anyone who reads and posts on the forums, actually.
    The announcement made it sound like they'd be more of a rep than some Joe Schmoe on the forums.

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