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Thread: *Paces paces and sighs*

  1. #1

    Default *Paces paces and sighs*


    Sometimes I wish I wasn't as passionate about this game as I was. I wouldn't care so much, I wouldn't get caught up in these stupid thread arguments. I just want to see things better than they are, and sometimes I get carried away becuae I try to speculate on where the problems are and what can be done to improove things, and then voice my speculations. As far as game quality I allways feel like I'm looking at the best possibilities through a fogged window. I see what it could be and I see what it is and I'm so **** frusterated. Time for me to take another break from the forums for a while I think.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  2. #2
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Quote Originally Posted by CallakDW View Post

    Sometimes I wish I wasn't as passionate about this game as I was. I wouldn't care so much, I wouldn't get caught up in these stupid thread arguments. I just want to see things better than they are, and sometimes I get carried away becuae I try to speculate on where the problems are and what can be done to improove things, and then voice my speculations. As far as game quality I allways feel like I'm looking at the best possibilities through a fogged window. I see what it could be and I see what it is and I'm so **** frusterated. Time for me to take another break from the forums for a while I think.
    *pat pats in comfort* I understand you so well :/

  3. #3

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Rule #1 of gaming: When it stops being fun, it's time to stop.

    Goes as much for the side trimmings like the board as for the game itself. ^^; If the board's bugging you out, best for a break then, hum? It's supposed to be a fun experience, not a stressful one.

    Being passionate about something you love is well and good; but never let it get so much so it's stressing you out. Speculations are always a chancy thing to voice since there's always going to be someone who disagrees that might be just as passionate. ^^; Always a recipe for a stressfest there.

  4. #4

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    It's not that it's not fun, but it could be much much better. And it's so obvious that it could be better.

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  5. #5

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    *serves callak an imperial urn full of klava with a towel and a curtsy to help him feel better*

  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    throws in some death by chocolate cake and extreme moose trax ice cream....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  7. #7

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Takes the klava, throws the chocolate cake and icecream all in the urn with the klava, and chugs it. Oooohhhhh that's good.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  8. #8

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Callak,I had to take this breaks too, for the same reasons.

    Maybe we can "hurt" each other, because we are so close -
    in that small, wonderful game

    And we panic, if we imagine, it could not be there one day..
    and we all have different ideas, how to prevent this.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  9. #9

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    If you post in a forum you have to expect that other people have different opinions. Also you have to learn to live with critique, even it is not always constructive as it should be, everyone has to do that. The decreasing quality of the posts and threads worry me, it is still better than other forums here, but sometimes it reminds me of the OMGLOLROFLWTF wow forum, which is very sad in my opinion. I just can hope that this sad trend turns around fast here.

    A wise saying also:

    If you can't stand the heat, get of the street.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  10. #10

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    A wise saying also:

    If you can't stand the heat, get of the street.
    Takora, you have me all wrong. If i "get off the street" it won't be because I "can't take the heat". It will because if I stay, I will add so much more heat to the situation that I'll probably end up getting myself modded or worse again for my negativity and frustration if I don't.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  11. #11

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Let`s take a deep breath

    we have the same intentions, but different ideas about the "how to`s"
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  12. #12

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    The thing is Lovwyrm, I spent long enough watching and waiting for smart things to happen with HZ. A very long time. Occasionally they do, but oh so rarely, or extreemly slowly. Some things seem so obvious that I can't believe they get disreguarded or set to the side. I spent a long time silently waiting, with a comment here and there. It's only been in the last year or two, I've really started voicing my displeasure on some things, because it feels like the only way a chance for sertain improovements are going to occur is if I make myself the "squeeky wheel".

    * snuffles curiously*
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  13. #13

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Rule #1 of gaming: When it stops being fun, it's time to stop.
    Rule #1 of internets (esp. forums) - never take any of it seriously.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
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  14. #14
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Rule #1 of internets (esp. forums) - never take any of it seriously.
    Quoted for truth

  15. #15

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Callak, suggestions for improving the game are always welcome. We may not be able to implement your suggestion for various reasons, but then again we might be looking at something similar already. It's also possible that there are reasons not to implement your suggestion.

    That said - and I don't mean this to be harsh - but you cannot hold Virtrium to account for decisions made under any of the previous owners. That was them, we is now.

    Lastly, please remember that sometimes, the answer is going to be 'No'. Maybe there are limitations that keep an idea from working, maybe there are design reasons not to do something. Whatever the response, though, we still want to hear your next suggestion.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
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  16. #16
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter View Post
    Callak, suggestions for improving the game are always welcome. We may not be able to implement your suggestion for various reasons, but then again we might be looking at something similar already. It's also possible that there are reasons not to implement your suggestion.

    That said - and I don't mean this to be harsh - but you cannot hold Virtrium to account for decisions made under any of the previous owners. That was them, we is now.

    Lastly, please remember that sometimes, the answer is going to be 'No'. Maybe there are limitations that keep an idea from working, maybe there are design reasons not to do something. Whatever the response, though, we still want to hear your next suggestion.
    I think that what bothers Callak is not the answers from a staff member, but answers from other players, which have been pretty aggressive lately.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, Callak.

  17. #17

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Quite frankly what bothers me the most is from what I can tell, Vitrium does not have enough specialized people to manage the game properly. They are doing better than past companies, but they aren't doing good enough. For instance, when I asked today in another thread why HZ seems to be so short on art assets, I was told by Amon that they are short artists. WHAT??? I have to wonder what kind of company that even makes or maintanes somthing like an MMORPG that does not have an abundance of good artists on hand, because a game starts to loose its sparkle if you leave the old graphics and models in for too long without making some new eyecandy. It's this stuff that makes me frusterated.

    VI's problem in my mind is they don't have enough people to do the job, and to my knowledge they don't have the funding to get the people to do the job. You know how frusterating it is to allways see graphics slops that are considered ok because they are only visual issues, very little new models and graphic content, and problems like the Vista issues all the time and pretty much be sure it will never be any better. I'll tell you one thing, if the Vista problem isn't solved soon, I think that HZ will die, as for various reasons people are forced to switch to Vista when old computers die and/or newer software fails to work on the old OS.

    I'm frusterated because I feel that yes, VI is doing a better job, but no they aren't doing a good enough job. HZ has allways had so much possibility, but it's never been fully utilized.

    Now, that is not to say that the people that are working on the game aren't doing the best they can, but you can't sail a gallion with just one or two men.
    Last edited by CallakDW; September 11th, 2008 at 02:30 PM.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  18. #18

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    As you said, Vit does not have a massive budget and tons of staff to work on all of these things. Considering what they do have to work with; I've only been able to sit in the wings and watch but they don't seem to be doing all that badly to me.

    Getting frustrated over that is rather like getting frustrated because you can't touch the moon. It'll either fix itself in time or it will remain a game for those who love it and are willing to put money to it while those wanting something else move on to find it.

    Instead of torturing yourself over what you could see happening with the game if it had say, the budget Blizzard has for WoW or Sony does for EQ II- why not ease up a little both on yourself and on the game and just love it for what it is? Yes, it's getting dated. Yes, it still has errors and issues a more financially sound game could have smoothed away due to a larger staff.

    People still love it anyway.

    Don't torment yourself so much or get upset at Vit for having too few hands. The game's always had trouble there; and I doubt the real world economy as of late's been helping. More people having to cut their little pleasures (such as MMOs) for the sake of money = less money going to the game...and there's plenty of us who've had to do just that. Less money means less ability to hire staff, so more projects wind up in a small pool of hands and get tended to by basis of need.

    There's nothing anyone can do about that except duck down, cross their fingers and hope everything pulls through. Working yourself up over something no one can fix is only going to frustrate you more. This gallion is just going to have to put up with listing a bit on the tides and hoping the wind holds out for the time being.

  19. #19

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Ahh see Callak I never knew you didn't know the Vi details of just how little staffed they are.

    Lessee its um...4 people? Are we up to 6 or 7??

    It basically went from the "bigger" team (several dozen I guess??) at Tulga/AE, when they handed it over to "the other people". When VI formed and took it "back" it was with either 3 or 4 people from AE...that's IT.

    So yea, they're short artists...they're short pretty much everything cuz its like 5 people...

    Heh, I guess everyone here just "assumes" that everyone knows what little staff we're working with...

    So yes, Callak, keep that in mind - not saying its any less frustrating - but at least you know there's not like 50 people sitting around picking their noses .

    When a game starts to irk me, or the community, or playing or whatever, that's what I have backup games for. I start splitting my time, taking some breaks - until it feels more new and fresh again.

    And if some of us old folks come off sounding peevish or rude - its prolly cuz we've heard it all before and sometimes ya get tired of giving the same answers over and over again..
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #20

    Default Re: *Paces paces and sighs*

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Ahh see Callak I never knew you didn't know the Vi details of just how little staffed they are.

    Lessee its um...4 people? Are we up to 6 or 7??

    It basically went from the "bigger" team (several dozen I guess??) at Tulga/AE, when they handed it over to "the other people". When VI formed and took it "back" it was with either 3 or 4 people from AE...that's IT.

    So yea, they're short artists...they're short pretty much everything cuz its like 5 people...

    Heh, I guess everyone here just "assumes" that everyone knows what little staff we're working with...

    So yes, Callak, keep that in mind - not saying its any less frustrating - but at least you know there's not like 50 people sitting around picking their noses .
    Well I think I knew, not the gory details, but I knew they didn't have enough people working on it, but I also sort of blamed them for not hiring more or mabe for firing the ones they had. It's still hard for me not to place blame on them for not having enough staff to properly manage the game, but I'm trying not to, I really am.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    And if some of us old folks come off sounding peevish or rude - its prolly cuz we've heard it all before and sometimes ya get tired of giving the same answers over and over again..
    And thank you Frith-Rae, for me, this is it in a nutshell. I'm tired of the answers I get, instead of somthing new. I've been around a long time myself you know.
    Last edited by CallakDW; September 11th, 2008 at 03:29 PM.

    * snuffles curiously*
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