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Thread: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

  1. #1

    Unhappy Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    You ever gone on the internet and had a feeling something bad was about to happen? Well I do.... I just never listen to them.

    I decided today to go check my DA messages before they started to pile up. Then out of the blue, "Adobe Reader" starts up.
    "Hmm strange, I didn't press or click on anything that would want to make it start....lets see what happens."-stupid, very stupid idea.

    It is when I see my computer working extra hard that the feeling of impending doom creeps up my spine... and with good reason. Of course, it another freakin virus pretending to be an antivirus (aka scareware). Just....f**ing... perfect.
    The virus attempts to "scan" so I attempt to stop it by just turning the computer off all together. But of course, it is far too late. I go to turn my computer back on and of course there it is again, trying to "scan".

    I swear... this site has it out for me.
    For the second time I have gotten a rather NASTY virus while visiting this particular website. Seems strange that it seems to only happen to my computer. Maybe the protection isn't 100%, or maybe it just really really bad luck.

    So I contact norton (unfortunately I went by phone meaning I had to wait.....and wait...and wait some freaking more while listening to the world's worst collection of music records. Note to self: use the internet next time genius.)

    I paid the fee, which wasn't easy to get the Credit Card from my dad. Apparently he thinks I am purposely trying to screw up my PC and exclaimed why I am not learning how to fix stuff like this myself in college (gee.. maybe it because I am in business school? -.-). His advice is to "just ignore it". But if you ever had would realize that ignoring it.. is NOT an option. :P

    An hour later I had fun watching support clean and tune my PC up for me. Yea.

    After they had removed the virus, I was asked to go visit websites I normally went to, to make sure everything worked okay. So of course, I went back to Deviantart where the problem had occured.
    And with the tech expert watching... I GOT IT AGAIN. Or atleast it tried. Because they had also updated my version of norton, it caught it this time and removed it.

    Apparently there is something wrong with the website or so says the tech expert. Still seems weird considering I have so many friends who use it and never had a problem with it. But seeing as how all my other normally visited websites are behaving themselves.... maybe it is just DA.

    Needless to say.... I won't be on DA anymore. Sorry to those who watch me there, but there is something seriously wrong with this site so I am going to stay FAAAAAAAR away from it as possible.

    In closing: I hate the internet and all who were responsible for its creation. May they all go to hell.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Keep your antivirus software updated. That was obviously your problem in this instance.

    Also, if you're using Internet Explorer: stop, switch to Firefox, and install the Adblock extension for Firefox.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  3. #3

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    There are a whole bunch of pdf based exploits that focus on Acrobat and will infect your computer regardless of what web browser you're using.

    Ditch Acrobat. Really. Foxit Reader is a better replacement that isn't vulnerable to the Acrobat exploits. (It's also a hell of a lot smaller and faster to start up!)

    Also, Flash is another headache. You must absolutely make sure that it is updated. The more recent versions (in the last 6 months or so) will check and notify you if there are updates. Don't skip them. Like Acrobat, vulnerabilities in Flash will bite you regardless of what browser you run, since they lie in the plugin and not the browser.

    Seconded to switching to Firefox (actually anything that isn't IE is fine ). Adblock Plus is good for blocking ads, but not quite the right thing for blocking malicious stuff like the PDF exploit that hit you. Use the noscript extension for that.

    Once your subscription with Norton runs out, ditch that too. Avast makes a competitive product that is free. And whatever you do, do not give your (dad's) credit card number to any site or pop-up saying that your computer is infected and needs to be cleaned. Watch your statement carefully if you have.

    As an aside, depending on how much you detest cleaning up an infected computer, it may be worth the trouble to demote your account to an unprivileged user and set up a separate admin account for the sole purpose of installing software and doing upgrades.

    Day-to-day activity should be done using the unprivileged account only. This way, if you get malware on your system, it's harder for it to spread.

    (In case you were wondering, with the proper directory permissions, Istaria will run without admin privileges.)
    Last edited by Steelclaw; March 4th, 2010 at 08:52 AM. Reason: Narf!
    You can get anything you want in life -- just make a lot of noise and bite the right people.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Also try getting the NoScript extension for firefox. Then only mark sites you trust as trusted.
    Nisse 100 Helian/Nissei 100 Lunus/SShiak biped (All on Chaos)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    I agree with getting Firefox and downloading the noscript and ad block addons. Since getting those I've yet to loose a computer to a virus. I'd also recomend, once you do that contacting DA and letting them no that something on their site (most likely an add) is installing a virus.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    *Is at her college's computer atm*
    Most of the obvious stuff I already know. I.e not giving out CC information to sites I don't trust or keeping the antivius updated (granted, norton seems to come up with a new version constantly and they only provide you a free upgrade AFTER your sub runs out, so for a period of time you are stuck with a version with less features. Of course though... if you are attacked by a malicious software ... they be more than happy to upgrade it after you pay :P). Course.. it could be my fault, this computer is 6 years old.... and I have barely updated since. I know, I know, you are saying "run windows update already!". However, due to another event where updating my computer with service pack 3 almost resulted in DESTROYING my computer and every last file in it..... I am hesitant to installing anything new unless I DESPERATELY need it or I have a professional watching me do it. (Note to self: marry a computer expert ^^) Similar to my father who's approach is "just ignore until it is beyond hope" my approach is "I'll install it... when my computer no longer functions without it". I've been screwed too many times trying to update the f**ing thing, I just no longer trust myself. So unless one of you guys wanna come here and install firefox for me, it a no go :P (kidding, maybe one day I will get the courage to try).

    The only thing that makes it more upsetting is that this WAS a site I trusted for 6 years, if not longer. Sure it has acted wonky before and questionable. But as of late it seems it has gone to hell. As for informing the owners of DA ... someone else is going to have to do that for me. There ain't no way no how I am even doing anything remotely related to that website ever again. Certainly not visitng the site so I can file a report.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Sometimes the malicious ads come in through an ad service. The site operators allow an ad service to put ads on their pages for a fee. Once in awhile, someone will submit an ad to the ad service that has malicious content. If your ad blocker rejects ads from that service, then you won't get hit. These types of attacks will hit you just about anywhere you go on the internet and generally aren't the fault (and are often out of the control) of the site operators.

    However, it's also possible that someone has figured out how to inject html into their DA comments, and that html causes your browser to load a malicious pdf/swf/java/whatever file. In that case, an ad blocker won't help you. That's a big problem, and DA would bear the responsibility of fixing their site if that was the case.

    Or... you may have already been compromised and the malware was configured to "go off" when you visit certain sites.

    Think about all the sites you have visited on that computer that require a login and password. Go and change your login and password on those sites once the machine has been cleaned up. Of particular interest are your game accounts, email accounts, DA/Facebook/Twitter/??? accounts, financial accounts, ebay, and paypal.

    Remember, many sites send you email to reset your password. An attacker in control of the associated email account can reset your password at another site and (re)gain control of that account.
    You can get anything you want in life -- just make a lot of noise and bite the right people.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Avast + good security habits = I used Internet Explorer 6.0 from 2001 to the end of 2009 (Where my main hard drive went out on me and was replaced with another that already had Windows installed on it using Fire Fox) without any pop-up or virus issues.

    Personally if you ask me, a correctly configured (good) Router will solve most problems so long as you're being smart about things. (Such as knowing what you're downloading). To me, it's never the browsers fault for a virus getting on a computer. Sure, one might be more secure than the other in some way, but IMO relying on software to keep my computer secure for me is just a bad habit I see people get into.

    The problem you had with DA, for example; It could of had something to go through that was already placed on your computer by some means (like a download), and something about DA allowed it to hitch a ride to the core portions of your computers data stack. That's just one possibility, anyway, but a possibility that probably would of happened no matter if you were using IE, Chrome, Fire Fox, Oprah, etc.

    I have no recommendation on what browser you should use, they all have their pros and cons. I'm just pointing out that security shouldn't really be a reasoning to chose between them because a hacker who knows what they're doing will be able to get a virus past any of them if the user plays into their game in some way, as there are FAR more routes onto your computer than just your browser. (ANYTHING that connects to the outside world in some way is a method to get through, and Fire Fox won't stop something coming through your java auto-updater any better than Internet Explorer will.)

    I would say to find a good tech forum and search/ask around for good computer security habits to get into, as software will only keep you secure until someone finds a way through it (And they will).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Sounds like a trojan to me!
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  10. #10

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Alright, I 've been giving serious thought about installing firefox but I have some questions I hope you guys can answer.
    1)My main concern is that once I download firefox will it come with annoying messages and updates constantly? Or spam me with any promotional ads?
    2) Is it user friendly? (ie easy to use for someone who has never use it)

    1)Also with adblock plus and noscript (those were the correct names right?) do they come with any promotional annoying adds (or any annoying adds for that matter)?
    2) Should I decide later on I don't want them can I remove them easily?
    3) Again is it user friendly? (easy to use for those who never used it before?)

    And I really REALLY would like to know if there are any downsides to firefox.

    For example, are there certain sites it will not run or not work correctly on. (Like does firefox work with sites that are secured such as paypal specifically. With the recent attack I am a bit shy of putting any sensitive info down...which unfortunately I will have to soo seeing as how my sub to the game will be running out in a few days.). If I have a problem or questions, is there any support I can contact easily? Does norton work with or conflict with firefox (probably a question for them, but I figure I throw it in here anyways.)

    Thanks for the help guys.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    I visit DA daily, and as I heard from friends that their ads cause bad things, I instantly blocked them all off. Sorry DA, but if you can't keep your advertisments free of viruses, I will block them until you fixed that.

    Sadly it is not all of DA falut, they can not always control what ads get on their site, and unless you inform them, they won't know that certain adds cause viruses and other bad juju on your pc. :|

    And well I use AntiVir, since I have it I had never anymore a virus infecting my pc. And it is not as annoying as Northon or that other crap that costs tons of money.

    And firefox ftw, no adds, no add with the add ons, the add ons only ask you at the first time what exactly you want them to do, and then they leave you be.

    Useful add ons are: adblock Plus, Auto Proxy, Better Privacy, Flash Block, No Script and Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO). You just need to type them in on the firefox page and with one click they are installed.

    Add ons are installed with once click and same goes for removing, FF is very user friendly and you can easy customize it how you need it.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  12. #12

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    Alright, I 've been giving serious thought about installing firefox but I have some questions I hope you guys can answer.
    1)My main concern is that once I download firefox will it come with annoying messages and updates constantly? Or spam me with any promotional ads?
    2) Is it user friendly? (ie easy to use for someone who has never use it)

    1)Also with adblock plus and noscript (those were the correct names right?) do they come with any promotional annoying adds (or any annoying adds for that matter)?
    2) Should I decide later on I don't want them can I remove them easily?
    3) Again is it user friendly? (easy to use for those who never used it before?)

    And I really REALLY would like to know if there are any downsides to firefox.

    For example, are there certain sites it will not run or not work correctly on. (Like does firefox work with sites that are secured such as paypal specifically. With the recent attack I am a bit shy of putting any sensitive info down...which unfortunately I will have to soo seeing as how my sub to the game will be running out in a few days.). If I have a problem or questions, is there any support I can contact easily? Does norton work with or conflict with firefox (probably a question for them, but I figure I throw it in here anyways.)

    Thanks for the help guys.
    Firefox, no script, adblock plus. Promotional ads. Really now. You want to get used to being vigilant about keeping the programs and the machines you use updated. It will keep you safe. There used to be some issues back in the darker ages where Firefox didn't work with some websites. Don't worry about it. Firex is more secure (and has been forever and a day) than IE. Relax already. It will not conflict with Norton, nor any other security program. It's not a shady back alley program. Many many people have been using it for years. Support is done via the firefox forums, which are super-helpful. Sorry about the block of text, the editor ate my formatting.
    Nisse 100 Helian/Nissei 100 Lunus/SShiak biped (All on Chaos)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    I wouldn't worry about Fire Fox, Xanthia. It's been running just fine for me, though I can say that it's most definitely not 'more resource friendly than IE' like people in the past have tried telling me to get me to switch. >.>

    Quote Originally Posted by Nisse View Post
    Firex is more secure (and has been forever and a day) than IE.
    I would however advise against forming a mentality like the above, because there's often not much basis of understanding behind it (How often do you see hard evidence that this is indeed true?)

    For example: IE is the browser of the biggest software company in the world, it's going to be way more frequently targeted for attack than FireFox (If you were a hacker, would you like to say you managed to break the security of a browser under a multi-billion dollar company, or of an open source browser?). So the only real reason FireFox would seem more secure is because it not as often targeted for attack, but as for raw security it's not any better or worse than IE or Chrome (On one side of the coin it often has more confirmed vulnerabilities than IE or Chrome at any one given time, but on the other side these vulnerabilities tend to get patched up faster.)

    What I will say however that FireFox probably has the best support and is the most likely of all to get updates and changes based on user wants and needs simply because it's not under a huge company dealing in all sorts of other big dollar projects. So if I had to recommend any browser, it would most likely be FireFox, but it wouldn't be for security. (You think I would have had no security issues for 9 years using Internet Explorer 6.0 if a browser really meant something for true security? x3)

    To add my own security software suggestion to the thread: Get Avast.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    I can honeslty say that I"ve used IE ever since Windows 2.0 or whatever.

    Never once had a problem iwth it. Never once had a hijack due to it (other things I did that were stupid but not because of IE).

    So the mentality is misleading. Just because its NOT IE doesn't mean its great. Just because its IE doesn't mean you're at risk.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    I can honeslty say that I"ve used IE ever since Windows 2.0 or whatever.

    Never once had a problem iwth it. Never once had a hijack due to it (other things I did that were stupid but not because of IE).

    So the mentality is misleading. Just because its NOT IE doesn't mean its great. Just because its IE doesn't mean you're at risk.
    you have got to admit that Firefox / google chrome is faster then IE.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Right now a cold chisel, wooden mallet, and a slab of stone is faster than my IE!!
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  17. #17

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Faster? I don't need faster...really everything loads up immediately seems like *shrugs*
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Faster? I don't need faster...really everything loads up immediately seems like *shrugs*
    Same thing I've experienced, Frith, I've never had a problem with IE.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    Well so far I am liking Firefox. (And I really really LOVE adblock plus. Noscipt if kinda fun to play around with).

    I do have a question for those of you who are suggesting alternative free anti-virus like Avast and such. And no, I won't be switching anytime soon on account my sub to Norton is still running well over a year in some cases. This is merely an inquiry.

    Obviously the benefit of free anti-virus programs like Avast is that...well they are free. However, for argument sake, lets pretend that a completely new virus (say another type of scareware) comes out and Avast or whatever fails to catch it. Now the computer is infected. What now? Once the computer is infected, how you go about removing it assuming you aren't a computer expert with all the tools at hand?

    Now keep in mind I had this computer for well over 6 or 7 years now. I 've done A LOT of stupid things from the list of "things you should not do". But this is the first time this particular computer has been infected so badly that I needed assistance in removing the problem. (and even with Firefox, I still am not going on DA with my own computer. It just not worth the risk.)

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Deviantart...why you hate me so?

    I recently had to reformat my computer due to a virus that sounds exactly like this, and I had no idea where I got it from. I was playing a single player game when it got minimized and my 'scanner' popped up -- and because I was annoyed that it tabbed me out, and was not paying much attention, I clicked Yes. That's where everything went down hill for me. I wonder if that's where I got it from, now that I think about it. I think I am done with dA if I can't safely browse their website, ad-blocker or no. :\

    I also recently heard of another friend of mine getting the exact same thing from dA. Usually effs your computer beyond repair.

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