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Thread: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

  1. #1

    Default Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    As the title implies, I'm going to take a minute and convey some of my personal thoughts having to do with Customers.

    Before I continue, a little background about me: I work in a small-time grocery store that is family-owned and not part of a larger chain.

    With that being said... this is meant to be a rant to get some steam off my chest, but also, as a Guide so that you (the reader) can learn how to Not suck and annoy the workers.

    If we are happy, we can serve you better. If we are annoyed, and feeling like we had a crappy day, then we have to _work_ to show a smile, and oftentimes, our work is Not done with the level of completeness and neatness.

    #1: Coming to the Store on Days you _know_ it is Crowded, and then complain about it.

    This has to be one of my worst pet peeves. There are certain days that you KNOW the store will be crowded, especially a small-time store like the one I work in. We KNOW it is crowded, and whatever staff on-duty at the time is TRYING to handle the extra business. The best things to do here are:

    a): Don't come to the store on days like that.
    b): If you must, and have no choice, then please be patient. You Knew it would be crowded before you came in, you made a choice to come in, don't stand there tapping your foot.

    Extra-Busy Times are usually one of the following:

    a). Predicted Snowstorm
    b). First week of the month (Foodstamps)
    c). "Kiddie hour" (when the local school lets out)
    d). Last week of the month (Social Security checks)
    e). Holidays (everyone should know this one, but eh.)

    #2: Complaining to the peons (cashiers, stock, etc) about things that only a manager (or the owner!) can change. This does nothing but annoy and frustrate us. Yes, I KNOW the store is busy, and no I do NOT have the authority to call someone extra in. Yes, I KNOW you don't like the fact the restrooms are not public, and NO, I cannot make an exception for you. If you wish to voice your opinion about something of this nature, please call the store, or ask to see a manager, or write a letter.

    #3: Illiteracy. Not the "I can't read" kind, the "I don't feel like reading" kind. When something is on sale, 99.999% of the time, there is a sign right next to, under, or above the item that is on sale. 99.999% of the time, this sign states the Brand, Type, and Size of the item on sale. The price is written larger than the rest of the text, I understand that. But please read the rest of the sign. It would save you, and the poor staff, a Lot of hassle. 80%+ of all disputes over sale items are caused by the customer failing to read the sign.

    #4: Checks. Personal Checks are slowly becoming a Thing of the Past (Thank God). Most, if not all, banks will issue a Debit (or Check) Card. These cards cost you nothing if used at a Point-of-Sale (Read: the cash register). You can even get money back on a Debit transaction at many stores and provided you don't write your PIN number somewhere in your wallet/on the card/etc, and you at least attempt to cover the keypad while you enter your PIN, it is also safer than a check. It is also MUCH faster, and much more trustworthy.

    Nothing annoys people more (see #1) than waiting in line while someone, usually elderly, takes 5+ minutes to fill out a check. Not every store has a check printer, either. If you can remember a simple 4-digit number, a debit card will work much better. Also, we cashiers do not like putting trust and faith in total and complete strangers; there's no way for us to _know_ the money is actually in the account, or that the account still exists when you hand us a check. And don't complain if you buy a $1 item and write the check for $50 over. Of _course_ we're going to think it suspicious and call your bank before taking the check. And yes, the people behind you WILL get annoyed, usually with the cashier.

    #5: Random stupidity/harassment of the workers. While I am stocking shelves, I have heard a few phrases that just get so old, doubly so because of how stupid they are. I _know_ I dropped something, you don't have to tell me that. Yes, I'm working, you don't have to ask me "Working Hard, or Hardly Working?" ... what do you THINK I'm doing, while I'm holding a 30lb box in my hand, putting items on a shelf!? And No, I'm NOT saying a prayer for you people who like to say "Say one for me too while you're down there" to anyone kneeling to put items on a bottom shelf. And finally, asking me "Are they keeping you busy?" is just stupid. What, do you think they're going to pay me to stand around and do nothing? Ha, as if...

    #6: "Excuse Me" means "GET OUT OF MY WAY". Don't just STAND there and STARE at me with this dumb "I'm stoned out of my gourd" expression on your face. Okay, maybe you Are stoned. But I'm going to go with the 90% chance that you're not stoned, the elevator just doesn't go clear to the top. So you're standing right next to the Employees Only door with a group of your friends, talking away. Employee is pushing a cart full of stuff up towards the doors. He says "Excuse me, please". This means GET OUT OF THE WAY, NOW. Not just stand there and stare at him for 5-10 seconds plus. We got a Job to do, you know...

    #7: Leaving your money out in the car, or only bringing into the store what you *think* you will need. Seriously, what's up with this? Okay, so you go to the store and you have X amount of money on you. You plan on buying roughly Y amount of items, so you only take Y amount of money in the store with you. You get to the register and tell the cashier "Oh my... I didn't bring enough money with me! I have to go out to the car, be right back!" Yeah, nice. I'm sure everyone else in line (AND the cashier) likes the idea of just standing there. And that money was sitting out in your car? I hope it was locked. If not, anyone could have helped themselves to your money. I never understood the reason for this; you're not going to get robbed in the parking lot (unless it is a HUGE parking lot at night, maybe). Just bring all of your money and save both of us a royal pain in the butt hassle.

    #8: Lazy Men. Okay, so your wife is getting on in her years, she might even use a cane. It is time to get off your lazy *beeep* and help her. Nothing annoys me more, than helping a poor older woman out to her car, and see her husband sitting in the driver's seat, just watching me put her groceries in the back. Said man is perfectly healthy enough (probably healthier than she is). Now, if the guy's health is worse, I understand. But I've seen this happening where I *know* the guy is perfectly capable of it. So, not only does this guy not care that his wife is doing all the work and experiencing all of the pain, but he is also wasting MY time, because if he actually helped his wife, then I could go and help a customer who really needs help. Trust me, dude... going into the store grocery shopping is NOT going to give you cooties. There's nothing wrong with helping your wife shop.

    This is but a small and partial list of the things people do, that Really annoy us. Please consider some of these things for the next time you go to the store, and you'll make us both a lot happier.

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    i hear ya, dha - i am currently unemployed, and happy for it rather than having to be back at my old job.....
    i had to start a blog to deal with it (a blog i knew would only be read by one person, but that was okay,,,,).....
    here is a brief excerpt to let you know we are sibs in misery.....

    I deal with people who think they are important and their problems are important. And they are, don't get me wrong. I understand their frustrations. I know they are pissed the loads take forever. I know they are upset because their personal folders disappeared or that they can't access their Y: drive. Yeah, I get that.
    It's just that they are morons. I'm sorry I can't find a more PC way of stating it, The ones that know they are morons, at least you can work with. It's the ones who think they know what to do - the ones that argue with you, the ones that click okay when you tell them to click cancel - and then yell at you when they crash and burn. Those peeps are the ones that blow a perfectly good day.
    But I can't put all the blame on them. This is really not my type of job. i hate talking on the phone anyway! Even getting paid for it isn't a great comfort. How weird is it that I miss the old ****** days - how I usta dread getting up to go there, and now I wish so hard that I was going there instead.
    Like all my jobs, tho, it has reaped the benefits of empathy. Not with the idiots, of course. I mean with the other support/call center peeps I have to deal with.
    Here is my list of rules for calling any helpdesk. They are not written in stone and are subject to change:

    1) KNOW why you are calling. Understand that you need to supply information like equipment make, model, and serial #. Know whatever error codes or messages you are receiving. Know what you were doing and what happened while you were doing it.
    2) Understand that we have questions that must be asked. If you don't answer them, don't bother calling, we can't help you.
    3) Don't get pissed at the support person if you are not covered for whatever reason. Example: the local support person of a plant that is not a part of **** getting pissed off at me because i got no where to send her for help but back to her. If **** don't have techs at the building, its all on you, babycakes. Talk your plant manager into joining ****. Of course, you will be out of a job, but that doesn't matter, right?

    4) Understand that the support person may not be fully acquinted with your particular application or problem area. In fact, I may never have heard of whatever freaky app you just crashed out of. My crystal ball broke last week and my magic wand ran out of pixie dust yesterday. Which leads us to:

    5) Face the fact before you call that I personally my not be able to help you, and you will have to wait for other assistance. I can try to help you create a new personal folder, but if you 'accidently' delete them from your hard drive, I cannot telepathically retrieve them for you. A tech will have to come to you (if you are ****'ed, of course) and find them. I do not have access to reset your sensitive passwords, fix your mouse, or get you the new software you 'need' because everyone else in your office has it.

    6) At the risk of sounding racist, if you can't speak English, get a co-worker to help. If it takes 15 minutes just to get your ID info, that call will not go well. Just being honest here. And even you English speakers - a lot of letters sound the same on the phone. C, P, T all sound alike. Speak slowly and clearly and do the 'as in' thing; c as in cat, p as in paul, etc.

    7) Remember - we are not friends. I don't know you, you don't know me. Do not try to chat me up, make jokes or small talk, or brighten my day. You can't and I prefer to keep our relationship on a professional footing. You didn't call to talk about the weather, after all.

    Of course, I could never let the peeps who really need this information have it. That's not customer service! I think it's a waste, that users have no guide for dealing with these situations.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    lol this reminds me of... well every single customer-facing job in existence.

    My favorite is the "customer is always right!" mentality. Because they aren't. What they should say is "the customer has the money". Some people take the strange attitude that because they are paying, they should have the best-ever-service-experience every single time, no matter what.

    Sometimes, you just don't want their money, it just isn't worth the trouble. In some of my earlier jobs I have had to ask customers to move on with their money, and the looks on their faces was priceless! You'd think I'd asked them for their liver.

    So chin up folks - some people are just rude and not worth your brain-time trying to help. Even though you may not have the power to move them on, don't dwell on it. Just smile, serve them, and wish them a good day. That always annoys the heck out of folks that love being grumpy 24x7 - they can't handle nice people
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    #3: Illiteracy. Not the "I can't read" kind, the "I don't feel like reading" kind. When something is on sale, 99.999% of the time, there is a sign right next to, under, or above the item that is on sale. 99.999% of the time, this sign states the Brand, Type, and Size of the item on sale. The price is written larger than the rest of the text, I understand that. But please read the rest of the sign. It would save you, and the poor staff, a Lot of hassle. 80%+ of all disputes over sale items are caused by the customer failing to read the sign.
    UGH! This is a -big- one for me. I -really- love it when they get mad at YOU for their failure to read the sign. I worked at a huge department store a little over a year ago (yeah for Christmas season /shudder), and often there would be morning sales. They finish at 1PM (as the sign SAYS) and the cash registers are actually readjusted to that, so there's crap-all I can do about it. But somehow it's still my fault. It's also my fault that their 3 coupons don't stack with the sale AND their store credit card. The sign will even have smaller print that STATES it will not stack with other discounts. Seriously, why shop in such an expensive department store when you're such a cheap*** in the first place? D:


    Sheriff of the Order Roleplay Police Squad

  5. #5

    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    Hahahaha - yea #3 for me too Veya!

    Back when I worked for movie theaters in the box office/concessions I never understood the following people, who couldn't seem to read without being directed to the information first...

    1 - You're approaching the box office (Or even more hilarious, you've been standing in line for 10 minutes..) and upon reaching the person selling the tickets you ask "So what's playing?" Can anyone give me a non-rude way of indicating the sign with the movies and times above my head? Or why you stood in line for 10 minutes and didn't see the sign with the movies and times above my head?

    That one was also good for a laugh though...I got to "point up" often.

    2 - Not so funny is when it happens at the concession. Literally stand there for 30 minutes, get to the register and start asking how much things were. When again, the sign posted above my head has the prices next to the options. Or what was just as annoying - standing in line for 20 or 30 minutes and NOT figuring out what it is you wanted to get...

    I don't know, if I'm sitting or standing somewhere for any amount of time in any line - I usually use that time to figure out what I'm getting. That way I can reduce both MY wait time at the register, and the wait time of all those people behind me (who may or may not already have picked out what THEY wanted).

    But the "What's showing? What time does it start" questions always got me the most. I mean really...its RIGHT THERE BEHIND ME!! LIKE RIGHT THERE!! BIG LETTERS AND NUMBERS! RIGHT THERE! WHERE IT IS IN EVERY MOVIE THEATER IN EXISTANCE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME! ZOMG!
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    Here is my list of rules for calling any helpdesk. They are not written in stone and are subject to change:
    I don’t consider myself extremely smart or a genius, but from my personal experience a helpdesk can sometimes be a real annoying place to call to and can mentally cost you 10 years of your life… or at least >10% increase of your phone bill.

    Let me give you a hypothetical situation about what customers might have to endure with a helpdesks.
    You have bought/received a new apparatus. Only the device doesn’t work properly and it gives a specific error number and message (which is not mentioned in the instructions manual).
    So what do you do?
    First check out what can be wrong, checking the cables… Resetting the device also by using some miniscule button you need to wreck a paperclip to access and if all else fails and not even the internet can bring help… then indeed we call the helpdesk…
    So we dial the number and most of the time you are in for a nice waiting period of about 45-60 minutes of 1950-90’s music tunes with the occasional spoken message that everyone is unavailable and this all at a nice phone rate of 10-80 eurocent per minute (at least that is my experience with the major companies in Holland).
    And when we finally get to talk to someone we have to finish with the whole:

    • “I am …â€?.
    • “my zipcode is … “
    • “My customer number is … “.

    After that we have to endure the so called helpdesks homemade list of questions for retards like “Have you connected the power cord properly?�.
    At the high phone rates these questions annoy even me and according to my wife I have the patience of an angel while talking on the phone with any helpdesk.
    If we as customers are really lucky we get a summer job or new kid on the block who has no idea what we are talking about and has to reconnect us with a colleague which of course since we are all still human can go wrong leaving you disconnected and as such forcing you to wait another 45-60 minutes.

    This is absolutely nothing personal Velveeta…
    I can understand your pain as qualified person trying to help others who sometimes don’t seem to want to be helped. I just wanted to write down some of my personal annoyances about calling a helpdesk considering this is in rants already anyways…
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  7. #7
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    no offense comprehended, drag!

    if you haven't worked on a callcenter, you might not know that there is always a script we (as the callees) have to follow (see #2, #3 and prolly #5 of my list). we have to ask you for identifying information EVERY SINGLE TIME you call - even if you call 15 times a day (which has happened on more than one occasion - o the stories i can tell!). if you have called before, do not assume that i will have that information immediately at hand, especially if you spoke to someone else before me.
    if it is equipment related, we have to ask you if it is plugged in, turned on, rebooted recently, etc. (again, i can tell you stories about peeps who not only don't have the plugs in right, they don't even know where the plugs [and i am talking about the electrical plugs, now, not the puter hookups] are) - we have no choice in the matter.
    we do understand your frustration and that sometimes you just need to vent - but it helps to understand that we are also constrained by the procedures we must follow to keep the job we hate sooooo very much....

    god i wish i could say this to callers!!

    this is more more what is happening tho.......

    this is what i WISH would happen! (by the way, that is exactly how every call center looks and the comments too, those peeps know what its like!! lol)
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    RE: Frith and Veya:

    A kinda side-rant of mine, which I did not include in the OP because the OP was more the *major* things people do that annoy us... well, actually, okay this isn't a side-rant. It is more a satire/make fun of them thing...

    We get people in the grocery store who do something very similar to the whole movie/concession thing.

    If I had a dime for every time someone asked me where something was *that was not more than 5 feet away from where I'm standing*, I wouldn't be working; I'd be happily retired and driving a ferrari.

    It always gives us a chuckle afterwards, when someone says "Where is..." and I turn, and point to an item I can almost touch with my hand, without taking a single step. The looks on their faces are sometimes priceless... "OH! That's where it is..." lol.

    Especially the one day someone asked the cashier where the poinsettias were... there's two cash registers at our store, and the cashier was behind #1. #2, in plain view, had these HUGE bouquets of poinsettias on its countertop, in plain sight. lol. We were laughing about that one for hours.

    And then there was the time me and my coworker were handling Delivery day. Someone walks up to him, and says:

    "Aren't you going to rotate that?"

    He looks at the customer, and then looks at the shelf and says:


    The customer just 'hmmphs' and walks off (according to him)... the item?

    Paper Plates.

    I....... I just don't have words to reply to that with.

    For those of you who have never worked with food, or in a store... Rotation is when you pull the old stuff out, put the new stuff on the shelf, and then put the old stuff on the shelf to ensure that the old stuff is in front/on top so that it sells first (so you don't end up with out-of-date merchandise). Paper Plates don't go bad; they last forever, and thus don't need to be rotated unless there's a special promotion package or something.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    If I had a dime for every time someone asked me where something was *that was not more than 5 feet away from where I'm standing*, I wouldn't be working; I'd be happily retired and driving a ferrari.

    It always gives us a chuckle afterwards, when someone says "Where is..." and I turn, and point to an item I can almost touch with my hand, without taking a single step. The looks on their faces are sometimes priceless... "OH! That's where it is..." lol.
    Not sure how it goes were you work, but shops have a tendency of moving stuff around completely 1 or 2 times a year, making some stuff impossible to find anymore. Some people might actually buy more junk then they need, but for others it is just a massive annoyance when you have a cart full of stuff and that 1 or 2 things you really need be found anywere.

    So lets just say that both customers and sellers can be quite annoying.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
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    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  10. #10

    Default For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Just want to say that I SO feel this thread and the Op...I am a Cashier in my own right for a somewhat large chain (not Target or Wal*Mart).

    A lot of our customers are great and I love the ones who make things go smoothly and I try real hard to scan their items, bag them nicely, and take care of any problems they have. I will even gladly give a difference of price if when you bring it up the fact is that OUR sign was actually confusing because it DOES happen. If it is our bad you get it and I will call my manager to get the problem fixed. I feel the experience should be as good as possible for my customer but there are definitely some times when the customers drive me insane...

    So here is a little extra from my perspective:

    1) We have to stand at the end of our lane when we are not currently taking a customer. The idea is that this lets you know what lanes are empty so you can get checked out faster. Please go to these Cashiers instead of all piling into the first lane available. As it happens the first lane near grocery gets SLAUGHTERED with an unending Human Wave while the rest can be completely empty. Also the "She looks bored" comments get old...I am NOT bored or need something to do or whatever. I am working...I would LOVE to be anywhere else doing anything else in many cases. Just come on over and lets get you checked out no need to badger me.

    2) If you have an item you do not want PULEASE do not shove it under something or out of sight somewhere. Just give it to me. I will make sure it gets back where it belongs. If you hide it then if it is perishable it will go bad before we find it usually. No need to feel guilty about it. Things happen and we all have had to give up buying this or that it is no big deal as long as you give it to me.

    3) Do NOT ask us to do some bizarre bagging like Paper in Plastic or use your own bags that do not fit our carousel and then get mad at how long it takes us to process your order. If you want to get an idea of how much of a pain in the *** that is please go to the self-checkout and bag it yourself. It is HARD to do and it will take extra time. This will annoy the person behind you plenty enough so we do not need YOU also giving us grief about YOUR decision to have it bagged in a weird way.

    4) When you try to give us a Tip and we tell you that it is against Store policy and that we will get fired for taking it we are not joking. I mean anyone would take money if they could. We are not being mean it is just the way the store management decided it has to be. Now if you really want to reward us please go and talk to management or fill out a customer compliment card and tell them that you appreciated our help. They WILL actually reward us for your compliments so that is a very good Tip.

    5) This is a personal one...I do not like being asked "How are you?"...It is a weird question. The honest answer is usually nothing you want to hear anyway so why are you asking? Also it is irrelevant how I am. If I am able to process your order then that is all that is important. You do not ask the Self Checkout machine how it is feeling so why ask me? I am no different than that Machine. I am a soulless slave that is there to process orders until I am allowed to go home. Just treat me that way and we will get along fine.

    Self Checkout Edition|

    1) The Self Checkout machine is not that smart TBH so have patience with it.

    2) There are two kinds of Self Checkouts that I have seen. One has a scanner with a belt immediately after and one just has a scanner with a metal platform with bags on it. The first sort is for large orders and the other for smaller orders. The first has a weight scale under the belt and the second has one under the big metal bagging area platform. Both have a scale to weigh produce and bulk items directly underneath the scanning plate so you should set items to be weighed right on the scanner.

    3) Young Children are nothing but trouble in the Self Checkout. They sit on the scale and throw it off. They remove bags or put items on the scale that do not belong etc...If you have them with you keep them away from the Machine and save all of us a headache.

    4) Generally when using the Small Order checkouts you should not take the bags or any item off that metal bagging area until you are done with the order. You can move them to different parts OF that plate but do not take them off.

    5) If the screen pops up a message or a button with text read what it says and if appropriate hit the button. Do not just stare blankly at the screen. It is asking you for information. If it says anything about needing Cashier assistance then please wait for it to be rendered but if the screen returns to normal then just proceed as normal. If you need help please press the "Help" button and call for it or flag down a Cashier.

    6) Please USE these machines! People tell me "Oh I do not want to use them because they take jobs..." ...BS! They are not good enough to steal our jobs and in the end technology will make Retail as we know it come to an end so get over it. Since my store got those machines we have HIRED people and have not FIRED a single Cashier so NO it does not take jobs. It allows us to move a greater volume of products through which means more $ which means we can hire more help and give you better prices.

    7) Especially use the Machines when you A) Want things bagged in a very particular way (saves us and our customers a HUGE headache if you do it yourself and get it over with). B) Have a smaller order and just want to get it checked out and go. C) Are buying something you do not want others to see or know about ( boy!). D) Want to avoid the lines at the registers or have a different experience.

    8) DO NOT use them if you A) Have a Bazillion coupons (Trust me). B) Have little and(or) uncontrollable children with you. C) You are completely technophobic. D) You cannot read and follow directions. E) You KNOW you are going to have a LOT of price discrepancies. F) You have absolutely not patience and anything at all going wrong will send you into a tantrum (In fact if that one is true do us all a favor and just do not shop).

    One last thing for Velveeta is that my mate was a call center worker and totally sympathizes with you in many cases. I however want to add: It is very helpful if the Call Center person ALSO speaks American or English or speaks without such a HEAVY Accent that you cannot understand them. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to speak to someone with such a Thick Chinese or Indian Accent I could barely communicate with them.

    Anyway, that is my addition to this rant/guide.
    Last edited by Shinkuu; May 11th, 2010 at 06:52 PM.

  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkuu View Post

    5) This is a personal one...I do not like being asked "How are you?"...It is a weird question. The honest answer is usually nothing you want to hear anyway so why are you asking? Also it is irrelevant how I am. If I am able to process your order then that is all that is important. You do not ask the Self Checkout machine how it is feeling so why ask me? I am no different than that Machine. I am a soulless slave that is there to process orders until I am allowed to go home. Just treat me that way and we will get along fine.
    so with you on this one - its called professionalism. or having your soul sucked dry by the grind of trying to assist helpless peeps, whichever. we ain't friends, we won't be friends, so let's just stick to biz, shall we?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkuu View Post
    One last thing for Velveeta is that my mate was a call center worker and totally sympathizes with you in many cases. I however want to add: It is very helpful if the Call Center person ALSO speaks American or English or speaks without such a HEAVY Accent that you cannot understand them. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to speak to someone with such a Thick Chinese or Indian Accent I could barely communicate with them.

    Anyway, that is my addition to this rant/guide.
    o i hear ya.....there were several peeps in my call center had thick accents......we liked to sic them on the particularly annoying american callers by telling them they were a 'higher level tech' and transfering them. it was great fun for all but the caller!
    almost sad for them that they have to call the phillipanes now...
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  12. #12

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    5) This is a personal one...I do not like being asked "How are you?"...It is a weird question. The honest answer is usually nothing you want to hear anyway so why are you asking? Also it is irrelevant how I am. If I am able to process your order then that is all that is important. You do not ask the Self Checkout machine how it is feeling so why ask me? I am no different than that Machine. I am a soulless slave that is there to process orders until I am allowed to go home. Just treat me that way and we will get along fine.
    Oh, I HATE this. Older people generally do this more than younger people do. Also, calling me by name.... I hate that. Hate Hate Hate it. My memory isn't the best (especially with people I met, in say, school 10 years ago), so if someone walks up to me, calls me by name (because I'm wearing a nametag... really wish we could get rid of those stupid things, but the boss _requires_ them), I'm always thinking "Do I know you?" and feel bad because that might be someone I once knew, and I don't want to insult the person by not remembering them.

    But yes, I agree. I'm not there to chat the customers up. I'm there to do my job. I'm glad I'm not alone in this, I was starting to wonder if it was just me being anti-social. I think what makes this problem worse, are those cashiers who want to chat you up, especially ones at Wal-Mart. People get used to that, and think ALL cashiers do it (or are required to do it, like those at Wal-Mart). Even at Wal-Mart, they aren't required to chat you up; they just have to smile and say Hi. This one irritates me when I'm a customer too, I hate walking up to a register and the cashier slows down to talk to me. Um, ma'am, stop talking to me and ring my stuff up so I can get the *beeeeep* out of here, please. I got *beeeep* to do. Thank you.

    And then there are the people who can't say please. Just last night, someone walked up to the cash register and said "Hey buddy, ring the bell!". At my store, if the manager isn't in the office (customer service area), we have to ring the bell 3 times for them to come up to the front. There was no please, or thank-you, or anything, just him bossing me around in somewhat of a rude tone. So I'm thinking "Um, I'm not your Buddy and maybe if you toss the Magic Word in there, I might consider doing that for you."

    And then there are the people who throw the money down on the belt/counter/etc instead of handing it to me. I can understand if my hands are currently busy (typing on the register, etc) and you laid the money down on the belt, but to flick money at me, or throw it on the belt when my hands are free and waiting? That's incredibly rude and it tells me that you don't care about your money. If you don't care about it, give it to me! I'll gladly take it.....

  13. #13

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Uhh, down where I"m from its called MANNERS. Good manners means if you want people to say "please" then you need to expect the polite "Hey how are you today", and return with the same polite "good how are you."

    Hell, down here half the time someoen says "how are you" the other person says "how are you!" and they don't even answer - its just polite and acceptable (to answer that question with the same lol - its not even a question just a greeting lol).

    So if you want people to say please, and be polite - then don't rant about them asking how you are.

    ITS JUST GOOD MANNERS. No, they aren't expecting you to tell them the truth - so don't feel bad or get irked. They're simply being nice. Why do you rant about people being nice?

    On the money throwing issue - hehe funny/embarssing story to relate about that exact thing.

    So I was working the concenssion stand back in the 90s when I was in college, at the local movie theater. Its teh weekend so the place is packed. We got like..4-6 conncession workers at their registers and we're all going heavy. Its between shows so there's lines all over the place.

    That clears out a bit and the showtime starts so there's only a few people now and we're cleaning up and taking stock as we usually do between shows. All of the sudden I hear yelling from across the stand. I look around the corner and two of the African American female employees are ripping apart these two African American male customers. My eyes get big and I"m like " way.." cuz to me, you just don't do that.

    The manager comes up (also African American) and we get the explanation, at high volume from the two employees. Apparently the male customers had come up and made their order, the empllkyees filled it, but then the male customer "threw" his money down on the counter. At whichi point the female worker started yelling at him about being disrespectful and insulting and "don't you throw this money at me...", all of course which was repeated to the manager explaining why the employee was going off on the customer.

    From what I remember of the two customers they weren't realy yelling back, course by that point they weren't realy being poilite either - he was insisting "I didn't throw it I tossed it" or some such.."I didn't mean any disrespect she just started going off.."

    I thought for sure the Manager would make the employee apologize - but nope other way around. He made the customers apologize to his employee for "throwing down" the money and clearly insulting her (?WHA i'm saying), and then they got their stuff and went to their movie.

    I dont know - I couldn't believe it. The employee made a huge scene, was YELLING and screaming acting like an idiot, because this guy "threw the money down" on the counter. Keeping in mind she started yelling first, there was no "sir please don't do that." it was "YOU TAKE THAT BACK AND GIVE IT TO ME NICELY" kind of thing... To the point that the second employee who was standing with her was HOLDING HER BACK as she was "charging" the register like she was about to get in this guy's face and fight him or something.

    If I was the manager I'd been giving out free passes to the customers and hoping they didn't tell everyone not to come to my theater. In my mind employees just do NOT do that. Its so ugg...Jerry Springer.

    I still remember it to this day. I never even thought people tossing or "throwing" money on a counter was insulting or in any way degradin gor whatever. Who the hell cares would be my thought. They don't know me so they can't insult me. But apparently, its Now I know.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  14. #14

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Uhh, down where I"m from its called MANNERS. Good manners means if you want people to say "please" then you need to expect the polite "Hey how are you today", and return with the same polite "good how are you."

    Hell, down here half the time someoen says "how are you" the other person says "how are you!" and they don't even answer - its just polite and acceptable (to answer that question with the same lol - its not even a question just a greeting lol).

    So if you want people to say please, and be polite - then don't rant about them asking how you are.

    ITS JUST GOOD MANNERS. No, they aren't expecting you to tell them the truth - so don't feel bad or get irked. They're simply being nice. Why do you rant about people being nice?
    Huh, that's odd... must be cultural difference or something, but around here, you don't have to ask "how are you?" to have good manners.

    A typical transaction, my style would be like this:

    1). Customer walks up to the register. If I'm in an exceptionally good mood, I might say "Hi". I'll of course say Hi if they do first.
    2). I ring their stuff up -- as quickly as possible. That's the way I'd like to be treated if I were the customer myself.
    3). I'll tell them the total, like "xxxx please."
    4). Customer gives me money/credit card/check/etc.
    5). I'll handle the payment, give any change/receipts and say "have a nice day/night".
    6). Customer walks away.

    All of the above is done politely and professionally, but most importantly, Quickly.

    That's what I'd expect and want if I were the customer myself. When I'm shopping, when I get to the register, I've made my choice of what I want to buy. My mission is then, to pay for my *beeep* and go home.


    Some might call me cold or something, but... I don't see it that way. If I wanted to socialize, I'd go to a bar or something.

    As far as asking someone to do something, a simple "please" is more than enough for me. As long as it is asked and as long as the person says please, I have no problem with it. But when someone barks an order at me, like I'm somehow obligated to get on my knees and obey their every command.... that's when I get pissed. I don't mind being _asked_ to do something, esp. if the word Please was used. It is when they _command_ me to do something.... that's where I draw the line.


    "Could you do this for me, please?"

    instead of

    "hey buddy, do this."

  15. #15

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Ahh around here its standard that when you walk up to the register you're expecting to be greeted verbally.

    Its the South, we don't stand around in silence getting things done .

    Normally at my local Walmart or grocery store it goe ssomething like..

    *walk up to register*
    "Hello - find everything you need?" Or "Hello - how are you today? Find everything you need"
    I respond, "Yes thank you" or "good how are you" or "good - yes thank you" or "no I was lookign for blabhlah"
    They ring things up, often times I'm talking to my hubby while we do this and we enter into the "guess the total-sum game", register person usually smiles or laughs overhearing this. When the total comes out they will often laugh with the winner at the loser of said game.
    Then they will say "have a nice day" or "come again" and we will respond "thank you you too!"

    But yea, please..definitely...that's just...required for existance lol.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: Why Customers Suck (A Rant and a Guide)

    Hooray for Southern hospitality!
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  17. #17

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Ahh around here its standard that when you walk up to the register you're expecting to be greeted verbally.

    Its the South, we don't stand around in silence getting things done .

    Normally at my local Walmart or grocery store it goe ssomething like..

    *walk up to register*
    "Hello - find everything you need?" Or "Hello - how are you today? Find everything you need"
    I respond, "Yes thank you" or "good how are you" or "good - yes thank you" or "no I was lookign for blabhlah"
    They ring things up, often times I'm talking to my hubby while we do this and we enter into the "guess the total-sum game", register person usually smiles or laughs overhearing this. When the total comes out they will often laugh with the winner at the loser of said game.
    Then they will say "have a nice day" or "come again" and we will respond "thank you you too!"

    But yea, please..definitely...that's just...required for existance lol.

    I'd go crazy with this going on.

    It probably takes what, 2+ minutes to do all of this (not counting the time it takes to ring their stuff up), per customer? I'd be that customer 5-10 people back going "Come ON already....jeez" (especially when Wal-Mart does NOT like opening up more registers when they got lines of 5+ people at the 2 of 40 open registers) when I'm waiting forever and ever because the cashier is too slow. One thing I _hate_ about Wal-Mart... does anyone at that store know how to hurry the *beep* up? lol. I hate having an order of $400 or so (two cartloads, to give you an idea) and waiting for 20+ minutes just to be the next person in line... and then, with the slow cashier, it is ANOTHER 10+ minutes to ring our stuff up, then I got this person trying to socialize with me when all I wanna do is get out the door and on my way home already...

    But then I guess I hate grocery shopping... gotta do it, but that doesn't mean I *like* it.

    Even when I'm electronics shopping (my favorite kind of shopping), I don't like standing around talking aimlessly.

  18. #18

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Uhh, down where I"m from its called MANNERS. Good manners means if you want people to say "please" then you need to expect the polite "Hey how are you today", and return with the same polite "good how are you."

    Hell, down here half the time someoen says "how are you" the other person says "how are you!" and they don't even answer - its just polite and acceptable (to answer that question with the same lol - its not even a question just a greeting lol).

    So if you want people to say please, and be polite - then don't rant about them asking how you are.

    ITS JUST GOOD MANNERS. No, they aren't expecting you to tell them the truth - so don't feel bad or get irked. They're simply being nice. Why do you rant about people being nice?
    There is being nice and then there is being professional. I do not care if you say thank you or not. I just want to get you in and out of my line as efficiently as possible with as few inconveniences to you as possible. I want all your items to ring up correctly, get into their bags in the right order, and go home with you instead of being left in the store and that to happen in as short a time period as absolutely possible.

    Quite frankly, the politeness should be reserved for a human being and when I am behind that register I am anything BUT that. No human being would ever do that job. I am just part of the machinery.

    I am also from the North and here we do not like to waste time or breath. (my theory is that because of our cold weather where you want to be outside as little as possible you learn to make your conversations quick) When our professor from down south tried to ask questions of my college class she was frustrated that in the south she got people yelling out the answers but up here we just stared daggers at her waiting silently. We were waiting for her to answer her own question and continue with the "Lecture" because that is how that relationship was supposed to go. She "Lectured" us and we tried to learn from it lol. That always made her very uncomfortable.

  19. #19

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post

    I'd go crazy with this going on.

    It probably takes what, 2+ minutes to do all of this (not counting the time it takes to ring their stuff up), per customer? I'd be that customer 5-10 people back going "Come ON already....jeez" (especially when Wal-Mart does NOT like opening up more registers when they got lines of 5+ people at the 2 of 40 open registers) when I'm waiting forever and ever because the cashier is too slow. One thing I _hate_ about Wal-Mart... does anyone at that store know how to hurry the *beep* up? lol. I hate having an order of $400 or so (two cartloads, to give you an idea) and waiting for 20+ minutes just to be the next person in line... and then, with the slow cashier, it is ANOTHER 10+ minutes to ring our stuff up, then I got this person trying to socialize with me when all I wanna do is get out the door and on my way home already...

    But then I guess I hate grocery shopping... gotta do it, but that doesn't mean I *like* it.

    Even when I'm electronics shopping (my favorite kind of shopping), I don't like standing around talking aimlessly.
    LOL...That is reason 1 why I always go to self-checkouts if they are an option...Hate having to make the Cashiers work more and deal with the customers.

    Reason 2 is that I want to bag things MY way. I say *beep* company policy. When I am the customer I will put my raw meat in with whatever I *bleep*ing want and fill the bags as full as I want. I will put my non-edibles and my edibles together if I so desire. I understand why we bag things the way we do but personally I do not want 10,000 bags when I could have 1~10.

    I think a lot of Cashiers, or similar folks, in other businesses end up loving me because I know fairly well what is their fault and what is not and am VERY patient because I can empathize very well.

  20. #20

    Default Re: For those of you about to man Retail I Salute you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkuu View Post
    Reason 2 is that I want to bag things MY way. I say *beep* company policy. When I am the customer I will put my raw meat in with whatever I *bleep*ing want and fill the bags as full as I want. I will put my non-edibles and my edibles together if I so desire. I understand why we bag things the way we do but personally I do not want 10,000 bags when I could have 1~10.
    There's a flipside to this, too.

    I hate it when customers tell me how to bag their stuff. You see, some of us cashiers who have been working that job for multiple years, have a lot of experience bagging things. We do it all day long, every day we work, for years. There is a _reason_ I bag things the way I do.

    What I particularly dislike, are people who insist I cram everything into as little bags as possible. So you have 2 extra bags, wow. You know what? You can slip your arm into even more bags, and you won't have to make any extra trips... that's the beauty of plastic shopping bags. The problem with cramming stuff into bags:

    1). Sometimes bags rip/break if too much weight is placed in them. Bag breaks, item falls to the floor and breaks, suddenly we're expected to replace that. Yeah, nice. Because _you_ insisted we cram it as full as possible, now _we_ have to pay for that.

    2). Sometimes things get smashed. No, I do NOT want to pack your bread/eggs/etc with your meat/cans/whatever heavy items. I know, you'll get out the door, to your car, and you'll be "OMG my bread is smashed! I need a replacement!" or later on, call and complain to management that I smashed your bread. Um, no I didn't. You did.

    3). Soap/Laundry Detergent/Dryer Sheets/Other Odorous Product + Deli/Meat/Produce = Nasty. I don't care what the customer says, I refuse to pack these two together. Last thing I need is yet again, someone gets home, then calls the store and complains that their deli meat or produce "tastes funny" and is probably "bad". Now, the customer is going to want a refund or replacement. Um, no thanks. If I see you switching the bags after I packed it, I will be sure to write down a note and give it to the manager.

    Some stores like to save on bags, and others give you the "million bags" for extra precaution, but there are also other reasons, like those I mentioned above, as to why we pack what we do, in the way that we do. Some customers are too stupid (what the heck, re-tar-ded is filtered!?!?) to realize that some of the above scenarios are not only bad for the customer, but also bad for the store too.

    Otherwise, I couldn't care less how stuff is packed. I'll do my best to pack things logically together, and fill the bags reasonably full, and I test the weight of each and every bag that looks questionable before allowing the customer to walk off with it. I have a pretty good feel for what a bag can take and what a bag can't.

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