There is a single crisp parchment pinned to the board, whose lettering is elegant and precise. By the width and sweep of the script, it was written by a hatchling with his paws stuck in an ink pot! The gnomes tried to talk him into using a quill, but he kept breaking them.

Race: Dragon [Hatchling]
Age: 73
Helian [Traditional]
Gender: Male
Seeking: Male

I am a young Portal Tech, based out of New Rachival. My interests are varied. I love books, I love magic, I love to watch the stars. I’m an astrologer in my spare time! I believe that the stars are one of the universe’s great mysteries, and I am determined to unravel them. I am not incapable of defending myself; despite my penchant for magic, I am most able with my own tooth and claw. But it was never my calling to be a warrior.

There are a few things I am looking for in a potential partner. He should be strong, confident. I should hope for an individual who thirsts to know, to learn as I do. I am fond of a proper Lunus, but I am not interested in those who are consumed by an erroneous interpretation of Malginival’s teaching. If you do not quite match what hazy description I have left, do not be discouraged – I am happy to meet and talk and give you a chance, whoever you may be.

I’ve been alone for a very long time; there is a hole in my heart that I must fill.
Though I regret discrimination, only fellow Gifted need contact me. I am not eager to be hurt in this dying world.