I'm writing to request that the Clarity II ability be reassessed or re-evaluated, after playing with it for a while. It's been a number of months, perhaps even at least a year or two.

I also speak from the experience of being the only Sorceror on my server too.

I've sent in a ticket about the Clarity II change before, when it first came out, so I will reference it here and then add upon it, but would like insight from others too... who may have played with me while I was in this class and I was acting in a role to support and help them control enemies in massive group battles.

To start, I'll use the reference from my prior ticket.

Prior Ticket:

I'm writing in regards to the recent Clarity II change and I don't agree with its adjustment. However, I've come up with a different way to adjust it so that it's a bit more 'fair' to your team.

Currently, Clarity II is a 30 second buff with an area of 15m. I play Sorceror as my primary class, but this really makes it difficult to do my job as a Sorceror.

Here is what I would suggest to incorporate instead.

Keeping it an 'aura' or 'area of effect' buff as it is, is fine. However, I'd suggest that instead of 15m for range, 30 m for range would be far more reasonable. A Sorceror generally has to stay out of the fight as long as possible and to control a crowd.15 m is too close for a Sorceror to work effectively. Not only that, but 30 m is the standard distance for the majority of spells, so it would fall in line with that.

I also don't agree with the buff being only active on the Sorceror for 30 seconds. Instead, for the Sorceror casting the 'spell' it should remain a permanent effect (until death) with the 30 second buff extending to those in the Sorceror's party within 30 m, much as say... a healer's Aura of Health, or the Druid's Aura of the Bear or Necrofly, or further still, as the Paladin's Aura of Command. This logic would be explained by the fact that it is the Sorceror's presence of mind and mental acuity dealing with mind magic would enable them to be able to fully keep themselves protected, but it would be limited in the fact that they can only project their mind influence so far (i.e. the standard spell distance).

End Prior Ticket Excerpt

Recently, I've come to see that this needs to be reassessed because of some of the enemies we fight. When one of your team was spawning enemies for the Shards to rise together and combat (thank you for that Ludwick, btw!), I found that when we faced a mezzing/stunning enemy... it was very difficult for me to do my job as a Sorceror... because I spent just as much time mezzed and stunned as the party I was trying to crowd control for.

Being that I play a Sorceror as my primary class... I find that its really not good for the one that SHOULD be able to resist mezzing effects at the very least, is able to be mezzed themselves... and nigh constantly at that (Phantom Mages were the culprit in this case).

Here's what I suggest... granting the Sorceror a passive non-masterable ability that makes them immune to stunning/mezzing... or if that's a little too much, immunity to mezzing alone to keep some balance with a type of foe that uses stuns. I can support a Sorceror being able to be stunned, but not mesmerized, given the fact that they focus on mind magic. By the same token, however, I'd want the Clarity II ability, to more or less stay as is, but not provide the anti-stun/mez to the Sorceror, if that were possible, since they would already be immune to mezzes anyhow.

If that doesn't sound like a good idea... how about this... granting the Sorceror a new non-masterable active ability known as 'Enhanced Clarity' with a recycle of a minute or so. It would be a permanent, non-dispellable self buff (until death) that would render the Sorceror immune to any mesmerizing, but still allowing them to be stunned (if its possible to differentiate like that).

Now, like the stun changes, this would be across the board, so any enemy Sorcerors (i.e. Aegis and others) would get to enjoy these same changes.

I would hope that your team would reconsider the Sorceror's weakness to the very thing they work with and adjust it for the better to help a Sorceror be truly effective in a group battle. I am certain that changes like this might also encourage more people to play as a Sorceror as well.

I find it discouraging that I'm the only Sorceror on my server and have often been unable to effectively help at times due to the fact that I can be mez-locked.

I also want to note that this isn't a request to change the mechanic of mezzing itself either. Just to look at the Sorceror's susceptibility to mezzing.

I'm also certain that most people playing a Sorceror (if any do besides me...that is...) would be able to appreciate a change similar to this.