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Thread: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

  1. #1

    Default wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    drakul could -really- use an outbound portal and probably a second landing pad as well. this is most likely just wishful thinking, but here goes:

    there is a peak almost dead center in drakul that would be perfect for an outbound portal, it is fairly equidistant from the various regions. moving the inboun pad there as well or adding a second inbound opposite the first would also be very useful.

    i know all the arguments against it, Drakul is supposed to be a place of seclusion where dragons can go to escape everyone else. however at the moment it is a place of unconstructed (but still owned) lairs because it's such a ***** to drag a diskful of resources from the pad to any but the closest of lairs. (seriously, I spend about 25-28 minutes dragging my level 60 disk from the pad, i can hold enough resources to make 10% progress on the average-sized rooms, 3-5% on my hall. that means i spend over -four hours- just dragging the disk for each average sized room i build. my hall is at 60% and i don't even want to -think- about how many hours i have burned flying to it. and you know what, my lair isn't even the furthest out!)

    now, putting a vault in one's lair (as i am working to do) will obviously help a lot with this. but a vault is t3 and it takes a long time to get your DLSH up that high and build the damned thing. but even then it is of marginal usefulness, as a vault does not hold as much as a high-level disk, and if one chooses to bind in/near a lair in drakul (thus saving the flight in and making up for disparity between vault and disk loads) one is then faced with a 30 minute flight back to the mainland.

    to sum up: Drakul needs a centralized outbound portal and a centralized or multiple localized inbound pads

  2. #2

    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    I hope your at least using a flying disk. I can see using a normal disk as being a big pain. I would love to see a second pad on the other side of the island myself. The gate out I do not think is as needed and might make the Biped mad might not as it would easy some of the use of the T5 resources else where in the world. Depends on how they look at it I guess.

  3. #3

    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    Shur: Drakul was indeed intended to be remote, but it was not intended to be deadly boring to develop. Two things were going to happen last year that were interrupted by the fiasco: Lair construction was going to be rebalanced so that it was a reasonable amount of time (requirements lowered) for T1 and only slightly less reasonable for T2 etc..., and gates/destination pads were being added throughout the Western side of Istaria to improve travel times. (The East was to be 'remote', with no unattuned travel and fewer destination pads.)

    This is only intended to provide you with historical context for the intent. What the Horizons' team decides to do now is definitely up to them and I strongly advocate giving them a chance to improve the game incrementally. They are dedicated to the future of the game and I know they are listening to the players.

    David Bowman

  4. #4

    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    Yes I for one understand and hope client fixes and such become a priority first and content second for a a while, and not just because I am subbed and can not play do to the Vista problem. /8->

  5. #5

    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)


    W00T!!!! i got a reply from David Bowman!!

    on a more serious note:

    Quote Originally Posted by David Bowman View Post
    This is only intended to provide you with historical context for the intent. What the Horizons' team decides to do now is definitely up to them and I strongly advocate giving them a chance to improve the game incrementally.
    oh, yeah, understand perfectly the situation. i just felt like getting this out there now that there is someone listening.

    by all means i would infinitely prefer that they do things by their own schedule, rather than going on the chaotic demands of players as they appear.

  6. #6
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    Thanks for the clarification, David, and welcome back, even if it is as a current consultant. We've missed the lot of you showing up on Order for the occasional dev chat and hope that it's in the works down the road to be doing those again.

    It would definitely be nice to have the portaling on the west side of Istaria with Drakul more capable since in the history, the blight started in the east and has been progressing westward.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  7. #7

    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    How would one leave Drakul if they were to become bound to a shrine in a lair?

  8. #8

    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    There's something interesting on the south side of the inside rim of the crater....

  9. #9

    Default Re: wishful thinking: outbound portal in drakul (and possibly a second inbound?)

    I made some posts in the wrong area, with pictures.

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