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Thread: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

  1. #21

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    I wrote a whole bunch of stories based upon this premise. They're located on my website.

    ....Please excuse the quality of Chapter One; it is in horrible need of a re-write.


    "I feel like a fugitive from the Law of Averages."

  2. #22

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Ok, so you just left your old home..... through the wall... it was the best you could do. Launched yourself into the air. First thing that would come to my mind would be, where to from here? As I'm circling above to get my berings. As an afterthought: Oh dear.... how do I land??

    Meantime, there is a small gathering forming around the mess you made. Some people are also pointing up at you, though by now you look like a bird from the ground.

    Where would you go now? What would you do?

  3. #23

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hasai View Post
    I wrote a whole bunch of stories based upon this premise. They're located on my website.

    ....Please excuse the quality of Chapter One; it is in horrible need of a re-write.

    Hmm, will definately take a look at those when I get some free time.

  4. #24

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    I could pretty much agree with Tcei.

  5. #25

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    First I'd like to say...

    I love you guys *sniffs*....reading this..make me wanna cry *sniffs again*

    Second off I'd like to add one of the few poems on the internet I've ever found about dragons (oddly enough you'd think it would be everywhere....).

    Dragon Wings

    He moves on dragon wings
    flying silently we don't hear
    nor see
    nor think him there
    he is and as he does
    ever slowly
    do we rise
    reaching for what he has
    what he is
    will be
    ever reaching
    for his flamign breath and
    the soothing beat of his wings


    And I'll add I'd leave it all behind, but my books- gotta start the hoarde somehow. Wouldn't take but a few minutes to figure this out -and as I flew away - there were no humans anywhere to be seen.


    (and another book series near this theme - which deals with both humans wishing to be dragons (and turning so) and dragons wishing to be human (and turning so) is "Song in the Silence" (book 1 of 3 in the series) by Elizabeth Kerner. Takes a little to get into, at first it seems a little simplistic to me, but really gets better and is a good trilogy to read for dragon-o-philes .
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  6. #26

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    (and another book series near this theme - which deals with both humans wishing to be dragons (and turning so) and dragons wishing to be human (and turning so) is "Song in the Silence" (book 1 of 3 in the series) by Elizabeth Kerner. Takes a little to get into, at first it seems a little simplistic to me, but really gets better and is a good trilogy to read for dragon-o-philes .
    Sounds like somthing I'm going to have to look for.

  7. #27

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    That's one song that always grips me in a good way. I absolutely love it to itty bitty pieces ^..^ Always brings a tear or two, or maybe i'm just weird but I don't care!!! *melts*

    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter View Post
    That's a good one.

    I was thinking of this:

    Take my love, take my land
    Take me where I cannot stand
    I don't care, I'm still free
    You can't take the sky from me

    Take me out to the black
    Tell them I ain't comin' back
    Burn the land and boil the sea
    You can't take the sky from me

    There's no place I can be
    Since I found Serenity
    But you can't take the sky from me...

    - The Ballad of Serenity, by Joss Whedon
    As for the rest of these post, it's a nice thought and a nice dream. A fantasy. ^..^ Not sure what I'd do, I think i'd flip too and panic. Though meh, no like to think about it much, I'll stick to my artwork. =)

  8. #28

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by CallakDW View Post
    Ok, so you just left your old home..... through the wall... it was the best you could do. Launched yourself into the air. First thing that would come to my mind would be, where to from here? As I'm circling above to get my berings. As an afterthought: Oh dear.... how do I land??

    Meantime, there is a small gathering forming around the mess you made. Some people are also pointing up at you, though by now you look like a bird from the ground.

    Where would you go now? What would you do?
    Anyways, lets keep it going, where to now?

  9. #29

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    To the sky and beyond? Dragons in space!

  10. #30

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokoz View Post
    To the sky and beyond? Dragons in space!
    Be more specific please, looking for places in the known planet, and dragons as I specified could not survive in space unless they have suddenly become very good tinkerers. }:=8p

  11. #31

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Amazing how many like minded induviduals HZ atracted
    Well actually, playable dragons, not that amazing actually but quite logical :P

    Quote Originally Posted by CallakDW View Post
    Ok, lets start with a little uncomfortable fantasy scenario, only for those that desire such a thing:

    The year is 2007, man kind... (snip) ...There is no fitting in with humanity at this point, you can't shapeshift.

    What is your next move?
    Wait for night, break out, lift off.
    Pretty much what everyone else said :P

    Quote Originally Posted by CallakDW View Post
    Ok, so you just left your old home..... through the wall... (snip) ...What would you do?
    I live in the Netherlands, I would fly east by south east toward the Alps.
    I would probably stop over in the Ardennes for rest and to catch a meal.
    Once arrived in some remote valley somewhere in the alps to use as base I would probably start planning next steps, like assuming I was not the only one and go look for others.
    start a small dragon nation in the caucasus mountains maybe :P
    Get the map pack here - Get the REAL ancient models here!
    Get White Teeth and Claws for your Dragon here!

    100/100 Ancient Dragon, member of the first group of 8 to ascend to ancient on Unity.
    This sig was designed for Firefox (stupid IE still can't handle png )

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    I totally agree with Pharcellus.

    I find myself to be imprisoned in monkey form, the natural and obvious status being of a dragon.

    Flight is a non isssue, I could drive an airplane with a 5 minutes "crash course", so why should I not fly myself?
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Once arrived in some remote valley somewhere in the alps to use as base I would probably start planning next steps, like assuming I was not the only one and go look for others
    You'd assume well, because you'd probably see me coming from nearby where you went to
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  14. #34

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    I have dreamt of flying, but only once
    I was skimming over the ground, and had this wild urge to show everyone else how to do it It was possibly the happiest dream I ever had.

    Sianan + Pooki + Lotus Blossom

  15. #35

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    I would, I think, panic horribly upon waking as a dragon; mostly, though, the panic would be along the lines of, "Oh ****, tell me I didn't squish my mate! How the hades do I get those wings of mine to move when I want them to, and not when I twitch just right? Now what am I supposed to do?! I don't want to leave my books, and WHERE'S MY MATE?!"

    Following that, though, I'd wait till either mid-day, as Phoenix, AZ at noon is nearly a ghost-town in summer, or night-fall, work my way thru the wall leading to the backyard, as there's slightly less chance of hitting/being hit by a car, and heading toward one of the many surrounding mountains.

    From there, I'd spend about a month being lost, confused, and generally figuring out how things worked. After that, though, I'd be having a blast! Assuming, of course, that I'd found my mate, AND he hadn't been squished.

  16. #36

    Thumbs up Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    (and another book series near this theme - which deals with both humans wishing to be dragons (and turning so) and dragons wishing to be human (and turning so) is "Song in the Silence" (book 1 of 3 in the series) by Elizabeth Kerner. Takes a little to get into, at first it seems a little simplistic to me, but really gets better and is a good trilogy to read for dragon-o-philes .
    Absolutely awesome trilogy! Go read now!!!


  17. #37

    Thumbs up Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    For someone a 'bit drunk', what a great thread! Always one to catch my attention. I think the best way I can deal with it is to seperate the gargantuan amount of questions and answer them:

    How many of you have looked to the heavens and had thoughts of flight?
    - possessed by such thoughts from an early age. I still remember the first flight dream I had, albeit only a part. I just remember swooping as a bird from a really high tree that used to be on my parents street... it was Massive (75-85ft?). The council later told the land owners to remove it as it was a 'risk'. Anyway I swooped down from this tree and landed on the wall. I'd seen Disney's Sword in the Stone, so an early inspiration? Flight dreams are rare for me nowadays. They say flight in dreams is symbolic of the desire for change, or a feeling of restriction in life. Right now that isn't dominant in me which, considering my debt, is somewhat surprising. The last dream I recall, again a short section, was standing on a long straight dusty road in a Monument Valley type place. A car was driving away from me. I took off and flew hard to overtake, then fiercely back-winging to land in good stopping distance infront of the car. The car stopped, I woke up. I was consious that I was flapping with my arms, but the feel and response of them in the air behaved like wings; I simply couldn't see wings just arms. Anyway going on and on... next question.

    How do you feel about flying into a cloud bank?
    - Fine, if I had the senses to deal with flying inside it. If I didn't I'd stay clear. The Elizabeth Kerner novels mention a bat-like dragon sonar, which one of the dragons uses to 'see' a cliff in very bad weather.

    A thundercloud?
    - No thanks they hurt.

    Would you at all be conserned with your safty in flight, and the weather conditions?
    - Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is dangerous. The sky is like a library, you just need to know where to look to gain the insight you need.

    What are your thoughts about the ground below?
    - In the eternal war between the flyers and the ground, the ground has yet to loose a battle. Respect it well.

    If granted the wish of dragon transformation, what would you do?
    - Firstly, transform I guess! The I'd take off and probably not land except to eat or sleep.

    Would you accept it and leave all you currently know behind?
    - Part of me says I would, but a greater part says I would not loose such bonds as made in my former lifestyle.

    Destroy those who have wronged you?
    - I'd probably give them a scare.

    Would you hide from those who may experiment on you, or shoot you down?
    - I'd hope the human race would be 'evolved' enough to Not shoot down a dragon, one of only one in the world. Who am I kidding... And experimentation is probably on par with isolation/restriction/prison. The fear of loosing ones freedom, and being unable to go where one pleases, is quite enough to keep me away from any thought of crime. I'm certain I would rot at the core, quickly, if imprisoned.

    Would you just hide, since you can fly, and find a peaceful place in the world to reside?
    - Oh Gods yes... almost certainly... but I'd like to stay in touch with loved ones. Some dragons are able to take humanoid form, and I'd hope for this as an ability and blend in when in the humans' world.

    What would you do, given the gift of dragon kind, knowing that there are likely no others of your kind in the "real" world and that you are now an outcast among anything else in the world?
    - If you could take humanoid form, blend in and live your life as you will. Perhaps trust your secret to those closest to you. Otherwise, build rapour with the human race and allie with them, build up a relationship with them so that they would not consider capture/experimentation. Would they betray you and let the scientists loose with their knives? Probably. Safest bet might be to get started on that mountain lair.

    Threads like this always awaken a longing in me, almost to the point of a lump in the throat. I need Beer.


  18. #38

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cobal View Post
    I live in the Netherlands, I would fly east by south east toward the Alps.
    I would probably stop over in the Ardennes for rest and to catch a meal.
    Cooked or raw? Could you kill with your claws? Teeth? Do you desire the taste of blood? Raw meat?

    I've allways felt I could eat raw, or allmost raw meat. I actually have heard it's easier to digest uncooked. Never have though, closest I ever got was a mediumrare steak... which I enjoyed, but I don't make a habit of such do to supposed health threats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cobal View Post
    Once arrived in some remote valley somewhere in the alps to use as base I would probably start planning next steps, like assuming I was not the only one and go look for others.
    start a small dragon nation in the caucasus mountains maybe :P
    Well the scenario was assuming as far as you know you are the only one, but lets go this way.

    A dragon nation- Hmm, seems from my knowledge of man kind that they would not tolerate another organized sentient creature civilization... especially on as "bestial" and dangerous as dragons. Would you attempt to remain hidden? Make contact? I personally don't think I'd try to join an organized group, that resides in one location. Probably be easier to keep myself hidden if I was alone. Oh, if I found others, I'd have contacts and friends, but I'd feel a large group of dragons in one location would be unsafe. (Obviously I don't trust human nature.)

    * snuffles curiously*
    [Visit The Order Underground]

  19. #39

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spirit View Post
    For someone a 'bit drunk', what a great thread! Always one to catch my attention.
    Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I often think about these things when I'm depressed for whatever reason. Just want to leave my current life and start somthing new as a completely different life form at these times. And dragons are so beutiful and noble. Even the nasty ones have a sertain deadly beauty to them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spirit View Post
    A thundercloud?
    - No thanks they hurt.

    Would you at all be conserned with your safty in flight, and the weather conditions?
    - Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is dangerous. The sky is like a library, you just need to know where to look to gain the insight you need.
    Flying isn't dangerous, unfavorable weather conditions could be, I'm guessing. There are conditions that can tear the wings off airplanes mid air, I would assume that the same conditions could tear muscle and break bones of a biological creature of similar size and mass. And once your primary flight muscles are torn, hello ground. And there's those massive arcs of electricity in thunderclouds- they travel along the surface of aircraft when struck, but I don't think a nurvous system of any creature could take a direct hit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spirit View Post
    Would you hide from those who may experiment on you, or shoot you down?
    - I'd hope the human race would be 'evolved' enough to Not shoot down a dragon, one of only one in the world. Who am I kidding... And experimentation is probably on par with isolation/restriction/prison. The fear of loosing ones freedom, and being unable to go where one pleases, is quite enough to keep me away from any thought of crime. I'm certain I would rot at the core, quickly, if imprisoned.
    I do not, and would not trust humans unless I got to know specific ones really well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spirit View Post
    Would you just hide, since you can fly, and find a peaceful place in the world to reside?
    - Oh Gods yes... almost certainly... but I'd like to stay in touch with loved ones. Some dragons are able to take humanoid form, and I'd hope for this as an ability and blend in when in the humans' world.
    Let's say you can't shape shift, as mentioned in one of my later posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spirit View Post
    Threads like this always awaken a longing in me, almost to the point of a lump in the throat. I need Beer.
    I appologise for this. The longing is not pleasant. It leaves me feeling trapped and inpotent. Like I don't belong as I am.

    * snuffles curiously*
    [Visit The Order Underground]

  20. #40

    Default Re: A rant for the dragon hearted few.

    Quote Originally Posted by CallakDW View Post
    Cooked or raw? Could you kill with your claws? Teeth?
    Raw and killed with T&C, I'd put developing dragon cuisine off until some feeling of security was found.
    When laired up in some remote region for example.

    Killing, buthchering, and preparing my own self hunted meat is a thing I really want to do one day.
    It'll be in the human way though, with a ranged weapon of sorts. Fingernails dont led themself well to tearing throats out

    Quote Originally Posted by CallakDW View Post
    Do you desire the taste of blood? Raw meat?
    I've allways felt I could eat raw, or allmost raw meat. I actually have heard it's easier to digest uncooked. Never have though, closest I ever got was a mediumrare steak... which I enjoyed, but I don't make a habit of such do to supposed health threats.
    I allways eat my steaks rare or blue, I like them bloody. "Kill it and put it on a plate" as a friend of mine says.
    Raw meat is also common for me, steak tartare anyone? Or dutch style filet americain (this is a fine grinded steak mixed with herbs, mayonaise and some other stuff served on bread with raw onions. I often eat it as lunch)

    The health problems related to red meat I'll just ignore, I only live once and I wish to enjoy it.

    Quote Originally Posted by CallakDW View Post
    A dragon nation- Hmm, seems from my knowledge of man kind that they would not tolerate another organized sentient creature civilization... especially on as "bestial" and dangerous as dragons. Would you attempt to remain hidden? Make contact? I personally don't think I'd try to join an organized group, that resides in one location. Probably be easier to keep myself hidden if I was alone. Oh, if I found others, I'd have contacts and friends, but I'd feel a large group of dragons in one location would be unsafe. (Obviously I don't trust human nature.)
    Mmmmmh, you are probably right.
    A sort of Council of Wyrms would probably work though, some sort of working together will probably be useful.
    The nation could be more of a hidden "ritual city", used only for meetings etc with each dragon living in his/her own isolated lair.
    Mountain ranges around and in china are good lairing grounds I'm sure, and chinese peasants may actually be happy to see a dragon. ^^

    Making contact can be avoided only so long I think, so it's probably best to initiate it ourselves and try to control information flow so as not to let the humans discover us by themselves and go panikcing.
    The best way to do so would probably be through the media and not by contacting a government.
    Contact a media big shot and have him organise a big bombastic dragon interview or something similair :P
    Get the map pack here - Get the REAL ancient models here!
    Get White Teeth and Claws for your Dragon here!

    100/100 Ancient Dragon, member of the first group of 8 to ascend to ancient on Unity.
    This sig was designed for Firefox (stupid IE still can't handle png )

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