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Thread: Countdown

  1. #61

    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by tramsan View Post
    Noticed this just now on the front page:

    One thing I would like to ask VI, though, is how the names are going to be handled. No one (TM) would want the _unity tag after their character's names. Having to pay an extra $9 per character for a name change would also be rather unpleasant as a welcome back surprise.

    the account page say this:

    If your character has a suffix of _life or _unity ( _shard name ) - we provide a one time free name change

    so do not fear

    aside from that... Great News!

    and a question to the devs also if they feel like answering..

    is there a solution to lost email accounts?

    i was 1 among many who had multiple accounts.. for this i made many hotmail or gmail accounts wich have been inactive for years now thus deleted. only my main email account ofc is still active but my secondary account had a full jm machine build 75x75 plot, a dryad 3x lvl 100 an ancient dragon with most of the nice dragon bossmob drops

    if this email related to it is deleted by mr. microsoft all this is lost to me?

    or can there be a solution?

    i fear my habit of filling in crap at names, adresses and phonenumbers might work against me on this 1 hehe

  2. #62

    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Thangorodrim Atanatari View Post
    i fear my habit of filling in crap at names, adresses and phonenumbers might work against me on this 1 hehe
    Actually, Thangorodrim, your habit is in direct violation of the Rules of Conduct and EULA that you will have to agree to in order to play the game. I've no idea what the Unity EULA and RoC were, but for the US shards, the first prohibited item reads:

    1. Give false information or intentionally hide necessary information when registering an Account.
    So when you set up an account for playing on the US shards, I'd suggest not "filling in crap", because it could get you banned from the game.

    The other difference that I do know exists between the EU account system and the US account system is that you only need one account in order to own multiple plots/lairs, have concurrent logins, etc. So you might try submitting a ticket with as much information as you do know from your various EU accounts and ask to have them combined into your one US account.

    You're right, though, that your habit of filling in false information could end up working against you in this case, because if our CS department can't feel as though they have verified the information on your other accounts well enough to recognize you as the owner, they won't be able to do that.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Countdown

    Hurray, excellent news

    I assume their will be a larger complete announcement when the time is ripe?
    I do not want to start an account before it is actually possible to get my characters transfered.

    Also, will there be a deadline before wich we have to get our new account made and transfer request send in?
    Get the map pack here - Get the REAL ancient models here!
    Get White Teeth and Claws for your Dragon here!

    100/100 Ancient Dragon, member of the first group of 8 to ascend to ancient on Unity.
    This sig was designed for Firefox (stupid IE still can't handle png )

  4. #64

    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Thangorodrim Atanatari View Post
    the account page say this:

    If your character has a suffix of _life or _unity ( _shard name ) - we provide a one time free name change

    so do not fear

    aside from that... Great News!

    and a question to the devs also if they feel like answering..

    is there a solution to lost email accounts?

    i was 1 among many who had multiple accounts.. for this i made many hotmail or gmail accounts wich have been inactive for years now thus deleted. only my main email account ofc is still active but my secondary account had a full jm machine build 75x75 plot, a dryad 3x lvl 100 an ancient dragon with most of the nice dragon bossmob drops

    if this email related to it is deleted by mr. microsoft all this is lost to me?

    or can there be a solution?

    i fear my habit of filling in crap at names, adresses and phonenumbers might work against me on this 1 hehe
    Send a ticket in now via as I did this recently simply due to the fact that I thought I'd had my Unity account on my gmail account and wasn't getting any of these cool emails, so checked up. Eventually, with enough info (characters names and races etc, plus a list of possible emails that I do use) they tracked down my Unity account which was actually on a similar email but with tiscali, and have confirmed that when it comes to the transfer they'll be able to pop them onto my US account without a problem. So at least I know that my chars exist, they've seen them in their database and am quite sure it'll all go smoothly for me now.
    Shadria: Hatchling 22/24/0 - Intorqueo: Hatchling 5/3/0 - Affina: Saris - Pevil: Ancient Lunus 100/100/57 - Zordraak: Hatchling 5/3/0

  5. #65

    Default Re: Countdown

    Newest addition to the Unity-Transfer on the main page (news):

    What is Transfered
    • Character
    • Inventory
    • Vault
    • Storage Structure Contents
    • Consignment Contents
    What is not Transfered
    • Guild Tags
    • Plots / Structures
    • Plot Tokens / Structure Novians

    So.... does this mean we arrive in the new worlds without plot, without any certainty we will be getting any plot (let alone a comparable one), without the money we payed for our former plots, and without tokens ?

    I hope I am mis-understanding something?

    And though less important on the short term perhaps: will we also be transfered with loss of our history (info on time played etc)?

  6. #66
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Galilee View Post
    • Plot Tokens / Structure Novians
    I don't understand... I REALLY don't understand... *sighs*
    Very bad move, I think :/

  7. #67

    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Galilee View Post

    So.... does this mean we arrive in the new worlds without plot, without any certainty we will be getting any plot (let alone a comparable one), without the money we payed for our former plots, and without tokens ?

    I hope I am mis-understanding something?

    And though less important on the short term perhaps: will we also be transfered with loss of our history (info on time played etc)?
    Don't worry, while I don't know about Order (I hear they got lots of plots) so many of the plots and lairs (ESPECIALLY lairs) in Chaos are either empty and/or owned by players no longer playing it is depressing.

    And really you got to ask yourself, true you lost your plot, but is it really fair to give you a token while the players in Chaos/Order also have players who have been waiting just as long or longer for a chance at a plot/lairt as well? And yes, I too am a former Unity player with a dragon who used to have a lair and is STILL waiting to get another lair to replace the one I had.

    If worst comes to worst and you are somehow unable to buy a new home for yourself (for whatever reason) you could always pray/complain that the dev's next big project should be increasing the size of those puny plots no one wants (which they were doing before the buyout).

    Oh, and yea I agree... the part about structure novians not being transfer scares me a little.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  8. #68
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    Oh, and yea I agree... the part about structure novians not being transfer scares me a little.
    Only a little ? that's my main concern.

    I just hope that won't prevent unitarians to get copied :/

  9. #69

    Default Re: Countdown

    Well you also have to consider that when Unity went down this was back when someone made a huge essay about how lairshaping was 33% times harder than plot building (I wonder if it still exists...hrmmm) and when radiant wisps were but just a myth (therefore making T6 structures were impossible unless you really were just mad and could make everything from just bonuses.) We also never had the pleasure of flying disks..... which we were literally one patch away from getting.
    Needless to say lairshaping itself has gotten much easier, especially after the devs lowered the requirement of units needed to complete a room (cept for halls/grandhalls) and making tricuts at a ratio of 1:1:1 *THANK YOU!*And now that we finally got the last of the t6 resources applied, things are starting to look brighter already. *coughmaketier6armorscales*

    Will those who had really well build plots be happy? Doubt it. Actually I be REALLY surprised if they are even around anymore (the ones with pratically fully built plots/lairs and had the most to lose I mean. Not that you "Completed structures: 1 Lunus corridor...." players don't count either. :P I am sure some of you will be mad about losing whatever worked you've done as well.) Afterall, it was a YEAR of NEVER being told we lost our sever (the "official" last thing we ever saw on our accounts was: we are in Maintence.... For a year plus apparently. Never did like maintence.)

    Err, sorry did I get a little off topic? Back to what I was saying. If this turns out to be true, for you Unity players with the most to lose, don't let this discourage you! (c'mon you've waited this long o.o. As they say, don't knock it till you try it. Atleast see how it turns out in the future) Dragons, lairshaping still a pain in the butt, but it has IMPROVED IMMENSELY. Bipeds....well you guys have always had it easy(ier)..... but we got T6 stuff so it is even more so. :P
    And if you are so set on not rebuilding anything due to the loss..... you can always pay someone to build it for you. :3 Or hey..... maybe find someone willing to apply structures to it for free so they can level. No one ever said plot/lair building was a solo job.

    So yea... I am only a "little" concerned cause like we Unity players have shown, I am willing to wait and see before completely freaking out. Things change.

    P.S. Don't try to focus too much on the negatives. Look at the list of things we are getting back. Remember that epic weapon you spend 6 months trying to get and left in your guildhouse? You will be seeing it soon. Maybe a few friends you 've lost touch with after Unity shutdown? Well maybe it is time to say "Hi, Joe....I've missed ya." More importantely, remember that character you've spent 4 years (/info) and was soooooo sure it had finally met its final resting place? Well it is time to dust off the cobwebs.
    I was once told by a player that they were surprised Unity was even coming back at all. The way they had seen it, had it been any other company owning this game, they probably would had never even bother to try. It just to darn easy to say, "It's impossible".
    Last edited by Xanthia; April 10th, 2008 at 02:30 AM.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  10. #70

    Default Re: Countdown

    I don't read anywhere that we will even have the money on us that we paid for our plots on unity. Do I think that is even a tiny bit acceptable, if this is the case? No! That means unitarians can't even buy a plot, unless you hadn't gotten that part... (and I do think a token would be at least sóme compensation for a year, a community, a home, a world, and all novians lost: yes, that too). This hurts badly. Lets hope things will still change.... else I really don't see many unitarians returning; or if they do, then only to park their characters for if they would ever want to come back, followed by them leaving real soon. Not good!

  11. #71

    Default Re: Countdown

    *Looks* Hrmmm I don't see anything about us not getting our money back either. If you are referring to just the money that you payed for your plot, I couldn't tell you. However I would assumed that since your coin is shown/stored in the Inventory, it would include that as well and not just the items.(or are you saying you have no money in there as well? I hope not ) Personally .... I would like an officiall word on this (may a dev please help us on this? ^^). But seeing as how much they tried convincing us there will be enough plots/lairs to go around, I highly doubt they leave us high and dry with no way to purchase our own sweet home.(beats the purpose eh?)

    As far compensation goes, technically you are getting back: a community, a home, a world. Just a, home and world, in the form of either Chaos or Order. And really the only thing you've missed in a year was EI ripping people off on their money and an trojan attack on the website (and a bunch of other nasty, nasty things).

    Am I saying you should/must be 100% completely happy? Course not. Afterall, like you I too am just saying my views and feelings on it. By all means if you don't like it.... don't like it, it is your right not to and to voice your concern. Personally, I am still partly hoping that towards the end somehow they will manage to include novians as well. I am just saying, don't freak out JUST yet. Especially when transfers haven't even started. You are already talking about possible new players leaving when they haven't even gotten here yet. ^.^

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  12. #72

    Default Re: Countdown

    I can live without novians. I constantly rebuild anyway. My lair only had about 5 built rooms... however I'd redesigned and moved many times so in reality I've probably had a fully built lair before now I just love building and hey, I gotta get past 52 LS somehow! hehe. However I do hope that I can get some money/token in order to buy a lair.Ok there are none on Chaos right now but I don't want it to come to the reclamation and turn out that I can't get one then either, simply because I was held back from playing for over 1.5 years.

    Once I'd bought my lair for 518s on Unity I never had much money, there was no reason anymore to save up. I make my own scales, people are generous anyway and what else does a dragon need? Hoard... I can hunt for that. So if I get no money back for my lair that means I'll probably turn up with about 100-200s on me. Not *too* big a deal if I have some time between that and plot reclamation to make some money but then again I'll probably get far outbid by the older dragons anyway (which is of course fair). The lair building is the main reason I want to come back though, I can almost guarantee I'll hit 100 LS before I hit 100 Adv if given the chance.
    Shadria: Hatchling 22/24/0 - Intorqueo: Hatchling 5/3/0 - Affina: Saris - Pevil: Ancient Lunus 100/100/57 - Zordraak: Hatchling 5/3/0

  13. #73

    Default Re: Countdown

    Xanthia & Pevil, I AGREE, yes I agree!
    (I was just trying to put together my English and say the same- you were faster^^)

    Pls fellow Unitarians: That, what we`ve been waiting for
    for such a long time IS NOW.

    And consider: This is concerning TRANSFER,
    nothing said about modalities of plot reklamation.

    Let´s celebrate, that our beloved chars are back, and that friends on all shards
    are waiting for us.
    I´m sure: Being asked a year or more ago:" Want your chars back without plots/lairs, or never be able to see them again?" most of us would have answered: "gimmi back my chars"

    Thank you VI- I know it was a big job to do.
    Welll done-(so far )

  14. #74

    Default Re: Countdown

    Well, I just got what looks like the official invite email.........hopefully this means it's all now starting??

    I also hope that I dont have to resend the email with all my info on it, that I sent about 3 days ago......

  15. #75

    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamianth View Post
    Well, I just got what looks like the official invite email.........hopefully this means it's all now starting??

    I also hope that I dont have to resend the email with all my info on it, that I sent about 3 days ago......
    No you don´t have to resend email.

  16. #76

    Default Re: Countdown

    Yes I received the official email too

    But like some others, I am a bit upset by the news that we are not receiving any novians. No plot token, ok, I trust we will get a good chance after the plot reclamation. But no novians...
    Xanthia has a good point in saying there will probably plenty crafters for hire to do the job. But that's my problem: I like to make everything myself. Maybe it sounds a bit selfish, but it doesn't hurt anyone, and it is my choise to do so. But it is not my choise to void all my work when I don't receive novians. With my work I mean a two t1, two t2 and one t4 guildhouse, a t2 library, 9 t2 silos, a JM scholar shop completed without any help. And not to speak of the finishing of every wood part on 33 t4 silos (yes thirtythree, some call me mad ).

    Ok enough ranting
    Of course I am very pleased I finally will get my character back, including inventory, vault and plot contents. And as I said, I'm looking forward to see a bunch of my old friends again, in recognizable form
    Fidri Ragnir of Unity, dwarf cleric, amongst the living once again
    Firnas Ragnir of Chaos, elf warrior apprentice

  17. #77

    Default Re: Countdown

    No plot token, no novians, and no reimbursement for the cost of our plot?

    Ok I'm not coming back.

  18. #78
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Countdown

    You want to say you (your character) is not more than your plot?

    For some reason that sounds very childish.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  19. #79

    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    You want to say you (your character) is not more than your plot?

    For some reason that sounds very childish.
    Your attempt to goad me sounds very childish. Enough of a reason to allow myself to be goaded into responding though.

    How long have Virtrium had to sort this out? Don't give me some half-hearted argument about how it's not their full time job - that isn't my concern. They've had ample time and yet here we are being presented with an inadequate transfer.

    I'm sure there are some of you who are happy to play on Chaos or Order with a character that has your name, looks like your old Unity one, etc. The majority though are like myself. They're not on these forums every day. They wouldn't mind returning for a bit of nostalgia, but they sure as hell are not going to return if it means redoing work long-since completed. Building a plot is work. It's not fun. Even paying someone else to do the work is not fun, the money has to be earned in the first instance.

    So I won't come back. Big deal. Don't stand there telling me I'm being childish when your own words demonstrate the need for maturity and compassion.

  20. #80
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Countdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
    So I won't come back. Big deal. Don't stand there telling me I'm being childish when your own words demonstrate the need for maturity and compassion.
    Big deal indeed. Compassion, for what? For a 2 line post with no further explanation than just a if this is the case I won't come back? If you were the only one who would not get the token, the novians and reimbursement for the cost of your plot, I would feel sorry for you, but now?

    And what did you expect? A big thank you for making the effort of posting: " No plot token, no novians, and no reimbursement for the cost of our plot?

    Ok I'm not coming back." In that case:

    Thank you for letting us know your decision.

    (and I apologize for getting less mature with every sentence but this kind of reaction just p*sses me off)

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

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