Quote Originally Posted by Amerelium View Post
Have to say, I don't really approve of removing from and moving NPCs from the cities and to bristugo/NT. In my opinion, players should be encouraged to move about Instaria, not just go to the couple of central hubs...
I agree with your reasoning, but in practical senses people just don't go anywhere else. I was a pretty regular visitor to Dalimond and Chichonis over the last three months while levelling my STMD, and I made a habit to check the connies there. They all experienced little to no usage. Might be due to the lack of players in that range perhaps, but regardless, no point going to an empty shop!

By removing the connies from those locations, it does in some respect force people to use the remaining Empire-provided ones, or player-built ones. Perhaps with more players joining this may change in the future?