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Thread: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

  1. #41

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    I personally would ditch the cats to avoid a cat-splosion later. Also 25-30 plump helmet spawn is more than enough to start a healthy farming busines. Could probably use the left over money to buy a couple of cows or something like that. Other than that it looks nice.

    I use one of two set ups usually

    The first set up is
    Prof miner/mechanic
    Prof Miner/Mason/building designer (tho I normally enable building designer after I start the game to save points)
    Prof Woodcutter/Carpenter
    Prof Farmer/Brewer
    Prof Stoneworker/Mechanic (sometimes the miner is too busy)
    Prof record keeper/aprasier (this dwarf also get assisgned other jobs after embark normaly mason and/or engraver depending on embark site and how busy my primary mason is with mining.
    Then goods are 50-60 ale
    50-60 rum
    2 copper picks
    1 steel axe
    25 pulmp helmet spawn
    100 cheep meat
    2 dogs
    2 cows
    The left over is whatever I feel like spending on, normally items for moods or spare barrels/wood/cages.

    My second set up and the one I use most often now is

    Prof Miner/Mason
    Prof Miner/Mechanic
    Wood Burner/Armor Smith/Weapon Smith/Furnace Operator (Most points into Armor/Weapon smithing)
    Stone Worker/Weaver/Clothier (My normal game is heavily moded and I get lots of silk)
    Record Keeper/Aprasier/Sheild User/Wrestler/Hammer Dwarf (for defence early on)
    Carpenter/Wood Cutter

    Items are

    6 extra wood
    8 copper bars
    50-60 ale
    50-60 rum
    2 copper picks
    2 dogs
    2 sheep (mod)
    2 pigs (mod)
    6 chickens(mod)
    The left over money is used on mood supplies and barrels.

    This set up is nice, even tho I dont usualy use the anvil again after making the axe, hammer/shield, and a spare pick for another cople of years I Dont have to worry about buying it either.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    I see we have 2 different strategies.

    My strategy for the area I suggested is... Dig fast underground, build walls fast to keep the alligators out (untill they are all dead, they dont seem to respawn) and normally a moat filled with river water flowed through 2 or 3 fortifications.

    Most of the time I still have to train an army after I get my first ambush. But with a moat and raised bridge I am safe.
    And if those goblins are stupid enough to stay around after I trained my troops... they die horribly.

    That is why I use 5 proficient miners and 3 masons, digging channels and building walls fast.

    Ow yeah and by the way... Are we playing with or without the economy? I personally got it disabled in the init file.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  3. #43

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    I would just for convienence sake.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)


    Starting Build
    Udil Ekastoslan - M - Proficient Miner - Competent Mason - Engraver
    Rovod Tosedoslan - V - Proficient Miner - Competent Mason - Engraver
    Bembul Veshustuth - V - Proficient Woodcutter - Proficient Carpenter
    Asob Kuletnunok - V - Proficient Farmer - Proficient Brewer
    Libash Onuldallith - M - Proficient Mason - Proficient Engraver - Building Designer
    Lorbam Oltarokil - V - Proficient Appraiser - Proficient Record Keeper
    Olin Rigothcatten - M - Proficient Miner - Competent Mason Engraver

    Starting Equipment


    6 Sturdy dwarves and myself of course arrived at hour new home, for now it is not really a lot to look at, but together with my hopefully new friends we are going to make this place worthy of the king.

    After a short discussion about were to actually dump the wagon the decision was made for us by the gods and the axle broke.

    Apparently I have been chosen to actually lead this group since they all start to look at me for what to do. Since I had no idea what to do I sent them out to scout the area a bit while I think of something to do.
    Not long after I send them away some of them came back running screaming “Alligator!! Alligator!! We need to move from this place”.
    After explaining to them that with the broken axle we were not going any were unless they wanted to carry everything on there backs it was agreed to stay here, but don’t go near the river. For now that is.

    6st Granite, 201, Early Spring.
    A large amount of blood flowed in the river today, upon examining it appeared to be a Sea Lamprey only with all those chucks everywhere it was impossible to be 100% positive. We were pretty shook up about it and wondered what in the name of Amok we got ourselves into now.

    11th granite, 201, Early Spring
    One of the many Alligators housing the area came way to close for comfort nobody got hurt, but it does appear that a wall is needed sooner then later.

    16th slate, 201, Mid-Spring
    Again the alligator came to visit our campsite. Bembul Veshustuth asked me if she had my permission to give it a go at killing it I had to say no for her own protection. When she asked why not I told her that I had a really bad feeling about this alligator.
    I did however give permission to construct the walls after it had left the immediate area..

    5th Hematite, 201, Early Summer
    The wall has been completed, however a special project I that was in my mind had to be cancelled seeing 3 Fire Imps watching the opposite shore to close for comfort. Who knows I get lucky, but at least the farm is running, the wall is build on the East, South and West side of camp, the riverside is still open.

    10th hematite, 201, Early Summer
    Considering it quite safe outside I have ordered Bembul Veshustuth to cut down all the trees, Asob Kuletnunok to keep up the good work with her farm and all us lazy miners, masons and traders to gather all plants within our perimeter giving us a nice amount of food and wood to last us a little while I hope for as long as we have time that is.

    14th Limestone, 201, Early Autumn
    One of the alligator got himself killed when he annoyed the Dwarves caravan, not much was left of it after his encounter with the guards or at least that was what I was told.
    After the Fire Imps left the immediate river area I was able continuo with my special project and constructed a nearly square wall with the river running straight through the middle of our perimeter. Normally that wouldn’t be bad. Although it appears that an alligator has taken up refuge inside that small piece of the river. We shall see how that turns out.

    Ow yes… The traders arrived. Quite nice of them, but I have nothing to trade at the moment. Ordered 1 of the miners to quickly make some rock craft, but doubt it will be enough to do much good, at least I get to make arrangements for my successor.
    I ordered loads of food, seeds and of course an anvil.

    2nd Moonstone, 201, Early Winter
    Not much to report at this time.
    We got a small 3*7 moat and a draw bridge as an entrance. The lever to operate it has been constructed in the dining room.
    Finally getting the bedrooms furnished. Right now I have ordered 60 2*2 rooms to dig out and furnished with beds, doors, cabinets and coffers.
    Got 1 bedroom/office/dining room completed for the expedition leader and digging out 1 bedroom/office/dining room for the trader dwarf. Not sure when he got demoted, but I did notice a change in attitude lately from him.

    1st granite, 202, Early Spring
    A year has passed and a lot of work has been done, but it is time for me to let someone else run this place for a while and I hope that my successor will let me work my favourite job in peace. By the way… That’s digging.

    This year we have build:
    - A nice dining hall with 28 tables and 28 chairs,
    - 60 2*2 rooms have been created and all have beds and doors. Only 30 of them also have a rock cabinet and coffer, but hey we are only with 7 dwarfs right now.
    - 2 bedroom/office/dining rooms for the expedition leader and for our trader (all they would need for now would be cabinets and coffers.
    - 1 farm, but room for 3 more although 2 are currently used as general storage area
    - 3 Craft workshops
    - 3 Mason workshops
    - 1 Mechanics workshops
    - 2 Carpenters workshops
    - 2 Stills
    - 1 Farmer workshop (not finished due to lack of skill)
    - 1 Kitchen (not finished due to lack of skill)
    - Cleared room for what was intended as the leather industry (room for Butcher shop, Tanner, Leather works and storage) and cloth industry (room for Loom, Clothier’s shop, Dye’s shop (no Millstone or Quern) and storage)
    - Large perimeter has been walled off, even on the “magma” side of the shore with constructed floors. The perimeter has plenty of room for (for example) multiple outdoor farms.
    - Draw bridge with lever for primary defense against and/or access to the outside world
    - Trade Depot has been constructed, even occupied by the Dwarves caravan, only not yet used for trade. Also it is constructed outside.

    Special note to my successor…
    After construction of the walls and floors an alligator has swam under the wall and floors and nested him/herself near our shores.
    Only this has been so for 4-5 months, no movement what so ever.

    As for the save file:

    Using the unmodded game + graphic pack from the link earlier in this thread.

    Tcei? you next?
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  5. #45

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    *cracks knuckles* Alright.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Al right after some hickups with getting this started here's my part


    Quote Originally Posted by 12th Granite, 202 (Early Spring)
    So I've been selected to run this place for the next year. After a quick look around, I've set up some goals

    1. Set up the area for the eventual forges
    2. Find out who Rvlion told to make stone crafts and congratulate him on his new career.
    3. Aquire anvil
    4. This room could use some engravings.
    5. Wonder if we can capture that Aligator?
    6. Thick-
    "Mam! The miners report they found alunite!"
    "That's nice."

    6. Thicker walls, for defence, I dont like the look of those imps.
    7.Beat our Administrator for-
    "Uh.... they're here to trade...?"
    "Why would the goblins trade with us?"
    "Um..they're elves?"
    "You just said they're goblins..."
    "No I didnt."
    "Yes you did"
    "Did not"
    "Did too! Anyways Im busy here, go trade with them or what ever it is you do."
    "Yes mam"
    "Ugh! Now I have ink all over my book."

    Quote Originally Posted by 21st Granite
    Our Administrator/Trader told me the elves had a tame alligator for sell! Sadly their pathetic mules couldnt carry even one of our cabnets. We did get some basic food, but a tame alligator would have been so much better! Just think! all our fears of the river would be over! In other news digging goes well towards the future forges. Our new craftsdwarf has been reprimanded for slacking off (and costing us an alligator), and plans are being made to sort out our stocks.
    Quote Originally Posted by 7th Slate
    Work has started on smoothing out of mine and our Administrator's room (But only because he put up such a fuss). The elves are still hanging around the depot, even tho we told them we have nothing left to trade- freaks. I've been drawing up plans for a more specialized storage area, it really bugs me that everything is all jumbled up, as soon as-
    "Mam! Migrants!"
    "Ugh! Cant I have 5 minutes alone with my journal!?!"
    "B-but the migrants..."

    We got migrants in today,19 to be exact, I had to tell some that they were getting new professions, not all of them were that happy about it.
    1- siege operator- now a butcher and in his off time a farmer. Wasnt happy
    1- Clothier
    4-Pesents- now part of the military, none happy about it
    1- Woodworker, now just a Woodcutter
    1- Dyer - he'll also cover the weaving until we find a proper weaver
    1- Leather worker, said he knew how to tan hides too
    -1 kitten
    1- Leather worker turned stone crafter, not very good at it, but what use are 2 leather workers right now?
    1-Animal Trainer, also doubles as a plant proscesser, didnt seem to care that much.
    -Cow calf
    1- hunter, not allowed to hunt until I have my aligator - Very angry
    1- Seige Engineer turned mason not thrilled.
    1- Blacksmith
    1- Pump operator, may have uses later
    1- Miner, useful
    1- Furnace operator, useful later
    Quote Originally Posted by 19, Slate (Mid-spring)
    Something strange has happened to one of our woodworkers, she got all secretive and withdrew from everyone.. then claimed a carpenter's shop for her own, grabbed bunches of wood, then started drawing pictures of forest and gems all over the shop. Someone said he'd seen this before, and we needed gems or she'd go and murder everyone. I dont want to die.
    Quote Originally Posted by 20th, Slate
    Scrapped my plans for expanding our stockpiles temporarily, and put a hold on the digging for our future forge area in favor of finding some gems. We have to find those gems!
    Quote Originally Posted by 23, Slate
    No one knows what he was doing near the river.. only that he fell in and the alligator ate him.. Rest in peace Olin Ropepet.
    Quote Originally Posted by 6th Felsite
    Are there no gems? Are we doomed? I've decided to take up mining to help.
    Quote Originally Posted by 21st Felsite
    No gems still, but at least the basis for my storage expansion is ready. Ordered some animals butchered for leather armor. As a last attempt we dug down deeper.

    End Part 1

  7. #47

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    1st Hemetite (Early Summer)
    Dug down as deep as we dared, only thing we found was some aluminum, we're doomed.
    Quote Originally Posted by 3rd Hemitite
    Gems! Oh dear sweet Armok, there is hope yet! I've taken it upon myself to personally cut these gems. Im a hero!
    Quote Originally Posted by 5th Hemitie
    Before I had time to set down the first gem I cut she ran over and snatched it from my hands! She's now working furiously in her shop, what is she doing?
    Quote Originally Posted by 9th of Hematite
    After 4 long days of furious work, she emerges, with Edtul Med, The Groove of Abating! I think I'll install it in my room. I did, after all, save us all.
    Quote Originally Posted by 26th Hematite
    In all the excitement a proper burial for poor Olin was forgotten, I've decided his empty coffin will be placed in the spot where I found the gems. Its a shame we cant recover his remains...
    Quote Originally Posted by 16th Malachite
    Olin was laid to rest today in a simple ceremony, few knew him, but he will be missed. Work has begun again on the stockpile expansion and was completed for the future forges. Also have started building a proper barracks for our military.
    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Malachite (mid-summer)
    Migrants arived today, I shall have to review all our jobs to figure everything out properly, but those that have arrived are now:
    1-furnace operator
    -1 cow calf
    1-Soap Maker
    -2 Mules
    1- Animal Disector
    Quote Originally Posted by 13th Galena (Late summer)
    Food and drink have been moved down next to the dinning hall (Soon to be smoothed and engraved), stock piles have be set up for our future metal bar production, as well as metal ores. We are now drowning in stone mugs. The barracks are coming along nicely, if things go as planned there'll be several bedrooms a small area for food and drink, as well as the armory, I envision a-
    Mam! The Aligator, Athelnist, has struck again! Its Asmel this time!
    What! Get the military! We'll take down this threat once and for all!

    Quote Originally Posted by 22nd Galena
    After several days chase, Athelnist, or Ringfear in the common tongue, has been driven from our territory with luck he'll never return. Preparations have been made for Asmel Roofglazed. I think I'll lay him to rest next to Olin. May their sacrifices never be forgotten.
    Part 2 End

  8. #48

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Quote Originally Posted by 1st Limestone (Early Autumn)
    After slipping and twisting my ankle on the rain slicked central staircase I've decided to build a roof over it to keep out the rain. Digging goes well with the storage level, Asmel's remains have be temporarily moved to a grave yard. Pending the digging of his tomb.
    Quote Originally Posted by 16th Limestone
    The caravan from the mountain homes arrived today, the larger wagons bypassed us because a tree had grown up in front of the bridge while we werent looking... I've sent our Administrator to see what the smaller carts brought. Oh and there's a fire near the lava pipe.
    Quote Originally Posted by 28th Limestone
    Our year long mug making frenzy has paid off with several barrels of drink, some food and an anvil. It wasnt as bad as I feared. As an added bonus we have a second crazy, this time our mug maker...yay..
    Quote Originally Posted by 4th Sandstone
    After grabbing several pieces of alunite he's now begun furiously working. Good news is our humble home is now assessable for the larger wagons, and the fire has stopped!
    Quote Originally Posted by 8th Sandstone (mid Autumn)
    He's finished! A mighty fine scepter if you ask me! The miners have also finally gotten around to digging out the tombs. Also installed our first smelter and forge!
    Quote Originally Posted by 28th Sandstone
    I got my aligator!
    Quote Originally Posted by 6th Timber (late Autumn)
    More migrants, Asmel was offically laid to rest. A small area has been set aside for training animals.
    2-Peasants turned soldiers
    1- Mechanic (need to remember to set up some traps)
    1- Miller
    1-Hunter (Im leery of letting him hunt around here)
    1 Stonecrafter who I promptly reassigned as a bonecarver.
    -1 cow calf
    Quote Originally Posted by 1 Moonstone (Early winter)
    Things have been quiet lately. I think I'll be glad when my term is over.
    Quote Originally Posted by 17th Moonstone
    As I was making my morning rounds, checking on the various building projects I heard the cry of alarm, we were under attack! The goblins had made it passed our gates! Lost were two of our soldiers Litast Mansiongriffon, Nil Lancespirits, and Kol Postheat, but we killed every last goblin! Their deaths were not in vain! I hope the remaining soldiers can survive until we find some iron or at least copper. They shall be laid to rest immediately.
    Quote Originally Posted by 20th Opal (Mid Winter)
    The gates have remained shut since the attack. Work continues on the barracks, and the tombs for the fallen heroes are nearly done. Im tired.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1st Obsidian (Late Winter)
    One of our mechanics has gone all weird and claimed a mechanics shop for herself. I have no time to watch tho, I want to make the coffins of our heroes extra special.
    7th Obsidian
    A mechanism, with moons and crescents! Finished encrusting the last coffin today. The last of our heroes will be laid to rest this evening.
    1st Granite
    My year as boss is up, now its time for someone else. Over all I did ok...I think...despite loosing five of my fellow dwarves, I've built a barracks, begun organizing the stock piles, got the forge up and running. A rather nice catacomb set up for our dead, cloth industry has begun, tho we need a mill stone and extra bags for dye, leather is also up and running -sorta. Some exploration is needed to find more gems I think. We only have a few left now.
    End Part 3

  9. #49

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Heh that alligator got frisky for a bit there, trying to send the guards after him he kept ducking into the river and ponds to escape before running off the map. I put a roof over the stairwell to prevent dwarves from being trapped on a level when told to stay inside.

    Lost 5 dwarves this year and gained 3 artifacts.

    Tcei build herself a room next to the Administrator's... its only slightly larger. Catacombs for the dead are down several levels right off the stairwell feel free to expand as you see fit

    The bottom level of the barracks are finished, save for food storage that I forgot to add on. There's a total of 8 2x2 bedrooms for the soldiers and a armor stockpile set to accept only things dwarves can wear, same goes for the weapon stockpile. The secondfloor isnt complete. So far the south end is mostly done, containing 4 2x2 and and 4 3x2 rooms I didnt start the north side yet. You'll need to roof over the rooms to place beds.

    As mentioned I dug out a level for storage, I've a few specialty stockpiles set up, for furniture, bins,gems and animals. Smoothed the "nobles" rooms, and smoothed and engraved the Dinning hall. Should check it out, got some interesting engravings.

    Also asigned some hotkeyes for ease of movment
    F1- the Gate (or surface level)
    F2- Main work area
    F3-Main living area
    F4-Storage level
    F5 Catacombs. (Can currently house ~20 dead dwarves)

    As I had such issues with getting this to run Im uploading the entire folder, in two versions. Be sure to edit the int to fit your screen Both work.
    First version is with the graphics the DragonBoy has.
    Second Version is with no graphics (the way Im used to playing)

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Who is going to resume the next year anyways?
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  11. #51

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    *shrugs* Give it a few more days and if noone volunteers you can?

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Ow dear... I guess we can always keep playing this way (you one year, I one year ) untill we die out.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  13. #53

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Ah, sorry guys. I got distracted with other stuff (such as my birthday) and forgot about this thread. I'll do the next year if you want, just need to read up on what everyone's done so I can get my bearings before I accidentally tear the whole fortress down around us :P

  14. #54

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Um, that said, I apparently can't download anything more from rapidshare today so I'll have to start like tomorrow or something when I actually get the files downloaded. Weird.
    It might also help to upload the files to sharebee in the future because that then uploads to a ton of other sites too.

    In the meantime, my skills are all rusty again so I'm going to practice...

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Relax and take your time...

    This is not the Bay12 forum you know.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  16. #56

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    EDIT: Ok, finally got everything working.

    Geeze you two set up a massive fortress! I'll start once I've gotten my bearings (and some free time)...
    Last edited by SinOfSuns; July 25th, 2009 at 04:03 PM.

  17. #57

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Journal of Sibrek ‘Ironhand’ Zulbanmigrur

    1st Granite, 203
    So… I’m a tinkerer. I’m not a noble, not a digger, not a brawler or a chef. I make things that make our lives easier. Traps, machines, facilities, all that. In fact, working with metal and stone so much has earned me the nickname “Ironhand”, one that still brings a grimace to my face every time I hear it. After all, it’s the fault of that nickname that I’m here now, in charge of a massive fortress instead of sitting peacefully in my workshop tinkering!

    My plan seemed simple enough – migrate out to this fledgling fortress, earn twice my weight in gold from doing simple tasks while under the safe protection of the fortress’ guards and then take my riches and go build a tower somewhere. No problem, right? Well it seems my nickname caught the eye of whoever was in charge, and they decided “Hey, Ironhand sounds like what we need! Discipline, strength, he’s got it all!” Oh, and they just happened to forget to mention in the brochure that this daft place changes leaders every year, so guess whose turn it is now!

    Yeah that’s right. Old “Ironhand” Zulbanmigrur, that’s who! Ah geeze… I’d better go have a look at what needs doing before these buffoons run the fortress into the ground and blame it on me!

    Still 1st Granite, 203
    Well, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that the fortress was in pretty good hands before I got here. There’s enough facilities here for about 4 times the population we have now (hopeful, aren’t they?), the area is surrounded by walls to make sieging harder on our foes, and everyone seems pretty cheerful despite being surrounded by alligators and under threat of invasion at any minute.

    Of course the bad news is that our “military” consists of two Dwarves. Granted, they are two legendary Dwarves, but really, do you expect them to hold off a siege all on their own? Ugh… Aran lend me strength. Well anyway, looks like my first order of business is to scrape together four or five of these layabout Dwarves that are just slacking off and tell them to beat each other up until someone figures out how to hold an axe properly. Meanwhile, I’m going to start whipping up a few… surprises for any would-be intruders, and eh, while I’m at it, I think I’ll have ‘em upgrade my quarters. Guess there’s a few perks to being in charge.
    Last edited by SinOfSuns; July 26th, 2009 at 05:25 AM.

  18. #58

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    Yet again 1st Granite, 203

    Forming a military squad was much easier than I’d anticipated. First of all, I noticed two Dwarves just lazing about. When demanded their names, they told me Inod Usthuthser and Dodok Altheltan. “So,� I asked casually, “What do you do around here?� They looked at each other.
    “Um… nothing?�
    “Right then, military work for you! Inod, congratulations, you’re squad leader.�
    “Really? Awesome! We’re going to be called ‘The Whips of Dominating!’�
    “Um… on second thought, you’re the leader, Dodok. I don’t think Inod understands what being a soldier is about…�
    “Ok, sir. How about my squad be known as the ‘Carnages of Shielding’?�
    “Hmmm, effective, honest and probably exactly what you’ll be doing. I like it. However, I just noticed that Mosus there can use a crossbow pretty well, so you’ll be taking leadership after you’ve surpassed him in skill.�
    “Yes, sir!�
    “Inod, wipe that disappointed look off of your face. You’re going to be joining me in the siege engine squad-“
    “…where I can make sure you don’t molest anyone.�
    “Pardon, sir?�
    “Nothing. Get a move on, we’re due for an attack any time now!�

    It occurred to me as they rushed off that I needed more than two members in my squad. So I asked around a bit.
    “You there, what’s your profession?�
    “Pump operator, sir!�
    “Oh, nice. Where’s the pump anyway?�
    “What pump?�
    “…in the military with you, smartass. And you over there?�
    “I’m an animal dissector!�
    “That means I cut up small animals and-“
    “Yes, yes I get it. Go join the military, hurry!
    Now, I’m almost afraid to ask, but… you?�
    “Furnace operator.�
    “Oh good. Wait, don’t we already have like 5 of those?�
    “Um… I gue-“

    And so on. By the end of the day, I had 6 new recruits, and two willing volunteers for the siege engine squad. Which, by the way, is the surprise I wrote about earlier, but there will be more on that later when it’s actually ready.

    “The elves are here! Well, let’s make them feel welcome. Lower the drawbridge, lads. …lads? What do you mean you don’t know where the lever is?! How am I supposed to let them in if you lost the lever?!� – Excerpt from the famous event “first tantrum of Ironhand�, 10th Granite 203
    The writing resumes here…

    10th Granite, 203

    Well. Seems my predecessors thought it would be funny if we played a game of hide and seek with the lever for the drawbridge! Luckily for me, I found it just before the elves got all huffy, so that smoothed out our relations a little. I ordered the Dwarves to bring out some of our trade goods, at which point I noticed that there was a Dwarf whose sole job in the fortress was to carve little rock ornaments. I at once felt both sympathy and admiration for this courageous individual, and decided to make good use of his incredibly boring job to get us something amazing for our fortress.

    Unfortunately, I forgot these were elves that I was trading with. All they had was rope, wine, berries and a bunch of useless child’s toys. I traded some of our overwhelmingly large fortune to them to keep them happy, and bought all of their arrows for our marksdwarves to train with. Since I rope is always handy, I bought some of that too. Oh, and I bought a bear. Because I want one. Oh shush, you’re just jealous.

    Seems we have some comedians in our little fortress. I asked Libash Onuldallith to engrave the back walls of my room for me. He clearly wasn’t too enthused about it and decided to cover my walls with engravings of elves killing humans. After a stern reprimand, I sent him back to try again. “Engrave the most amazing thing you can think of!� I enthused to him. Naturally, I come back to an engraving entitled “The Most Ache�, which is basically just a picture of Libash himself! Can’t get good help these days, I swear…

    Since the drawbridge is down anyway for the elves, I decided to let my woodcutters loose on the nearby woods to replenish our quickly-dwindling supply of wood. I’m keeping a sharp eye out for dangerous wildlife, but it seems that they all left for the season or something because it’s actually pretty calm so far…

  19. #59

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    *Is jealous of your bear ownership*

  20. #60

    Default Re: Dwarf Fortress (more time wastage ahead!)

    That journal is ossum. 8D
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

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