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Thread: Micro-Transaction Store

  1. #1

    Default Micro-Transaction Store

    One of the biggest reasons that the developers at Vit give for not implimenting things on Istaria is lack of money. This is understandable given our small (though very loyal) player base. What I want to know (in a way that the devs can see it and make decisions from) is if the player community would support a micro-tranaction store? If you would what would you like to see on it? What would you not want to see on it?

    A Couple of things I would like to see (me personally) some of wich have been mentioned on other threads are:

    1. Character apperance change (not race change)
    2. Additional Character Slots
    3. Additional Plot Slots
    4. Social Clothing
    5. Additional Vault space
    6. Additional Consigner space
    7. Additional Consigner time
    8. Account Shared Vault (as a seperate vault)

    Things I would not like to see:
    1. Potions that increase xp gained
    2. Power Equipment

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    Istaria already does a few of those things. You can add character slots, plot slots, and consigner space to an already existing account. I also expect that character appearance changes will not be free, as charging for such a thing seems standard for MMOs.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  3. #3

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    guess I need to browse the website more.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    Note that "Add character/plot/consigner" is all one bulk package and is accomplished by purchasing a second *subscription* on the same account.

    They can't be purchased separately, and it's "monthly rental" not "one-time-purchase".
    - Kesqui - Formerly of Ice, now of Chaos, lair in Liak
    First Rebirth 12-12-2003 / Ascended to Ancient 12-12-2010

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    That's true of buying a plot slot only, and the devs have said in the past that they feel that the $15 is worth the plot anyway, so why not get the extra char slots and whatnot with it?

    You can add character and consignment slots without adding a whole subscription, but it is true that it is not a one-time transaction. E.g., adding character slots is an extra $5 a month, I believe.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  6. #6

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    It's not really the same thing as a micro transaction.... unless you're playing Vindictus. Why anyone would pay for something that expires in 30 days is beyond me, so might just be what I view micro transaction to be: a permanent item for a one-time payment.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    I view it the same way. I guess technically the only real "micro transaction" type thing on the OP's list would be the social clothing. All the other things affect how much server usage a player gets, and anything like that always seems to have a monthly charge rather than a one-time one.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  8. #8

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    I would like to see their store first be made a little bit cleaner and easier to grasp.

    I would want to see them offer:

    Appearance Change
    Shared Vault
    Special Plot Decorations
    Special Clothing (Attuned)
    Multiple Log Ins

    I would not want to see them offer:

    EXP Boosters
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  9. #9

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Kesqui View Post
    Note that "Add character/plot/consigner" is all one bulk package and is accomplished by purchasing a second *subscription* on the same account.

    They can't be purchased separately, and it's "monthly rental" not "one-time-purchase".
    ahh...and that's not was I was talking about at all.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    That's true of buying a plot slot only, and the devs have said in the past that they feel that the $15 is worth the plot anyway, so why not get the extra char slots and whatnot with it?

    You can add character and consignment slots without adding a whole subscription, but it is true that it is not a one-time transaction. E.g., adding character slots is an extra $5 a month, I believe.
    Where do you do that? I searched the website last night for options and couldn't find them, might of missed but things are confusing.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    My accounts
    Add/renew service

  12. #12

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    I too think it would be good for the devs for a Micro-store (one time fee, perma-whatever in game), however I know things like social clothing and special plot items, or any "fluff" put in game through the store also takes developmental time. Tiome that people ar also going to want being spent putting fluff in game that doesn't require a $$ purchase to gain.

    So on the small scale it becomes which portion of which group's time do you devote to "store" things vs. "avaialble to regular sub players" in game.

    Because the "slippery slope" becomes a problem when dev time is used for extra $$ fluff items that then results in less time being spent for fluff items in game that don't require the extra $$$. Then you get pissed off players complaining that "all the new cool stuff we have to pay extra for!" and "Nothing new comes in game anymore unless its on the store!" (ala SOE and EQII store).

    We already have that small team - and I can't imagine what portion of the players could end up quitting because XYZ items get put on a microtransaction store when either 1-the paying player base has been begging for it for years and suddenly its only available via $$ money (i.e. in game character alteration, shared vaults, etc.) or 2-when the devs "dont have time" to activate/implement other things in game (i.e holidays) but they "have time" to develop new fluff items for the in game store or 3-new content rolls out on the store x2 or x3 times as fast as new things in game.

    Any of the above scenariors would leave a bad taste in many player's mouth I feel, since the devs have hounded on us again and again about how limited their dev time is on the things they are always working on - to suddenly have things being developed for "the store" and "real cash transactions" could result in very bad mojo going around.

    ALSO - as some of you have suggested having "character appearance change" an option on the store - remember for it to be an option the game engine and mechaincs have to already be in PLACE and actually POSSIBLE to do. As of right now, until the mechanic goes live = that isn't even a possibility no matter if it costs 5 extra bucks or not. Kinda like asking for shared vaults - unless its actually possible with the curent engine its kinda pointless asking for the possibility with $$ transactions.

    Now - I personally would not mind things like shared vault, customization options (once both technologies were actualy possible lol), individuaally purchased plots or character slots that didnt take a monthly fee to add (though would have to cost more than a monthly fee to own, after all that's 14.95 the devs lose every month you have an extra plot without an extra sub), and/or tons of fluff items (that have in game-alternates) for purchase with RL money.

    But NEVER any "game effecting" purchases such as others have said - stat equipment, XP potions, or heaven forbid new races or new housing options or some-such.

    I think its a great idea if impelmented in small chunks and ONLY if alternate items (i.e. the social clothing) are also avialable in game (i.e. Look A is craftable in game, but if you want Look B you gotta pay for it) AND if such development somehow doesn't subtract from already divided dev time for the game.

    I just see it also opening up a whole can of worms, and destroying some of our players and community - as it has done in SEVERAL other games this has gone live for. Having played EQII for hte last few years I've seen how SOE has gone from "we will never put items on the marketplace that would effect gameplay" to basically just lying through their teeth ans going back on such statements, and then talking in gamerdev-double talk to try and get around the fact that they've lied through their teeth.

    I dont think our devs would do such lying, but sometimes that $$$ can cause people to change perspectives and come up with "alternate explanations" as to why such things "dont effect gameplay" (Hey if you don't want to be that new race it doesn't effect you just dont buy it!) *sighs*
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    No vote for that here.

    There are enough players here who can hardly affort their monthly sub.
    I could not be happy with anything, others can`t have too, due to rl money!
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    I am against the idea of paying additional things like this. There is already the different accounts' types, like the less expensive in which we can't get a lair or a plot.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    The day Istaria gets a micro-store is the day my sub ends. Had it happen in too many games already. No longer would Istaria be a world unto itself. Istaria items would be purchasable in real-world transactions with real-world money and those without money in the real world become those without these items in Istaria. Gone is immersion when things start appearing in-game that can't be acquired in-game with in-game resources. Just don't do it!
    Being self-sufficient isn't being able to do everything; rather, self-sufficiency is the art of surviving on that which you are able to do for yourself.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    The only reason I could imagine this game really gets a Micro-Transaction system is for various plot or lair fluff… Items that are available for regular players, but for sale as well in different colors for example 1 banner/mural/insert item for 1 time buy, or multiples for a slight discount… 5 for the price of 4.

    As for items like Crystals or anything that gives “buying” players a slight edge over other people I stand neutral. We should not forget that this game is PvE, not PvP so in fact any edge cannot do so much damage unless it makes you strong enough to solo any of the epics (and I know some have solo’d SoG already, but also the others???), but that would make it overpowered anyway and would need a nerf.
    Anyway what difference would it make if for example a crystal which has +170 Health instead of the regular +150 crystals, or +80 Armor instead of +65 Armor.

    It means extra money for the Developers which might perhaps be used to hire a freelance programmer for a short time.

    If you want to buy you buy, if you do not want to buy you can still do everything this game has to offer…
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
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  17. #17

    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    If you want to buy you buy, if you do not want to buy you can still do everything this game has to offer…
    Yup, that's always the justification given. The fact is though that if that stuff didn't enhance the game experience in some way then nobody would buy it. The game isn't all about what you can 'do', so just because you could still 'do' everything doesn't mean you could still experience all the game has to offer.
    Being self-sufficient isn't being able to do everything; rather, self-sufficiency is the art of surviving on that which you are able to do for yourself.

  18. #18
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Micro-Transaction Store

    please, no micro store with game items bought with real life money.
    this is never a good idea, if you want a game filled with real players and not uber level noobs....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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