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Thread: Consigner selling periods

  1. #1

    Default Consigner selling periods

    Back in the days (2003+) we had consigerns to sell our stuff to highest prices and get rich. Tools, armor, weapons, spells, tech components - even ressources were traded on a daily basis.

    Nowadays most of the consigners are bancrupt and have closed their shops. Still, some of us fill consigners so that others might find one or the other nice item. It's no longer business, it's a community service - one I'm grateful for, thanking those that still fill the consigners.

    But - you load a consigner with stuff hardly anyone will ever need, you pay the consigners service fee - and two weeks later you've got it all back in your vault. Thats frustrating and not really helping the community.

    Look into trades: there are hardly any sales. Yes, food, potions, scrolls, certain crystals - these are selling more or less. But anything else - weapons, armor, tools,.. - the market for these items is extremely small.

    I've got 150 consignment slots - what for? Even if I decide to put something up for sale, it won't be bought. At least not within these 2 weeks.

    So, I'd really like to see a change to the consignment system. As the number of consigners has been adjusted over the time, I feel another adjustment is necessary in the way consigners deal with the items. Why not put the items for sale for 4, 6 or even 8 weeks? It'll help both the economy and the occasional new player.

    <My observations come from Order, but I don't think that Chaos will be much better.>
    Dvergar Blutaxt @ Unity (former ICE) / Paladin 97 - Mason 100 // before hibernation

  2. #2

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    I agree that if the time things are listed were longer more people would be able to buy them.

    Also if there was some way to link the consigners so you could buy from any location. ?
    100 / 100 / 100 / 100 Lunus
    "Mythclaws" Saris

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    Yeah the main reason I rarely sell things at all is because I get roughly 90% of any given thing I try to sell back in my vault after just 2 weeks. If I could list it longer then I would probably sell things more often because, let's be honest, I'm lazy :3

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  4. #4

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    Quote Originally Posted by Dvergar View Post
    Back in the days (2003+) we had consigerns to sell our stuff to highest prices and get rich. Tools, armor, weapons, spells, tech components - even ressources were traded on a daily basis.

    Nowadays most of the consigners are bancrupt and have closed their shops. Still, some of us fill consigners so that others might find one or the other nice item. It's no longer business, it's a community service - one I'm grateful for, thanking those that still fill the consigners.

    But - you load a consigner with stuff hardly anyone will ever need, you pay the consigners service fee - and two weeks later you've got it all back in your vault. Thats frustrating and not really helping the community.

    Look into trades: there are hardly any sales. Yes, food, potions, scrolls, certain crystals - these are selling more or less. But anything else - weapons, armor, tools,.. - the market for these items is extremely small.

    I've got 150 consignment slots - what for? Even if I decide to put something up for sale, it won't be bought. At least not within these 2 weeks.

    So, I'd really like to see a change to the consignment system. As the number of consigners has been adjusted over the time, I feel another adjustment is necessary in the way consigners deal with the items. Why not put the items for sale for 4, 6 or even 8 weeks? It'll help both the economy and the occasional new player.

    <My observations come from Order, but I don't think that Chaos will be much better.>
    things get sold on chaos very quickly.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  5. #5

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    The timer used to be just 1 week. It was increased to 2 for the reason you mention.

    I think 2 weeks is long enough really.

    If it was much longer, consigners would become long term storage, which they already are somewhat. Guild silos full? Just put cargodisk fulls on the guild connie, leave it there for a month. Also, the connies could become cluttered with items either overpriced or no one wants anyway. The more items listed, the more sluggish and hard to find items it gets. With the 2 week setting, I know on Chaos the (NT) connie typically had 1500 items or more at any one time (guessing that's now in kion). It was slow loading, and couldn't display the entire listing. Filtering did help with that, but the new players might not know that needs done to find everything that's listed..

  6. #6

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    I think if we had double or triple the number of people in the game trying to purchase 2 weeks is enough but not at this time, it has to be longer I will not spend a whole day making foods for it to fall back into my vault every two weeks. it just should be adjusted to the activity of the servers.
    just my opinion.\
    Lillyjo, chaos server.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    Make it an option, let the seller decide whether the item should be 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 weeks on the consigners. The longer the period, the higher the consignment fee.
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    I dont agree with that best to not supply the connies and make or take orders from people who want to buy the items then make it. for them. it is not worth my while to bother making for someone else and pay more to sell it.

    Lillyjo, chaos' server

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    I barely use consigners at all because it's just not worth my time to keep re-stocking the same things over and over until they sell, and with Order's economy, I'd most likely be LOSING money by selling things there. The consignment fee is 10% of your selling price so every time you re-list it, you lose out on 10% more of your profit... it would just take 10 re-listings to get to the point of losing money. And with the way things sell on Order, you'd have to list it a lot more than that to get it sold (depending on the item of course- consumables sell reasonably well but equipment and tools definitely do not sell easily).

    I don't really care if I make money by selling things (coin is easy enough to get from hunting) but I'm certainly not going to be deliberately throwing my coin down a hole. So I keep my things hoarded away in my vault until I find someone who can use them or simply keep the materials handy to make things that are needed often- sandstone spell shards to make spells for new players for example.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  10. #10

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    Why don't things sell....why is the market failing?

    As has been established, consumables (namely: potions, food, scrolls, some crystals) sell really well. They have a high demand - people need them pretty much as much as they fight, and that's most of the time. As well a relatively low supply (especially on order) as not many are willing to make most of them in massive bulk outside of leveling purposes.

    Why don't tools, armour, weapons sell so much? Low demand and probably in the case of biped armour, a missing market for what is being sold at all.

    So unlike consumables these things people only need one of. I mean once you've got one tool you won't need another until you arrive at the next teir. So when you make a lot of them there's not many people to buy them since they've already got one. This applies to all equippable items really.

    Next is variation. I think we can all agree, being able to vary armour/weapons (and tools somewhat) through techs is great. But the problem is then...when i sell armour, what do i tech it with?
    Nobody wants unteched armour. t3 you'll need a couple to get by and t4 you're making it incredibly hard for yourself if you aren't fully techd out. As well, a fully teched t3 set is better than a plain/unteched t4 either way. t1 and 2 are really the only teirs one can get away with no techs.

    Dragon scales have less of an issue; there's 4 differnet variations for scale sets really (2 for magic 2 for melee) and armour-melee sets any melee dragon (note: most common) certainly would not reject. We cycle round to the ony needing one issue here. Anyone who falls outside of these 4 common sets though suffers the issue that ALL biped armour goes through:

    There's a lot of options. In cloth alone we have what, maybe 7 or 8 types of magic that'll be using. Chainmail has pretty much all biped non-magic options (with a few exceptions such as zerkers being limited to leather) and plate even covers most melee options. Having gear with techs that don't apply to you is pretty much as useless as unteched gear - no one wants it.
    Bipeds have such diverse builds even within one class...stat and attack type vary so much between them (honestly, even healers may not focus purely on healing...due to other mystic magics they have access to. And healers may not even be the healer class either! For that matter, i can only think of Zerker and the other two-handed weapon equivalents to be near assumable. But they're uncommon and sitll have diversity!).
    So we make armour, it isn't gonna shift without techs, but what techs do we put on it? It probably isn't gonna go either because of the wrong combo.

    Biped weapons suffer more from the only needing one issue than variation, since if you're using a certain weapon you probably want certain techs anyway. I mean, if using a 1-H sword power strike strength and 1-H slash are techs people desire, not to mention most weapons can be socketed anyway so they will sell plain - providing people don't have a better weapon (the only needing one issue).

    There's a demand for armours etc...just not the armours people supply because who knows what that specific person specifically needs.

    What can resolve that though? No amount of time is gonna fix people not requiring multiples nor will it fix the variation issues, in my opinion anyway.

    So i thought a lil yesterday about this and maybe some sorta request system would help? Asking for specifc armour sets in MP can yeild no replies when people there at the time aren't capable in some way to fulfil requests and people rarely follow up when they do become capable.
    So instead you put up a request somewhere for x peice of armour with y techs? I mean i haven't gotten far with that just a thought for now.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Consigner selling periods

    Quote Originally Posted by Terao View Post
    Make it an option, let the seller decide whether the item should be 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 weeks on the consigners. The longer the period, the higher the consignment fee.
    This is a great idea if it could be done. Reset the default timer to 1 week (the original time period) for the standard fee, Then add say a 4 week option and an 8 week option only, so as not to overcomplicate it. Impose double the fee for 4 weeks, triple the fee for 8 weeks. That way if something still fails to sell once, it's still way cheaper in listing fees over time, something Machaeon brought up.

    I myself really only craft on demand, usually for higher tier orders. But it's good that people keep at least tier 1 and 2 items easy to find for newer players.

    @Azath The reverse consignment idea has been put forth before. I believe it might have been too complicated or something, as dev's said it wasn't feasibile iirc. As far as the market for items in general goes, guilds or players crafting things for free have ruined any market for crafters trying to make a living. IMHO nothing wrong being being nice and helpful for the first couple tiers, but after that players should pay (again, my opinion). But even for tier 1 and 2, there should be some kind of cost to the player so they don't develop an expectation that everything will be free. That hurts the game in the long run. Dev's also tried helping with this by upgrading a lot of the "Refurbished" gear that npc's sold, and I believe even put in npc vendors for tier 2 items, which was all put in in an attempt to be sure that new players always had a source of gear and spells. Definitely not really a problem though, at least on Chaos. Milicent had over 800 items for sale the other day.

    All these changes circle around the same issue of consigners, and making sure new players have gear available. It seems to me that enough has already been done in this regard. But a few choices as to the consignment length seems a nice idea in any event.

    Also, don't taverns already have a much longer consignment time period? If not, those times could be increased for sure (8 weeks?).

    And Aedan, the technique consigner in Bristugo has a longer that normal listing time, as well as a cheaper fee. Be a nice idea if players could get more in the habit of using him. Perhaps some chat text on all the other consigners could point the way to him (just for comps). In fact, a quest from the other consigners could explain how Aedan works, and send the player to him to list something for sale. A simple quest that would familiarize players with him and the benefits of using him would be helpful for both players looking for comps as well as hunters looking to sell comps.
    Last edited by Guaran; January 3rd, 2016 at 07:58 PM.

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