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Thread: Just a few little suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Solitaire resident of Vella Island

    Default Just a few little suggestions

    Hello, I come here before you with a few smaller suggestions I've been thinking about a bit now.

    1° Trade Quantity All Button:

    Like the tittle says, I'm a little bit annoyed when I have to trade for example to Raghool, large ammounts of items. You double click on them and there shows the little quantity bar. The problem is that it is a little nerve consuming when each time you gotta catch the little pointer and get it to the full quantity you have. Since there already exists a button to solve the problem in crafting, where next to batch quantity there is an arrow button that makes all avaiable batches option, why not give it to the trade too?
    This way we can just click on it and it goes full quantity without need of moving that pointer all the time when you have a lot of items to sell/trade.

    2° Sleeping AFKness:

    The improvement of sleeping emote on dragons its amazing! With a catch. Not everyone that uses that emote is exactly AFK. And when you're talking to someone on tell, it automaticaly responds that you're AFK. Can that be fixed? I mean, when you use that emote, it can pop up a window sayng if you want to go AFK or keep being here. Or put a timer when someone is iddle for a x period of time, to make it go AFK mode or something.

    3° Center screen description:

    I see this may not be that mutch of a trouble, but I have for example my inventory window settled in the down corner of my screen so it fits with the rest of the UI. The trouble is that whenever I point my mouse on an dropped item, the description is half cut because it is shown down. I'm suggesting to make the description window settled in the middle of the screen, or some option to turn in or off that will show pop up windows in the middle, so it doesn't get cut at any time. Since I guess everyone drags the description window to the center to read it better.

    4° Silo/Plot Storaging Speed:

    This one is very annoying to me. Do you know those days you go hunting and get tons of cogs/broken armor/formulas and stuff? Then you want to put them away, maybe in your plot or lair, but it takes forever because every time you store something in, it takes like 10 seconds till you can put something else in? Yeah, I hate them too. Can there be made an improvement about it? I mean, to your vault you can take and get in a lot of stuff without waiting. And placing large ammounts of items to any plot storage is hell and consumes an hour. I suggest a speed up to no need to wait that long or at all for storaging, it would make hunting more pleasant.

    This is it for now, if I think about more ideas I'll post them here, since I had many more but I woke up and half of them were gone from my mind.

    Hope my prays will be listened. *Chuckles*

  2. #2

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Shazo View Post
    4° Silo/Plot Storaging Speed:

    This one is very annoying to me. Do you know those days you go hunting and get tons of cogs/broken armor/formulas and stuff? Then you want to put them away, maybe in your plot or lair, but it takes forever because every time you store something in, it takes like 10 seconds till you can put something else in? Yeah, I hate them too. Can there be made an improvement about it? I mean, to your vault you can take and get in a lot of stuff without waiting. And placing large ammounts of items to any plot storage is hell and consumes an hour. I suggest a speed up to no need to wait that long or at all for storaging, it would make hunting more pleasant.
    1. Go to List mode in the "giving" window
    2. Mark all items (click start, shift+click end of the list)
    3. move all items at once to the "receiving" window.

    Just one step instead of many
    Dvergar Blutaxt @ Unity (former ICE) / Paladin 97 - Mason 100 // before hibernation

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Solitaire resident of Vella Island

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    Yay! Thank you :3 dis saves a looot of time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Shazo View Post
    1° Trade Quantity All Button:
    Doesn't it automatically default to max, or do I just move the slider so fast that I forget?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shazo View Post
    2° Sleeping AFKness:
    Initially the emote was supposed to actually be attached to /afk as a literal 'Im afk' emote, but in the end it was given its own state. For now, if you type /sleep then /afk, you turn your afk notifications off without disrupting the emote.

    Good suggestions though, even if I kind of doubt they'll much more than low priority for a long time with all the devs have on their plate right now. ^^;

  5. #5

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Shazo View Post
    3° Center screen description:

    I see this may not be that mutch of a trouble, but I have for example my inventory window settled in the down corner of my screen so it fits with the rest of the UI. The trouble is that whenever I point my mouse on an dropped item, the description is half cut because it is shown down. I'm suggesting to make the description window settled in the middle of the screen, or some option to turn in or off that will show pop up windows in the middle, so it doesn't get cut at any time. Since I guess everyone drags the description window to the center to read it better.
    I can relate to this one.

    Not only do the description windows always seem to pop up tied to the bottom of whats being viewed, but half of the time, the window itself cuts off half of the description, even when you move the window up so you can see the whole thing. Items like my teched chest scales, bhm, etc. you can never see the full description. Would be nice if that was fixed, and hopefully it's something quite easy to adjust.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    The window being positioned off screen has been fixed in client release 390.17 and higher.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    Doesn't it automatically default to max, or do I just move the slider so fast that I forget?
    pretty sure it does because I double click an item, press enter, boom, whole stack sold

    on the afk thing, I agree that it's annoying that an emote is linked to something like that, but ah well, atleast there's a way to undo the afk state.

    Description/tooltip fix should be on blight as stated by Yfel, still have to test it myself (been kinda pulled away from ista lately hehe), but you should be able to use the "patch to blight" option in troubleshooting on the launcher to get the blight client to play on the live servers.

    and lastly, storage/silo speed is so slow simply because it has to update the quantities and what kind it is to the server, quickest way to fix this is list mode with shift+click, or object mode with ctrl+click
    Last edited by meepsa; March 20th, 2016 at 06:39 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    Oops nevermind, Meepsa got it, moving multiple items in grid (object) mode.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Solitaire resident of Vella Island

    Default Re: Just a few little suggestions

    Mkay, so from what Ive suggested, pretty mutch all but the position of the description and the AFK tag is kinda solved to say.

    Thank you all for your repplies!

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