Quote Originally Posted by Dyoniccus View Post

- I prefer to see the maintenance announcement posted 24h prior to said maintenance. Any patching, how trivial they may seems to the developers, needs to be communicated to the playerbase/community, even if its only to show the proper respect to said player base/community. The majority of our player base are mature people. Treat them as such
Isn't all that posted here? http://community.istaria.com/forum/f...nd-Maintenance

- A beginner quest in New Trismus asks you to defeat Cedar Treants. The quest sends you to Pratt's Pond, and suggest to look "above" it. Not north, not south, but above it. There are no Cedar Treant at or near Pratt's Pond. And above it is nothing but thin air. If a landmark has to be used to send people to the correct coordinates, then it has to be the Mill.

- Add level requirement indications to every adventure quest, so players know upfront what to expect.

- Players leaving New Trismus for the first time, have to be clearly informed that they will have major issues when dealing with adventure quests outside New Trismus when they are only level 10.
For above three - yes, a lot of quests need some rewording to have more specific directions and give details on how hard the player can expect it to be.

- Add some kind of friends-invite-feature. For example, if a player manages to recrute 5 new players to Istaria, said player could be rewarded with Loyalty Tokens, or something else. Maybe that would be a good incentive to increase the player base, which will hopefully lead to more funding

- Maybe add some more team orientated events for those not yet level 100 ? A few low level dungeons, so players get to learn how to interact and behave in teams and team fights.
If I recall correctly, there are several tombs/hard quests that, at the level you run across them, greatly encourage the player to group up by virtue of how difficult the task is. However, it's been a while and I don't know if the quests actually say 'you should probably get a group'. Ties in to the earlier thing with 'better directions/more details in quests'

- Gem-tipped claw formulas (which are drop only) have to be removed and replaced with buyable versions. The gap between adventure levels 19-44 and 57-82 is to big to have to rely on formulas from drop only. I would say even rare drop, because the mobs who drop said formula have such a big drop loot pool to choose from, it becomes very frustrating to grind them. And who wants to spend days grinding a formula, which will only allow the crafting of claws you will only temporarely use ? Yes, other players on Istaria have already found said formula, and can probably craft it for you ... if they happen to be online, if they happen to be willing, and so on ....

- Guild Vault. There is no reason why an mmorpg should not have a Guild vault/bank
I believe this is the purpose of those guild plot thingies, and lairs in general?

- Dragon Ingenuity ... what does it do, why is it listed under adventure, rather then craft ... it has a pink icon

- I open my character window, see all kinds of stats like strength, power, focus, armor and a lot of values for said stats.
But what do does values mean ? If my armor value is 447, how much damage is actually being mitigated ? What does 237 strength mean ? how much damage does this add to your regular attacks ?
I would also really like to see the math behind the numbers in my profile sheet. I think someone actually did all that stuff and it's in a forum post around here somewhere, but having it displayed in game would be lovely as well

- When I did my adult RoP, I had assistance from several dragons during my progress. At some point I was tasked with the killing of certain mobs in the Northrend Deadlands. Pale hatchling/Ghostly dragons level 60-61. During one of these encounters, I was assisted by a dragon who was lvl 100 for both adventure and crafting. He got surrounded at some point, by 1 Ghastly dragon, and maybe 3-4 Pale hatchling. It was not before long, that his health bar dropped to 50%.
This should not be. A fully leveled, Ancient dragon should be able to walk through entire Northrend Deadlands without loosing more then 10hp. If Ancient dragons are trully as powerfull as Istarian Lore would have us believe. Even if this was not the case, When finally reaching the top with your character, when finally reaching your peak, you should have a feeling that almost nothing can touch you, except for epic bosses. Look at the size and intimidation factor of an Ancient dragon ... then seeing a couple of hatchling beat it up so hard, I almost wanna cry
This travesty can no longer be allowed, lol - Make dragons a proud race once more ... and ALL powerfull
They were likely SEVERELY underscaled/geared. If not, then I don't know what to say because my ancient can nearly do what you say. Heck he can do that even with ~lv100 mobs

This is my list of suggestions for now, ill probably post some more as I keep playing the game.
Do not forget these ar merely suggestion, and should be treated as such.
I like Istaria, will continue to play it for now, and I will continue to pay for it through subscriptions.

Thank you for your time,
Thoughts in bold.